Criterion #1 Centering Instruction on high expectations for student achievement LEARNING TARGETS (from BSD Eval Form) P1:Connection to standards, broader purpose and transferable skill P4:Communication of learning target(s) P5: Expectation, support & opportunity for participation & meaning making. SE3:Work of high cognitive demand CEC3:Discussion, collaboration and accountability WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE The lesson is based on grade level standards and the learning target(s) align to the standard. The lesson is consistently linked to broader purpose or transferable skill. Teacher communicates the learning target(s) through the verbal and visual strategies, checks for understanding of what the target(s) are and references the target throughout instruction. The success criteria for the learning target(s) are clear to students. Teacher expectations and strategies engage all students in work of high cognitive demand. Routines for discussion and collaboration work have been explicitly taught, are evident, and result in effective discourse related to the lesson purpose. Students independently use the routines during the lesson. Students are held accountable for their work, take ownership for their learning and support the learning of others. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS When you post a learning target include purpose in the target. Example: LT – I can divide two digits by one digit. Purpose – We divide things with our friends. We call this sharing. Post on Board System for regular check-ins against the target Demonstration of a progress monitoring tool used by both the teacher and student Math – Class leader to discuss points daily Along with LT, identify the class experts End period with class discussion (what went well with pillars as well as learning targets) Criterion #2 Demonstrating effective teaching practices LEARNING TARGET SE1: Quality of questions SE5: Expectations, support & opportunity for participation & meaning making SE6: Substance of student talk CP6: Scaffolds the task CP7: Gradual release of responsibility WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE Teacher frequently asks questions to probe and deepen students’ understanding or uncover misconceptions. Teacher assists students in clarifying and assessing their thinking with one another. Students question one another to probe for deepen thinking. Teacher sets expectations and provides support for a variety of engagement strategies and structures that facilitate participation and meaning making by students. All students have the opportunity to engage in quality talk. Routines are often student-led. Student-to-student talk reflects knowledge and ways of thinking associated with the content. Students provide evidence to support their arguments and new ideas. Teacher provides scaffolds and structures that are clearly related to and support the development of the targeted concepts and/or skills. Students use scaffolds across tasks with similar demands. Teacher consistently used strategies for the purpose of gradually releasing responsibility to students to promote learning and independence. Students expect to be self-reliant. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS “TALK and Prove It” – have student stop through out their learning to check with a neighbor. Teach the neighbor what they know then have them share back to teacher…this will lead to questions and probing. The above “Talk and Prove It” will allow students to provide evidence for their thinking. IEP related goals are addressed via programs developed. IE – Khan, MASI, modified daily lessons, etc. For math we use the Walsh Does, We Do, You do. Students assess as they go. In Writing, students will receive a lot of modeling leading to independence. Celebration with student success. Criterion #3 Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs. LEARNING TARGET P3: Teaching point(s) are based on the students’ learning needs. SE2: Ownership of learning SE4: Strategies that capitalize on learning needs of students CP5: Differentiated instruction A6: Teacher use of formative assessment data Student Growth Criteria 3: Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs. WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE Teacher bases the teaching point(s) on the learning needs – academic background, life experiences, culture and language – for groups of students and individual students. Teacher consistently provides opportunities and strategies for students to take ownership of their learning. Most locus of control is with students in ways that support students’ learning. Teacher uses strategies that capitalize and build upon learning needs of students – academic background, life experiences, culture and language of students – for the whole group, small group of students and individual students. Teacher consistently uses strategies for individual learning strengths and needs. Teacher uses formative assessment data to make in-the-moment instructional adjustments, modify future lessons and give targeted feedback aligned with the learning target to individual students. 3.1: Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for subgroups of students not reaching full potential in collaboration with students, parents, and other school staff. Goal(s) identify multiple, high –quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). 3.2: Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two points in time show evidence of high growth for all or nearly all students. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS Use of Assessments, CBMs, IEPs and Evals to drive teaching points. Students monitor skills and sent goals Students share their learning each night with their families Strategies journal in all academic areas. Students meeting target can move to the next target or receive additional support Students evaluate their work while moving from I Do, We Do, You Do Use of word errors to drive word sorts – be sure to do WTW assessment IEPs CBMs, etc. Criterion #4 Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum LEARNING TARGET P2: Connection to previous and future lessons CP1: Alignment of instructional materials and tasks CP2: Discipline-specific conceptual understanding CP3: Pedagogical content knowledge CP4: Teacher knowledge of content WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS Math Class Leader daily discussion Students look at learning targets and can see where they came from and where they are going. The lesson is clearly linked to previous and future lessons. Lessons build on each other in ways that enhance student learning. Students understand how the lesson relates to previous lesson. Instructional materials and tasks align with Khan, MASI and Reading/Writing the purpose of the unit and lesson. Alignments Materials and tasks consistently align with student’s level of challenge. Teacher consistently uses discipline-specific I Do, We Do, You Do teaching approaches and strategies that Thinking Maps develop students’ conceptual Social/Emotional activities understanding. See Strategic Plan for more ideas Instruction is always consistent with pedagogical content knowledge and supports students in discipline-specific habits of thinking. Teacher demonstrates an in-depth Progress monitoring tool help understanding of how discipline-based identify missing concepts. concepts relate to or build upon one another. Teacher identifies and addresses student misconceptions that impact conceptual understanding over time. Criterion #5 Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment LEARNING TARGET CEC1: Arrangement of classroom CEC2: Accessibility and use of materials CEC4: Use of learning time CEC5: Managing student behavior CEC6: Student status CEC7: Norms for learning WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE The physical environment is safe, and the arrangement supports student learning and the purpose of the lesson. Teacher and students use the physical arrangement for learning. The resources, materials and technology in the classroom relate to the content of current unit studied, are accessible to all students and are intentionally used by both teacher and student to support learning. Students are familiar and comfortable with using the available resources. All available time is maximized in service of learning. Transitions are student-managed, efficient, and maximize instructional time. Teacher responds to student misbehavior by following classroom routines and building discipline procedures. Student behavior is appropriate. Students manage themselves, assist each other in managing behavior, or there in no student misbehavior. Teacher and students demonstrate appropriate teacher-student and student-student relationships that foster students’ well-being and adapt to meet individual circumstances. Patterns of interaction between teacher and students and among students indicate that all are valued for their contributions. Teacher creates opportunities for students’ status to be evaluated. Classroom norms are evident and encourage risk taking, collaboration, respect for divergent thinking and students’ culture. Teacher and students refer to the norms and/or interactions consistently align with norms. Students remind one another of the norms. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS Manipulatives Computers Software Support tools on desks Use of Pillar Bucks Posted Pillars and expectations Point system Class check-in at end of period Social/Emotional activities Field trips Criterion #6 Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning LEARNING TARGETS (from BSD Eval Form) A1: Self-assessment of learning connected to the success criteria A2: Demonstration of learning A3: Formative assessment of learning A4: Collection system for formative assessment data A5: Student use of assessment data Student Growth Criteria 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE Students consistently assess their own learning in relation to the success criteria and can determine where they are in connection to the learning targets. Assessment tasks are aligned with the learning targets and allow students to demonstrate complex understanding and/or skill related to the learning targets. Teacher provides a variety of strategies for formative assessments that align with the learning target(s). Teacher has an observable system and routines for recording formative assessment data, uses multiple sources and consistently uses the system for instructional purposes. Students consistently use assessment data to assess their own learning, determine learning goals and monitor progress over time. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS Use of student progress monitoring Teacher created assessment Thumbs up Fingers for scores Popsicle sticks Use of teacher progress monitoring Reading fluency Khan Progress WTW progress Etc 6.1: Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for students in collaboration with students and parents. These whole classroom goals align to school goal(s). Goal(s) identify multiple, high-quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). 6.2: Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two points in time show evidence of high growth for all or nearly all students. Whole class progress monitoring tools Criterion #7 Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community LEARNING TARGETS (from BSD Eval Form) PCC3: Parents and guardians PCC4: Communication within the school community about student progress WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE Teacher communicates with all parents and guardians about goals of instruction and student progress using multiple tools to communicate in a timely and positive manner. Teacher considers the language needs of parents and guardians. Teacher effectively engages in two-way forms of communication and is responsive to parents. Teacher maintains accurate and systematic student records. Teacher communicates student progress information to relevant individuals within the school community in a timely way. Teacher and student communicate accurately and positively about student successes and challenges. EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS IEPs and Evals w/ translator if needed E-mail Phone Calls Texting Strategic Plan Website IEP Online EasyCBM or AimsWeb Criterion #8 Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practices and student learning LEARNING TARGETS (from BSD Eval Form) PCC1: Collaboration with peers and administrators to improve student learning PCC2: Professional and collegial relationships PCC5: Supports school, district, and state curriculum, policy and initiatives PCC6: Ethics and advocacy Student Growth Criteria 8 WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY IDEAS Teacher collaborates and engages in reflective TPEP folder system inquiry with peers and administrators for the Youtube, Facebook, Twitter purpose of improving instructional practice, and E-mail regarding what practice I student and teacher learning. Teacher occasionally am working on leads collaborative work. Lead IEP meetings Teacher develops and sustains professional and Student teachers and/or collegial relationships for the purpose of student, practicum students from WWU staff or district growth. Teacher serves as a Statewide relationships on mentor for others’ growth and development. Facebook and Twitter Regular sharing out ideas to district employees (paras, teacher, admin) Teacher supports and looks for opportunities to WWU PEAD Board take leadership roles in developing and Differentiated instruction model implementing school, district, and state initiatives. in resource setting Teacher follows district policies and implements district curricula and policy. Teacher makes pacing adjustments as appropriate to meet whole group and individual needs, without compromising an aligned curriculum. Teacher’s professional role toward adults and students in friendly, ethical, and professional and supports learning for all students, including the historically underserved. Teacher advocates for fair and equitable practices for all students. Teacher challenges adult attitudes and practices that may be harmful or demeaning to students/ 8.1: Leads other grade, school, or district team members to establish goal(s), to develop and implement common, high-quality measures, and to monitor growth and achievement during the year. Special education teacher Aligning curriculum in the resource room with what is happening in the gen ed room IEP meetings – leading adults to set goals for students who are historically underserved.