1 Assessment #8: Observation and Conference Project (Professional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions) Description and Use in Program: The Observation and Conference Project is considered one of several performance assessments that demonstrates candidate’s proficiency in ELCC Standards related to the area of teaching and learning. The Performance Standards for South Carolina Principals (PADEPP), the Spadoni College of Education Conceptual Framework Candidate Proficiencies (CF), the Education and Economic Development Standards for Administrators (EEDA) and the International Society for Technology Education Standards for Administrators (ISTE) are directly aligned to the ELCC Standards. The project is designed to assess the degree to which a candidate can identify and define effective instructional practice and techniques for the supervision, coaching and mentoring of teachers and utilize principles of clinical supervision in an instructional context. The assessment’s intent is to increase the candidate’s knowledge base, provide hands-on practice in a school setting and promote reflection upon the observation process as a tool for providing instructional leadership. The process includes observing faculty in the teaching and learning processes and developing supervisory plans for improving class-based instruction. This project provides candidates an opportunity to work in a supervisory capacity with professional educators to identify and define effective instructional practice and develop a repertoire of techniques for the supervision, coaching and mentoring of teachers. While the candidate’s overall performance on this project is used as part of a course grade, the project provides an assessment of each candidate’s proficiency relative to the ELCC Standards, PADEPP Standards, CF Proficiencies, EEDA Standards, and ISTE Standards as measured by the project. Alignment with ELCC Standards: The Observation and Conference project is directly aligned to ELCC Standards 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 PADEPP: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 8.3, 9.1 CF: 1.1, 1.2, 3.2, 5.1 EEDA: 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 ISTE: 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 4b Data Available: Spring 2012 one semester of data 2 Assessment 8 Observation and Conference Project Instructions to Candidate: A classroom observation and a pre-conference and post-conference must be completed. A fivestep process is utilized: Plan and conduct a pre-conference; observe a lesson and collect data; interpret and analyze the data; conduct a post observation conference with a plan for teacher professional growth; write a professional growth plan for yourself based on teacher observed feedback. Your school system’s observational tool or another instrument may be used. PART I: Pre-planning the Pre-Observation Conference and Conducting the PreObservation Conference – ELCC: 2.3 Applying Best Practices PADEPP: 2.2 Demonstrates proficiency in analyzing research/data; 2.4 Assist staff in implementation of teaching strategies CF: 1.1 Knowledge of effective learning; 1.2 Understands instructional planning/design EEDA: 5.0 Understands contextual teaching; 6.0 Understands cooperative learning; 7.0 Understands learning styles ISTE: 2d Ensures best practices in technology; 3b supports staff in technology Pre-Planning: 1. Determine the reason and purpose for observation. Plan a pre-observation conference that is well designed to help the teacher focus on what impact the lesson will have on student learning with consideration of the diverse needs of all students. 2. Design reflective questions that you will be discussing with the teacher in the preconference. The reflective questions should be designed to help both the teacher and you become more skillful at understanding the lesson and its connection to the school vision of success for all students. The pre-planned questions should reflect your understanding of appropriate research strategies and best practices of student learning to promote improved student achievement (ELCC 2.3c; PADEPP 2.2; CF: 1.2; EEDA: 5.0 – 7.0; ISTE: 2d). 3. Examine various instrument/observational tools. Decide which instrument would be most effective in gathering the type of data that you want to collect. Select the instrument to be used for data collection: Categorical frequency, performance indicators, visual diagramming, space utilization, verbatim, detached open-ended narratives, participant observation, focused questionnaire, tailored observation or your school’s observational 3 tool. The strategy is to collect data which is descriptive and non-judgmental. Consider the instrument which is most appropriate for the type of data that you wish to collect. Conducting the Pre-Observation Conference: 4. Using your pre-planned questions, conduct a pre-observation conference 5. Select one instrument to be used in the observation and thoroughly explain it to the teacher. 6. Discuss the focus of the observation, domain agreed upon to be observed, the South Carolina Standards for Teaching Profession (which S.C. Standard to be met) and the observational instrument tool to be used in the pre-conference (ELCC 2.3c; PADEPP 2.2; CF 1.2; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 2d). This should reflect your understanding of appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement. 7. Discuss the domains with the teacher and the South Carolina Standards for Teaching Profession. Be able to collaboratively select the domain and standard to be observed: Planning, Instruction or Learning Environment and South Carolina Standards for Teaching Profession. Professional responsibility is not used (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.4; CF: 1.1; ISTE 2d). This should reflect your ability to assist teachers in understanding and applying best practices for student learning. 8. Audio/video tape the pre-observation conference with permission of teacher. 9. Write a two-three page reflection that demonstrates your understanding of the importance of the pre-conference as a component in the observation process. Discuss how you assisted the teacher in understanding and applying best practices for student learning (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.4; CF 1.1; ISTE 3b) during the pre-conference. Discuss how you used appropriate research strategies and best practices of teaching and learning to promote an environment for improved student achievement when conducting the preconference (ELCC 2.3c; PADEPP 2.2; CF 1.2, EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 2d). Lastly, your reflection should indicate the strengths and areas for improvement when conducting your next conference with the teacher. Please review the rubric attached. Your pre-planned questions and reflection are submitted into LiveText. PART II: Data Collection and Reflection – ELCC: 2.3 Apply Best Practice to Student Learning PADEPP 2.2 Demonstrates proficiency in analyzing research/data; 2.4 Assist in implementation of effective teaching strategies CF: 1.2 Understands instructional planning/design 4 EEDA: 5.0 Understands contextual teaching; 6.0 Understands cooperative learning; 7.0 Understands learning styles ISTE: 3b Support staff in technology; 4b Analyzes data to improve staff performance/student learning 1. Utilizing the observational tool agreed upon by both you and the teacher, conduct an observation of a lesson that is at least 30-60 minutes in duration. 2. Collect data that is descriptive and non-judgmental. Data collection should focus on student learning with the goal being to provide objective data for the teacher. The purpose of the data is to provide a foundation for an analysis based on supporting teacher growth and applying best practices for student learning (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.2, 2.4; CF 1.2; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 3b, 4b) with a concern for diversity in the learning process (2.3c). 3. Write a two-three page reflection. This reflection should demonstrate your understanding of how data that will support teacher professional growth should be collected and how the data is applied to best practices for student learning (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.2; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 4b). Please review the rubric attached. Reflection on Data Collection and observational tool are submitted into LiveText. PART III: Interpreting and Analyzing Data and Reflection – ELCC: 2.2 Provide Effective Instructional Program; 2.3 Apply Best Practice to Student Learning PADEPP: 2.1 Sets high standards for curriculum/instruction and student achievement; 2.2 Demonstrates Proficiency in analyzing research/data; 2.4 Assist staff in effective teaching strategies CF: 1.2 Understands instructional planning/design; 3.2 Plans activities/experiences to meet needs of diverse learners EEDA 5.0 Understands contextual teaching; 6.0 Understands cooperative learning; 7.0 Understands learning styles ISTE: 2 c Provides learner-centered technology environments to meet needs of diverse learners; 2d Ensures effective practices in technology; 4 b Analyzes data 1. Decide which data should be the focus of the post conference that is most important in terms of teacher and student learning. Focus on teacher and student growth and what you know about effective teaching and learning practices (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.2; CF 1.1; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 2d, 4b). 5 2. Consider the developmental levels of teachers and determine which approach to the data analysis and conferencing will have the greatest impact on teacher’s growth: nondirective, collaborative, directive informational and directive control (ELCC 2.3b; PADEPP 2.4; CF 1.2; ISTE: 2d) 3. Based on the data, determine what recommendations you will make that fully accommodate learners’ needs (ELCC 2.2b; PADEPP 2.1; CF 3.2; EEDA 7.0; ISTE: 2c ). Determine specific activities that will improve the teacher’s instructional practices (ELCC 2.2a; PADEPP 2.4; CF: 3.2, ISTE: 2d). 4. Write a two-three page reflection. This reflection should discuss how you interpreted and utilized the data in order to prepare for a post-conference that is focused on teacher and student growth (ELCC 2.3a; PADEPP 2.2; CF: 3.2; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 2d). In addition, the reflection discusses the developmental levels of teachers and indicates which approach that you will take in the post-conference (directive, collaborative, directive informational or directive control (ELCC 2.3b; PADEPP 2.4; CF 1.2; ISTE 2d). Include in your reflection the recommendations and specific activities that you will make in the post-conference to improve the teacher’s instructional practices (ELCC 2.2a; PADEPP 2.4; CF 3.2; EEDA 5.0-7.0; ISTE 2d). These recommendations and activities must accommodate learner’s diverse needs (ELCC 2.2b; PADEPP 2.1; CF 3.2; EEDA 7.0; ISTE 2d). Please review the rubric attached. Reflection on interpreting and analyzing data is submitted via LiveText. PART IV: Teacher Professional Growth Plan – ELCC: 2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans PADEPP: 8.1 Collaborates with staff to create plan for staff development that promotes staff growth; 8.3 Encourages staff to set goals for professional growth; CF: 1.1 Knowledge of subject matter ISTE: 3a Ensures professional growth in technology Pre-Planning for Post Conference 1. Develop guiding questions for the post-conference designed to support the teacher’s professional growth. 2. Build a trusting relationship with the teacher by using a collaborative approach. 3. Focus on helping the teacher analyze the data to better understand what can be done differently in order to have a positive impact on student learning. 4. Recognize and affirm a job well done by the teacher as supported by the data that you collected. Make reference to it. Remember this is a collaborative, trusting postconference. 6 5. Video/audio post conference with teacher permission. This allows you to review the video/audio and reflect on the post conference to gain a better understanding as how to support teacher and learner growth. Post Conference with Plan for Teacher Professional Growth 6. Go over the data collected and analyzed with the teacher. Make recommendations and specific activities that will improve the instructional practice for the teacher. 7. Develop with the teacher a professional growth plan that is well-planned, contextappropriate and based on reflective practice and research on student learning (ELCC 2.4a; PADEPP 8.3; CF 1.1; ISTE: 3a). Professional Growth Plan for the teacher is based on your observation, collaborative reflection between you and the teacher and adult learning strategies (ELCC 2.4b; PADEPP 8.1; CF 1.1). 8. Write a two-three page reflection on the Post-Conference. Your reflection should demonstrate your ability to have a deep understanding of the post conference as an opportunity to support professional growth. Attach to your reflection the Professional Growth Plan for the teacher. Please review rubric attached. Reflection attached with Teacher Professional Growth Plan is submitted into LiveText. PART V: Candidate Professional Growth Plan– ELCC: 2.4 (c) Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans. Candidate develops and implements a personal professional growth plan that reflects a commitment to life-long learning PADEPP: 9.1 Develops appropriate plan for professional development CF: 5.1 Analyze personal performance to improve teaching and learning ISTE: 3a Ensures ongoing professional growth in technology 1. Collaborate with the teacher to reflect upon what was learned during this observation process. 2. Discuss the strengths of the process and areas of growth for you. 3. Have the teacher complete the Teacher Feedback Form. 4. Based on the feedback from the teacher and your own personal reflections on each step of the process, develop a personal Professional Growth Plan for yourself based on research on student learning (2.4a) that reflects your commitment to life-long learning (ELCC 2.4c; PADEPP 9.1; CF 5.1; ISTE 3a). The Professional Growth Plan should also focus on how you will become more skillful at supporting teacher growth. Please review the rubric attached. Candidate Professional Growth Plan is submitted via LiveText. 7 Observation and Conference Rubric Assignment ELCC Standard, PADEPP Standard, CF Proficiency, EEDA Standard, ISTE Standard PART I Exemplary 4 Proficient 3 Developing 2 Unacceptable 1 Pre-planned questions and pre-conference demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to assist teachers in understanding and applying best practices for student learning (a) Pre-planned questions and pre-conference demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to assist teachers in understanding and applying best practices for student learning (a) Pre-planned questions and pre-conference demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to assist teachers in understanding and applying best practices for student learning (a) Pre-planned questions demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to assist teachers in understanding and applying best practices for student learning (a) ELCC: 2.3 Applying Best Reflection of prePractices to conference Student Learning demonstrates candidate’s PADEPP: 2.2, superior 2.4 understanding of CF: 1.1, 1.2 how to use EEDA: 5.0-7.0 appropriate ISTE: 2d, 3b research strategies to promote an environment for improved student learning (c) Reflection of preconference demonstrates candidate’s strong understanding of how to use appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student learning (c) Reflection of preconference demonstrates candidate’s adequate understanding of how to use appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student learning (c) Reflection of preconference demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no understanding of how to use appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student learning (c) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to collect data and Reflection demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to collect data Reflection demonstrates candidate’s minimal to no ability to collect Pre-Planning the Pre-observation conference and Conducting the Pre-observation Conference Reflection of Pre-conference PART II Data Collection and Reflection Reflection demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to collect data and 8 Reflection apply best practices for ELCC 2.3 student learning Apply Best (a) with a Practices to concern for Student Learning diversity in the learning process PADEPP: 2.2, (c) 2.4 CF: 1.2 EEDA: 5.0-7.0 ISTE: 3b, 4b apply best practices for student learning (a) with a concern for diversity in the learning process (c) and apply best practices for student learning (a) with a concern for diversity in the learning process (c) data and apply best practices for student learning (a) with a concern for diversity in the learning process (c) Reflection demonstrates Interpreting and candidate’s Analyzing Data superior ability to interpret and Reflection analyze data based on best ELCC: 2.3 practices for Apply Best student learning Practices to and teacher Student Learning growth (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to interpret and analyze data based on best practices for student learning and teacher growth (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to interpret and analyze data based on best practices for student learning and teacher growth (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to interpret and analyze data based on best practices for student learning and teacher growth (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to apply human development theory, proven learning and motivational theories and concern for diversity to the learning process (nondirective, collaborative, directive informational and directive Reflection demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to apply human development theory, proven learning and motivational theories and concern for diversity to the learning process (nondirective, collaborative, directive, informational and directive Reflection demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to apply human development theory, proven learning and motivational theories and concern for diversity to the learning process (nondirective, collaborative, directive, informational and directive PART III PADEPP: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 CF: 1.2, 3.2 EEDA: 5.0-7.0 ISTE: 2c, 2d, 4b Reflection demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to apply human development theory, proven learning and motivational theories and concern for diversity to the learning process (nondirective, collaborative, directive, 9 PART III Interpreting and Analyzing Data Reflection ELCC 2.2 Provide Effective Instructional Program PADEPP: 8.1, 8.3 CF: 1.1 ISTE: 3a PART IV Post Conference with Teacher Professional Growth Plan Teacher Professional Growth Plan ELCC: 2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional control) (b) control) (b) control) (b) informational and directive control) (b) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to recommend activities that apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practices (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to recommend activities that apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practice (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to recommend activities that apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practice (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to recommend activities that apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practice (a) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to make recommendations that fully accommodate learners’ diverse needs (b) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to make recommendations that fully accommodate learners’ diverse needs (b) Reflection demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to make recommendations that fully accommodate learner’s diverse needs (b) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to implement, wellplanned, context appropriate professional development based on reflective practice, and research on Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to implement, wellplanned, context appropriate professional development based on reflective practice, and research on Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to implement, well-planned, context appropriate professional development based on reflective practice, and Reflection demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to make recommendations that fully accommodate learner’s diverse needs (b) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to implement, wellplanned, context appropriate professional development based on reflective practice, and 10 Growth Plans student learning (a) student learning (a) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection, and adult learning strategies to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers (b) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection and adult learning strategies to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers (b) Candidate Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s superior ability to develop and implement personal professional growth plans based on research on student learning (a) that reflect a commitment to life-long learning and on how to become more skillful at supporting teacher growth (c) Candidate Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s strong ability to develop and implement personal professional growth plans based on research on student learning (a) that reflect a commitment to life-long learning and on how to become more skillful at supporting teacher growth (c) PADEPP: 9.1 CF: 5.1 ISTE: 3a Part V Candidate Professional Growth Plan ELCC: 2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plan research on student learning (a) research on student learning (a) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection and adult learning strategies to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers (b) Teacher Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection and adult learning to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers (b) Candidate Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s adequate ability to develop and implement personal professional growth plans based on research on student learning (a) that reflect a commitment to life-long learning and on how to become more skillful at supporting teacher growth (c) Candidate Professional Growth Plan demonstrates candidate’s minimal or no ability to develop and implement personal professional growth plans based on research on student learning (a)that reflect a commitment to life-long learning and on how to become more skillful at supporting teacher growth (c) 11