Resolution #2011-0145

1 Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Phone: 908-204-3001; Fax: 908-204-3015; Website:
Resolution #2011-0145
Acceptance of Bernards Township Environmental Commission
2010 Annual Report
WHEREAS, pursuant to 2-18.5. of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Bernards, the
Environmental Commission shall make an annual report to the Township Committee; and.
WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission is submitting a report pursuant to this requirement.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Bernards, that
the following report be accepted.
Agenda and date Voted:
I hereby certify this is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted
by the Bernards Township Committee on 03/15/2011.
Denise Szabo, Municipal Clerk
The following is a summary of the activities of the Bernards Township Environmental Commission (the “EC” or the “Commission”) during 2010.
Mission Statement
The Bernards Township Environmental Commission is responsible for ensuring that environmental issues in Bernards Township NJ are given the
right priority in order to protect and preserve natural resources of the town and surrounding areas including land, water, air, and bios (flora and
The Commission accomplishes its mission through:
a) taking proactive stances on local environmental matters, and strengthening the local planning process
b) coordinating rational, balanced reviews of development applications for the appropriate township bodies
c) increasing public awareness and understanding of local and regional environmental issues
keeping abreast of, and being involved in, environmental issues that affect our surrounding areas and communities
2010 Accomplishments
General: As an advisory body, the EC continued to provide commentary to the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, and Township Committee
regarding environmental impacts and issues. During 2010, the Commission:
Analyzed 42 Board of Adjustment applications
Analyzed 16 Planning Board applications.
Reviewed multiple DEP applications were for awareness.
Conducted 6 tree removal site reviews.
Performed 3 Open Space site reviews.
Charter Day: The EC participated in the 2010 Charter Day. In distributing information on the harmful environmental and health effects of lawn
care pesticides and the safe alternative process of organic lawn care, we heard a consistent theme of concern coming from HOA (“Home Owner
Association”) residents regarding unwanted extensive lawn care pesticide usage in their communities. As a result of our presence, we were able to
subsequently connect three residents of one HOA community whom then connected to successfully have their playground and pool lawn areas
designated as Pesticide Free Zones. There was also a display of GIS maps from the Township’s Natural Resource Inventory at the EC’s table, and
information on the Open Space tracts purchased by the Township.
Web Site: The EC improved the informational resources and updated the news items on its web page.
IPM Update: As originally championed by the EC in mid 2008, the Township enjoyed its 2nd full year in 2010 of pesticide-free lawn care under
Resolution #080520’s IPM (“Integrated Pest Management”) program used in managing township-owned lawns including all 32 sports fields. In
accordance with this Resolution, in 2010 the EC successfully drove the termination of ongoing lawn care pesticide usage at Ridge Ball Park, and the
front lawn of The Liberty Corner Fire House. These organizations’ grounds are managed outside of the DPW team handling the rest of the
Township lawns under the IPM program, and therefore still needed to be brought in line with the IPM process for township-owned property. The
EC facilitated the assistance of DPW Director, Mr. Pat Monaco, in working with the grounds volunteer at Ridge Ball Park in their transition to an
organic lawn care program. The EC proactively requested and received Pesticide Free Zone signage at Ridge Ball Park, akin to signage displayed in
all other Township parks, to communicate the policy to all stakeholders.
School Lawns: In March 2010 the EC successfully requested the Bernards Township Board of Education to designate all school lawns as Pesticide
Free Zones. The Board of Education unanimously supported this designation which served to memorialize the pesticide-free lawn care process
which their vendor, Aramark, adopted in 2009 in response to the Township’s lead under Resolution #080520. Pesticide Free Zone signs have been
installed on all school front lawns akin to the signs posted in the parks by DPW. The EC developed a strong ongoing dialogue with the Aramark
grounds supervisor, Mr. Sean McArthur, and the EC participated in Aramark’s annual Bernards Township School IPM meeting (while no lawn care
pesticides are used on school property now, this annual meeting is a state requirement and it also covers extermination-related insecticide usage
which is primarily in-building).
Tree Replacement List: The EC worked with the Shade Tree Committee to sync the Shade Tree list with the EC’s Tree Replacement list. The STC’s
edits to the Tree Replacement list are under review by outside experts, and should be posted early in 2011. “Tree of the Month” and invasive
species features have been added to the EC website.
HOA Community Lawn Care Pesticide Issues: The EC received numerous home owner association resident complaints regarding the application of
lawn care pesticides in their associations in 2010. The most common complaints involved a lack of HOA board expertise regarding the efficacy and
mechanics of organic lawn care, and a lack of HOA board accountability regarding the health risks associated with the continued use of
conventional lawn care pesticides.
On a positive note, in 2010 one HOA community with a resident suffering from Chemical Sensitivity made modifications to their lawn care pesticide
usage as well as notification improvements. A second HOA community invited the EC to assist them in 2011 in understanding the transition to
organic lawn care. And, a third HOA community designated their playground and pool lawn areas as Pesticide Free Zones.
The EC feels very strongly that this task is far from complete, and it will continue its educational endeavors in this area.
NRI: The NRI (“Natural Resources Inventory”) work was completed by a former EC member (a subject matter expert on the matter). The NRI now
includes sewer service areas, water service areas, parcel shapes as of October 2009, subdivisions, buildings as of 2007, and easements, including
traffic, utility, drainage, wetlands and stream buffers.
Open Space: A monitoring program was developed for Township-owned Open Space properties. Members of the EC began periodic site visits of a
prioritized list of target properties (other properties were determined to be under monitoring by the Parks and Recreation Dept. or too small). A
standard report template was developed to detail any observations.
Document Distribution: The EC voted to begin distributing meeting documentation via email instead of U.S. Mail commencing with Jan 2011
meeting materials. The EC felt this was more efficient from an environmental and cost perspective.
2011 Plans and Objectives
Ongoing Duties:
Continue to provide analysis of ongoing applications.
Continue to perform tree removal permit site reviews.
2011 Charter Day participation.
Open Space monitoring and reporting.
New Initiatives:
Sponsorship of a 5th grade poster contest in partnership with Bernards Township school curriculum planners.
Invitation to consult with a township HOA on transition to organic lawn care.
The EC looks forward to continuing to serve Bernards Township and benefit its residents in 2011.
Respectfully submitted on the behalf of the Bernards Township Environmental Commission,
Joseph A. Speeney
Environmental Commission Chairperson – 2010, 2011