Europe and the Developing World (Edmé

733A47: Europe’s Relations with
the World, 7,5 ECTS Credits
Spring semester 2014
Course coordinator
Per Jansson, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Linköping University,, 013-281841
Course administrator
Karin Bogg, Political Science, Linköping University,, 013286959
Edmé Domínguez, Senior Lecturer, School of Global Studies,
University of Gothenburg (, 031-7861865)
Per Jansson, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Linköping University
After completion of the course the student should be able to:
understand and discuss Europe´s relations to the world in the context of
theories of the politics of identity;
utilize acquired analytical tools to examine contemporary global and
especially North−South relationships;
critically analyze and discuss possible future developments of the
relations between Europe and the developing world and other regions.
These aims are realized by organizing the course into two main blocks,
focusing on EU and the Developing World (Edmé Domínguez), and Divisions
of the World and the Politics of Identity (Per Jansson).
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
The course offers lectures, which introduce and develop the content of the
course. Lectures are complementary to the literature.
Seminars and workshops are important aspects of the learning process and
provide opportunities for mutual, critical discussions, which develop attitudes
and skills. Students are expected to be well prepared for lectures and to have
completed assigned preparations for seminars. Students are expected to read
and take in the literature independently and/or in self-organized reading
Examination and requirements
The course is examined through
compulsory and active participation in four seminars,
and a written examination (home examination) at the end of the course.
Non-attendance at seminars will have to be compensated by submitting an
extra written assignment. All seminars will have to be accounted for in order to
pass the course. Seminar participation is graded “pass” or “fail”. Seminar
participation includes joint preparations in writing for Seminar 3 (see below).
Seminar 1
EU and the Developing World (10 April)
There will be 2 seminary themes: In the first theme half of the group will make
a role play presentation around the EU’s difficulties to fulfill its ACP
commitments, based on the book of Gordon Myers, Banana Wars trying to
take into account the questions/issues listed below, the goal is that the students
represent different roles (countries, governments, corporations, international
organizations) in these negotiations/conflicts. On the second seminar the other
half of the students will also make a roll play on the subject of fisheries
agreements between EU and countries in Africa. A special focus should be
given to the latest dispute and agreement with Morocco but also to the whole
issue of the consequences of these agreements. Try to find the different actors
in these controversies. You must take into account the issues listed below. Each
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
of these presentations-roll plays will be around 45 min. After the presentations
there will be questions and discussion around these themes.
Presentation 1
1. How can one describe the relationship EU-ACP? aid and solidarity or a
neo-colonial relationship?
2. What was the role played by Great Britain regarding the moulding of
this EC/EU-ACP relationship?
3. How has GATT/WTO influenced this relationship?
4. Did the EU have any alternatives to their way of confronting the 2
GATT panels in the beginning of the 90s and to the Marrakech
agreement (BFA) in 1994?
5. Who were the main actors involved in the WTO controversy of May
6. Who wins and who loses with free trade?
7. Is free trade a good alternative for developing countries?
Presentation 2
8. Has the EU used fisheries agreements to satisfy the demands of the
fisheries sectors in Europe to compensate for the lack of fish around
Europe and to use the technical and equipment capacity to its utmost?
9. Have host countries received unfair payment for fishing access, with
the majority of economic benefits accruing to European companies?
10. Because the EU has paid for access for European fishing firms, do
access agreements operate as a subsidy, which in turn contributes to
global overfishing?
11. Do EU fisheries agreements allow for fishing of stocks in third
countries' waters beyond sustainable limits and in direct competition
with domestic fishing companies, including the small-scale sector?
12. Is the spending of EU funds in host countries accountable and
13. Does the he EU transparence allow public participation in the
negotiation and review of its fisheries agreements, including publishing
its own ex ante and ex post scientific and social evaluations?
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
14. Are EU’s fishing agreements compatible with the human rights and
democracy clauses that most EU’s association agreement with
developing countries contain?
Seminar 2
Europe and the Other (11 April)
“[T]he development and maintenance of every culture require the existence of
another different and competing alter ego.” (Said, p. 332)
In what ways does modern European identity depend on its (Europe’s)
relations with the World?
Are civilizational identities a relevant (legitimate?) focus for
understanding international relations and Europe’s relations with the
Seminar 3
The Future of European Identity (24 April)
This seminar is organized as a debate between groups of students (Group A
and B each divided into two debate teams). The groups prepare arguments for
and against the question “Is there and should there be a European identity?”
Each group brings a summary of arguments (2 pages) to the seminar.
Europe and the Developing World (Edmé Domínguez) Spring 2014
Arts, Karin (ed.) (2004) EU Development Cooperation: From Model to
Symbol, Manchester University Press.(electronic)
Hettne B , Fredrik Söderbaum, Stålgren Patrick, (2008), The EU as global
actor in the South, Swedish Institute for European Policy Institute, SIEPS
2008:8, Report available at:
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
Myers, Gordon (2004). Banana wars: the price of free trade: a Caribbean
perspective, (New York: Zed Books).
Articles (in electronic form)
EU and developing countries: general
Broberg, M. (2013). From colonial power to human rights promoter: on the
legal regulation of the European Union's relations with the developing
countries. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26(4), 675-687. UB
Carbone, M. (2013). International development and the European Union's
external policies: changing contexts, problematic nexuses, contested
partnerships. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26(3), 483-496.
Olufemi, Babarinde, Gerrit Faber (2004), “From Lomé to Cotonou: Business as
usual?”, European Foreign Affairs Review, vol 9: 1, pp 27-47.
Keukeleire, S. & Raube, K. (2013). The security–development nexus and
securitization in the EU's policies towards developing countries. Cambridge
Review of International Affairs, 26(3), 556-572.
Young, A. (2013). ‘We care about you, but …’: the politics of EU trade policy
and development. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26(3), 497-518.
Pape, E. (2013). An old partnership in a new setting: ACP-EU relations from a
European perspective. Journal of International Development, 25 (5), 727–
741. UB
Clairzier, P. (2011). Paths to Development through Trade: EU-Led Trade
Liberalization vs South–South Cooperation. Socialism and Democracy,
25(2),64 -80. UB
Smith, M. (2013). Foreign policy and development in the post-Lisbon
European Union. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26(3), 519-535
EU-Latin America
Behrens, M. & Janusch, H. (2012). Great ‘Normative Power’: The European
and American Trade Approaches with Chile and Mexico. European Foreign
Affairs Review, 17(3), 367–386.
Domínguez Edme, Adriana Salazar (2013), “Latin America between the new
and the old: relations to old and emerging powers”, Report commissioned by
the Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten). Tsaloa Latinamerika kunskaps
företag. Jan 2013.
Gratius, S. (2011). EU Democracy Promotion in Latin America: More a
Tradition than a Policy. European Foreign Affairs Review,16(5), 689–703.
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
Icaza, R. (2010). Global Europe, Guilty! Contesting EU neoliberal governance
for Latin America and the Caribbean. Third World Quarterly, 31(1), 123 -139.
Gender and EU’s development policies
Alemany Cecilia, Graciela Dede, coord, 2008, Conditionalities undermine the
right to development: an analysis based on the women’s and human rights
perspective, WIDE, Bryssels.
Debusscher, P. (2012). Gender Mainstreaming in European Union
Development Policy toward Latin America: Transforming Gender Relations or
Confirming Hierarchies? Latin American Perspectives, 187 (39:6), 181-197.
Wichterich Christa and Kalyani Menon-Sen, 2009, Trade liberalization, gender
equality, police space: the case of the contested EU-India FTA, WIDE,
“Gender program of actions for the mainstreaming of Gender Equality” in:
For the seminars:
Fattore, C. & Allison, M. E. (2013). Extended Endogenous and Exogenous
Protection in the EU-US Banana Disputes. The Latin Americanist, 57 (2),
Fridell, G. (2011). The Case against Cheap Bananas: Lessons from the EUCaribbean Banana Agreement. Critical Sociology, 37(3), 285 – 307.
Gruni, G. (2013). Going from One Extreme to the Other: Food Security and
Export Restrictions in the EU–CARIFORUM Economic Partnership
Agreement. European Law Journal, 19 (6), 864 – 883.
Le Manach F., Chaboud C., Copeland D., Cury P., Gascuel D., Kleisner, K.,
Standing, A., Sumaila, U.R., Zeller, D., & Pauly, D. (2013). European Union’s
Public Fishing Access Agreements in Developing Countries. PLoS One 8(11),
Divisions of the World and the Politics of European Identity (Per Jansson)
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
Checkel, Jeffrey T. & Peter J. Katzenstein (eds.) (2009), European Identity
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Said, Edward, W., Orientalism (1978), available in several editions and from
different publishers.
Guibernau, Montserrat (2011), ”Prospects for a European identity”,
International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society; June 2011, Vol. 24 (12), pp. 31-43.
Huntington, Samuel P. (1993), ”The Clash of Civilizations?”, Foreign Affairs,
Vol. 72:3, Summer 1993, pp. 22-49.
Subotic, Jelena (2011), ”Europe is a state of mind: identity and
Europeanization in the Balkans”, International Studies Quarterly, June 2011,
Vol. 55(2), pp. 309-330.
Camia, Valeria (2010), ” Normative discussions on European identity: a puzzle
for social science?”, Perspectives On European Politics And Society, April
2010, Vol. 11(1), pp. 109-118.
For rooms, see TimeEdit!
Week 14
Tue 1/4
Introduction (PJ)
Tue 1/4
Lecture (ED)
EU and the developing world: introduction ; EU
and the developing world: human rights and
democracy as conditionalities
Wed 2/4
Lecture (ED)
EU and the developing world: relations with
Latin America
Wed 2/4
Lecture (ED)
EU and the developing world: A gender
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping
Week 15
Wed 9/4
Lecture (PJ)
Europe and the Other (Said; Huntington)
Thu 10/4
Seminar 1 (ED)
EU and the developing World
Fri 11/4
Seminar 2 (PJ)
Europe and the Other
Week 16
Independent reading
Week 17
Tue 22/4
Lecture (PJ)
Europe and the Politics of Identity (Katzenstein;
Camia; Guiberneau; Subotic)
Thu 24/4
8-10 (A)
Seminar 3 (PJ) The Future of European Identity
13-15 (B)
Seminar 3 (PJ) The Future of European Identity
Mon 28/4
Home examination published
Fri 2/5
Home examination due
Fri 23/5
Re-take home examination published
Fri 30/5
Re-take home examination due
Week 18
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping