Comments and suggestions (`post-it` notes) - E

Ashton Vale Conference held on 30th September 2013
and attended by more than 50 local residents
‘Opportunities for Children’s Play’:
Comments and suggestions (post-it notes)
Possible locations
Where bus stop used to be (Langley Crescent)
Area for swings etc could be on the end of Langley Crescent (problem mainly older
people in this area)
Something top end of Playing Fields
Access issues in Playing Field
Children’s play area could be in Avebury Rd next to school or on the area behind
Silbury Rd (where the football ground was going to be built)
Play area within housing development by Colliters Brook development
Younger and older children
Enclosed play space for small children
Play area for under 10s
Play area for older children or natural play logs/tunnels/tree climbing
Play equipment for disabled children
Environment suggestions/comments
Street trees in front of shop by Ashton Drive/Winterstoke Rd – Avebury Rd
Lighting in area
Green area by shops on Ashton Drive – Greening
Seating around central play area and planters
Wild flowers /wild life /meadow area
Community orchard
Sensory garden
Notice board with contacts
Streams need cleaning
Improve maintenance of footpaths
Litter bins / dog bins
Tackling dog mess in lane behind Swiss Drive - use spray paint /flags
Any other local issues or concerns:
Comments and suggestions (‘post-it’ notes)
Noise issues
Noise from Sainsbury’s service yard late at night and freight trains stopping
(squeaking brakes) from Ashton Drive to Swiss Drive. Exceeding EU limits?
Noise from the trains from Portbury docks, they travel day and night. Poorly
maintained rolling stocks mean very loud screeching noises. Also banging of trucks
on braking. Needs measures to limit use of the line and improve the trucks.
Noise very early in the morning from railway container yard on South Liberty Lane
Noise from freightline on South Liberty Lane which starts early in morning including
Irresponsible motorists around Ashton Vale school
Traffic calming in Ashton Drive , so much traffic now, school children need crossing
into Silbury Rd from Ashton Drive.
Need to find a way to slow traffic on Ashton Drive, especially throught the railway
bridge. Cars race to get green light.
Large heavy lorries using Risdale Rd, Ashton Vale, even though there is clear weight
restriction signs.
Industrial estate company traffic should not come through the residential area.
Parking / ‘drop down’ kerbs
A Policeman should go around on match days to fine people parking on pavements,
‘drop down’ kerbs and corners.
‘Drop down’ kerbs needed as so many people on mobility scooters etc. A person in
a mobility scooter should go around with someone to see where these are needed.
Lack of parking in North Street
Drop pavements at the end of all roads
Illegal parking and noise issues from Council properties (Sanders Close)
Public footpaths
Tarmac a decent public footpath down the side of the pre-school in the church. It’s a
public right of way but full of potholes and uneven surfaces.
The lane needs tarmacing by the pre-school.
South Liberty Lane – we were promised to have the pathway widened by putting it
back where it used to be, by taking the bits of the embankment which are
approaching onto the pavement ie taking back to where lights are.
Pathways leading to houses in bad repair, promised years ago they would be
repaired. Still waiting, also trouble with bikes going up and down on people’s
gardens, would like ‘no biking’ notices put around.
Asked for the embankment on South Liberty Lane which is encroaching on the
footpath to be cut back (between railway arch and freightliner depot). Still not done.
Overgrown weeds from train bridge over Ashton Drive and on footpath and PROW’s
between streets.
The blackberry bushes by Ashton Drive need to be cut back, by the arch by the
railway embankment.
Cut back all the brambles and weeds by the Ashton Drive railway bridge adjacent 57
Ashton Drive (talk to Network Rail too) and landscape.
Public right of way between Swiss Rd and Risdale Rd needs litter collecting, dog
waste bins, cleared of all weeds and perhaps nice flowers and grass round energy
stations might stop people mistreating it.
More waste bins and regular emptying of existing ones, especially by railway arch
Using nets on recycling boxes not enforced, litter blown everywhere, rubbish men
don’t seem to pick it up unless it’s in collection box.
Litter Pick Group
Colliters Brook spring clean
People using the back lanes as rubbish tips
The area is being run down by people dumping in lanes
Dog fouling everywhere!
Dog fouling which then can go on people’s wheelchairs
Need innovative ideas to tackle dog fouling
Graffiti on metal by little humpback bridge , also pavement and road needs mending
Grass planted on newly built houses (Bovis) on Risdale Road not being maintained,
when grass was eventually cut it was very shoddy job!
Grass put outside houses not cut regularly, who is it? Cut badly and grass goes
everywhere. Take grass away and tarmac. Shrubs put on Bovis sites not being
Better use of the community association eg more varied activities for a wider age
More use of the community centre – who owns it? Are they from Ashton Vale?
Nice to have local fetes and flower shows/jumble sales again like the good old days.
Ashton Vale seems to be getting a dumping place for undesirables to live, it is
changing the area.
Give us back our community centre
Would like interest group
Local interest groups – Local History
Create Ashton Vale Neighbourhood Group and more Great Bedminster Forums in
Compass Point: South Street School and Children’s Centre offers support for
children under 5 and their families