WRITING YOUR HIDDEN NEWSPAPER STEP 1: TIME PERIOD Determine if you are writing the newspaper in present or past. (Example: 1945 or 2013) STEP 2: COMPONENTS Choose a Newspaper Title Identify your major story (See format below) Identify minor story o Minor stories are no more than 4-5 sentences and include: Breaking news event summary, obituaries, biographies, updates about the war, etc. Figure out if you want to include bullets/weather/advertisements Determine what photos/maps will enhance you Newspaper STEP 3: WRITING THE MAJOR STORY 7-10 Sentences o “Hook” the reader (1 Sentence) (examples: Breaking news came out of Washington today, More World War II secrets are revealed, Nazi traitors are finally opening up about their roles….” o “What” (1 Sentence) (examples: Three WWII heroes accidently encountered one another; Anne Frank’s Diary is treasured by many, and we now know who to thank for this artifact; Rescuers emerged as heroic figures throughout the war, helping as many as 1,000 people) o “Who” (2-3 Sentences) (examples: Eisenhower received the letter from ________________, a spy working for __________________ throughout the Holocaust; __________________________ was a victim on Oskar Schindler’s list.) o “Significance” (2-3 Sentences) Why is this important information? What did they contribute to the War? Who did they impact? o Closing Statement (1-2 Sentences) Conclude the article