Code of Ethical Management

「Code of Ethical Management 」
Implementation Plan
Ⅰ. Purpose of Ethical Management
The term ‘Ethical Management’ is the fundamental management philosophy of DongHwa Entec. We established
the “ethics” as core value in business management and activities, and every business matter shall be carried out
in accordance with “Code of Ethics of DongHwa Entec”.
The Ethical Management will allow DongHwa Entec to be the global leader in 21st century, and to share its
accomplishments and values with “customer, employee, partner and shareholders”.
Ⅱ. 6-Principles of Ethical management
1. Customer Respect Management: respecting customers, providing value to customer, implementing promise
with customer, protecting customer’s interest
2. Law-abiding Management: complying with law, respecting free and competitive market principle,
legitimate colleting and utilizing information
3. Partner Respect Management: providing equal opportunity, fair business, pursue of mutual development,
positive interaction
4. Clean Management: complying with fundamental ethics, accomplishing mission, self-development, fair
business, prohibiting bribery between employees, prohibiting money lending and borrowing between employees,
prohibiting sexual harassment at workplace, prohibiting use of illegal software, safety management and
preventive measurement against potential risk, mutual respecting between employees, Prohibiting disclosure of
confidential information of Company and customer
5. Employee-Oriented Management: respecting dignity of employees, cultivating human resources, fair
treatment, promoting creativeness
6. Social Responsibility Management: rational business, protecting shareholder’s interest, contributing to
social development, protecting environment
Ⅲ. Detailed Guideline for 6-Principles of Ethical management
1. Customer Respect Management
1) Respecting customers: We pay an attention to customer’s opinion all the time, accept any fair demands from
customer in positive manner, and make every decision and action in accordance with customer’s satisfaction.
2) Providing value to customer: We show our respect to customers, and discover customer’s value from their
perspectives to give them practical assistances. Also we provide the best quality product and service to meet
their needs in timely manner and at reasonable price.
3) Implementing of promise with customer: We shall be honest with customers and response to their phonecall, claim and suggestion in speed quickly and accurately. Also, we deliver our promise to customers with high
4) Protecting customer’s interest: We disclose the information that customers have to acknowledge. We
protect customer’s property as much as ours, but do not utilize customer’s property without their permission. We
promptly make a response to customer’s demands regarding product but do not disclose or appropriate
information thereof.
2. Law-abiding Management
1) Complying with law: We comply with both domestic and foreign law, Company policy, basic value of
society and our own norms. We decline any form of filthy profit that might undermine a fair business. Also, we
do not commit any illegal or immoral behavior but abide with commercial practices.
2) Respecting free and competitive market principle: We make a competition in good faith and pay mutual
respect to our competitors. We do not infringe competitor’s interest or utilize their weakness for our own interest.
3) Legitimate colleting and utilizing information: We obtain and utilize information in accordance with law
and commercial practices. We do not disclose information to the third party and do not slander on our
competitors without reasonable grounds.
3. Partner Respect Management
1) Providing equal opportunity: We allow every qualified partner to participate in bidding, and select the
winner in accordance with objective and fair standards.
2) Fair business: We make a business upon equal and mutual benefit, and fairness. Also, we have enough
discussion for further business terms and procedures with partners in advance, and do not take an advantage of
our superior position to partners.
3) Pursue of mutual development: We actively support our partners to strengthen their competitiveness in long
term. Also, we share created profits from innovation with partners.
4) Positive interaction: We treat partners in kind words and polite attitudes while having conversation via
phone-call or in face-to-face meeting. We deal with partner’s complaints in accordance with partner-oriented
mindset and prescribed procedures. Also, we deliver our promise with partners strictly, and do not make visitors
waiting for long time.
4. Clean Management
1) Complying with fundamental ethics: As a member of DongHwa Entec, we have a pride and self-respect,
and maintain sincerity and honesty. We do not commit any inappropriate behavior at workplace, and strictly
keep our private affairs and public affairs separate. Also, we do not convert Company’s property and treasury to
our own advantage. Likewise, we do not practice deliberate use of sample or goods of Company.
2) Accomplishing mission: We follow the management philosophy of Company, and objective and value that
Company pursues. We sincerely carry out our obligations to the fullest. We comply with the social consensus
and the spirit of law which governs designated duties. Also, we acknowledge policy and system of Company,
and fulfill them accordingly. We have responsibilities for dealing with problems belonged to us. We facilitate a
cooperative relationship and communication among colleagues and departments for improving work efficiency
and effectiveness.
3) Self-development: We establish the desirable standards of an employee by ourselves at the era of
globalization and openness. Additionally, we continue our efforts to develop ourselves to reach such standards.
4) Fair business: We carry out every duty in fair and honest manner, and exert efforts to create the sound and
clean Company culture.
5) Prohibiting bribery between employees: The practice of bribe is completely prohibited among the
6) Prohibiting money lending and borrowing between employees: The practice of money lending and
borrowing is completely prohibited among the employees, otherwise it would weaken team-works or result
severe financial damage on employee such as personal bankruptcy.
7) Prohibiting sexual harassment at workplace: The sexual harassment shall be strictly prevented and
controlled, otherwise it would discourage victim to continue his/her duty or decrease his/her productivity.
Consequently, the Company will be damaged from defame and legal suit.
8) Prohibiting use of illegal software: We do not use any illegal software with personal computer or internet
service but purchase the originals only.
9) Safety management and preventive measurement against potential risk: We have an obligation and
responsibility to make Company safe, and we shall make preventive measurement against fire and other
accidents. Also, we shall do our utmost to deal with emergency situation such as disaster.
10) Mutual respecting between employees: We observe the proprieties at workplace and do not defame other
employee. We neither discriminate nor fractionalize the employees on the grounds of their academic background,
gender, belief, blood-relation or native place.
11) Prohibiting disclosure of confidential information of the Company and customer: We do not disclose
the customer’s personal information to the third party without their prior consent. Also, we do not disclose
Company’s confidential information or business plan to the third party without prior approval.
5. Employee-Oriented Management
1) Respecting dignity of employees: The Company shall respect the individual employee’s dignity. The
employees, based on common ownership, achieve their pride and fruit from their works, and also implement
necessary measurements for establishment of proper system and educational guideline.
2) Cultivating human resources: We establish, promote and completely support required system for
developing ourselves as an autonomous and creative being.
3) Fair treatment: The employees shall have an equal opportunity. Also, they shall be evaluated on the grounds
of merit and capability, and rewarded accordingly. The Company shall provide equal chance to every employee
for individual’s self-development.
4) Promoting creativeness: We establish an environment for facilitating creativeness and autonomy. The
cultivation of human-resource shall be supported in a long term basis. Especially, the individual privacy shall be
protected. Moreover, we create a mature organizational culture where everyone can freely express their ideas,
suggestions and difficulties on the basis of mutual trust and understanding.
6. Social Responsibility Management
1) Rational business: We respect a social value system of both home and abroad while making business, and
we also develop our business upon stable development of society concerned. We shall not be offensive against
national emotion and decline any irrationality that might undermine sound business activities.
2) Protecting shareholder’s interest: We protect the right-to-know of shareholders, accept their rightful
demands, and consider their proposal. Also, we follow an official decision made by shareholder. We establish a
management system for building mutual trust with shareholders. Moreover, we protect the property and profit of
shareholders, and contribute to increase thereof.
3) Contributing to social development: We contribute to the national development through job creation and
tax-payment. We sincerely take the responsibility as praised corporate citizen in education, culture and social
welfare services. Also, we make a contribution to society as guarantee and promote employee’s participation in
social activities.
4) Protecting environment: We exert our best efforts to protect the nature as it and prevent environmental
pollution. Also, we comply with the environmental protection laws and regulations.
Ⅳ. Implementation Plan for Ethical Principle
The establishment of「Corporate Ethical Principle」should not be seen as the end of implementation of the
ethical management. As we have witness in existing Management Innovation Movement, it is necessary to make
series of preparations. Rather, it would require more time and efforts since the ethical management has to be
carried out by every employee. Therefore, the proclamation and implementation of the ethical management shall
be executed as following procedure:
Proclamation of Ethical Management and Implementation System
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Analysis on Present State
Establishment of Ethical Principle
Proclamation of Ethical Principle with Subsequent Educational Program for Employee
Establishment of Implementation System
Performance Analysis and Establishment of Further Plan
Ⅴ. Expected Outcomes from Implementation of Ethical Management
From implementation of Ethical Management, DongHwa Entec could reach the following outcomes:
1. Internally, we expect a series of positive outcomes including self-estimation and pride of employee,
improvement of work efficiency, reduction of accidents at workplace and employee’s active participation in
social contribution.
2. Externally, we expect series of positive outcomes including improvement of Company’s image, gaining
customer’s confidence and royalty as well as recruitment of highly qualified candidates with excellent
knowledge and workmanship.
3. Also, we expect that the return-on-investment will be improved since investors prefer socially respected
Company more.