Parent Letter for Week of: January 25 * 29, 2010

4th Grade Newsletter week of September 2-5, 2014
“You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader.” ~Anthony J. D'Angelo
ELA Terms and Concepts:
Focus: Predictions and Inferences
Inference- figuring out something that wasn’t explained in
the story by using the clues given to make a good guess.
Predictions: Using clues from the story together with past
experiences to figure out what will happen next.
Conclusions: a decision about what may happen or about
the result of an event.
This week in Math
Focus: Place Value
1. period – each group of three digits separated by
2. millions – the period after the thousands
Example: 123,421,008 (the underlined digits are the millions)
3. billions – the period after the millions
Example: 49,210,538,101 (the underlined digits are the billions)
Objective: Each number represents 10 times what it
represents in the place to its right
Social Studies:
Focus: Compare the everyday life, physical environment, and
culture of the Eastern Woodlands Native Americans,
Southwestern Native Americans, and Pacific Northwestern
Native Americans.
and Southeastern tribes.
Eastern Woodlands- lived in the eastern part of North America
from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River including the
Great Lakes region.
 The forest provided food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and
 Lived in villages by lakes and streams
 Lived in wigwams and longhouses
 Hunted, fished, and gathered fruits, berries and nuts
 Farmed corn, beans, and squash (three sisters)
 Clothing made of animal skins
Plains Native Americans- Lived on the Great Plains of central
North America from north of what is today the Canadian border
to present day Texas. Lived in teepees, migrated from place to
place, and hunted or grew their food.
Southwestern Native Americans-lived in the region that
included what is today Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of
Colorado, and Utah. They hunted mammoths, deer, small game,
birds. They harvested fruits, nuts, and seeds of wild plants.
They lived in Adobe houses.
Pacific Northwestern Native Americans- lived in the region
that extended along the Pacific coast from what is today
southern Alaska to northern California. They lived in permanent
villages in long houses. They hunted and fished. They also had
totem poles.
Science Terms and Concepts:
Focus: The three types of clouds and how they are
 Puffy, lumpy-looking clouds often with a flat bottom.
 When cumulus clouds are dark they usually bring rain;
white cumulus clouds do not bring rain.
 High, thin, wispy clouds.
 They are formed mostly of ice crystals.
 Cirrus clouds are most often associated with fair weather.
 Layers of clouds that spread out covering a large area.
 Stratus clouds are often lower in the sky.
The formation of clouds happens when water vapor in the air
Directions: Place the commas in the correct place. Underline
rises, cools and condenses (or moves from a warm place to a cool
the ones/units period in blue, the thousands in yellow, the
place and condenses), forming the water droplets that make up a
millions in red, billions in green
cloud. A cloud is a collection of tiny, liquid water droplets not
Great Basin-Located where today’s Nevada and Utah, western
Colorado and Wyoming, southern Idaho, southeastern Oregon,
and parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Montana.
Directions: Write the following number in word and expanded
Parent Signature X_________________
34,011 ______________________________________
2. 909999251