APPENDIX S2 SUPPLEMENTARY RESULTS Table S2. Estimated number of tigers that can be supported based on the scaling relationship of Karanth et al. (2004). THB THB I Tiger population sizea 2 (2-7) Prey classificationb Management type All prey Non-avoided prey Principal prey Preferred prey Multiple-use forests 23.15 20.42 12.02 14.3 PAs with settlements 23.87 22.19 15.98 13.23 Inviolate PAs 50.27 48.37 37.65 21.31 Prey Density 32.43 30.33 21.89 16.28 Tiger Density 6.49 6.07 4.38 3.26 Tiger Numbers THB II a 225 (199-256) 82 77 55 41 Multiple-use forests 24.06 18.06 13.97 7.26 PAs with settlements 30.6 27.47 21.58 10.36 Inviolate PAs 59.03 56.92 49.73 15.48 Prey Density 37.9 34.15 28.43 11.03 Tiger Density 7.58 6.83 5.69 2.21 Tiger Numbers 299 270 225 87 Known population sizes for THB I and II, based on photographic capture-recapture studies (Jhala et al., 2011; Harihar & Pandav, 2012) b All prey: the entire wild ungulate prey assemblage (chital, sambar, wild pig, red muntjak, goral, nilgai) Non-avoided prey: We estimate potential tiger densities using densities of sambar, chita, wild pig and red muntjac. This definition is based on Hayward et al (2012)’s classification of prey species. While smabar and wild pig are preffered, Hayward et al., (2012) clearly shows that chital and muntjac are both predated in accordance to their availability making them important prey wherever present. Principal prey: chital and sambar:-numerically dominant ungulates (79.9%), which also occur most commonly in tiger diet (70-78%), based on prey densities and diet preferences estimated from inviolate parts of Rajaji National Park (Harihar et al., 2011). Preferred prey: sambar and wildpig, based on Hayward et al., (2012). Text S1. Additional GAM results: prey species affinities to natural habitat variables A significant non-linear effect of Elev was observed for red muntjac, indicating higher densities at higher elevations, while for chital, densities were higher at lower elevations (Fig. 2a, d). Although Elev was included as a significant term in the final wild pig model, the pattern was inconspicuous (Fig. 2c). In the case of Himalayan goral, sambar and nilgai, TRI displayed significant smooth functions with goral occurring at higher densities in more rugged terrain, sambar attaining higher densities in regions of moderate ruggedness and nilgai occurring at higher densities in flatter terrain (Fig. 2b, e, f). Vegetation seasonality (NDVI-CV) significantly affected the densities of three species. While red muntjac and sambar densities declined in more seasonal forests, the effect of NDVI-CV on nilgai density was positive (Fig. 2a, e, f). Vegetation productivity (NDVI) had a significant effect on densities of Himalayan goral and wild pig, with the smooth function indicating higher densities of goral at intermediate values of NDVI (Fig. 2b). However, the shape of the response curve for wild pig was inconspicuous (Fig. 2c). References Harihar A. & Pandav B. (2012) Influence of connectivity, wild prey and disturbance on occupancy of tigers in the human-dominated western Terai Arc Landscape. PloS One, 7, e40105. Harihar A., Pandav B., & Goyal S.P. (2011) Responses of leopard Panthera pardus to the recovery of a tiger Panthera tigris population. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 806–814. Hayward M.W., JÄ™drzejewski W., & Jedrzejewska B. (2012) Prey preferences of the tiger Panthera tigris. Journal of Zoology, 286, 221–231. Jhala Y. V, Qureshi Q., Gopal R., & Sinha P.R. (2011) Status of the tigers, co-predators, and prey in India. 279.