B12 6268 Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. CREATING NEW LIFE THROUGH QUANTUM COMPUTING Sean O'Brien smo41@pitt.edu Vidic 2:00, Ryan Kuhn rlk53@pitt.edu Bursic 2:00 Revised Proposal — In an age where new information is being created every second of every day, the human brain has pushed the limits of its capabilities. Computers have revolutionized the world but in such a short time, they are approaching the boundaries of their own capabilities. They can no longer calculate and process the gratuitous amounts of information we need and cannot process at the speed we need them to. Quantum computers hold the key to the future of the human race. With an unparalleled processing power, quantum computers promise to handle information like no other computer before it. Quantum computers work by utilizing aspects of quantum physics that actually hinder the abilities of normal computers. Phenomena such as superposition and entanglement allow quantum computers to carry more information per bit than any normal computer ever could. These quantum bits (qubits) allow for information in a database to be processed at a speed akin to the human brain. Besides the obvious applications of merely speeding the computational world, quantum computing in the hands of those daring to push science, endeavor to use it to create artificial intelligence. Quantum computing, though in its infancy, is the groundwork required to create a new form of intelligence like nothing humans have ever encountered. Quantum computing promises to open the world to a new idea: humans creating something that we will eventually fail to understand, something that, in itself, evolves. Quantum computing promises to elevate humanity from mere children playing in the dirt to something akin to gods reshaping the universe through the applications that this tech will provide us. [5] It is the next step towards other superior and advance technologies such as Machine Learning and even advanced Artificial Intelligence systems. These new applications would enable us to better predict major storm systems and allow us to take precautionary steps to prepare for such a potential catastrophe. It could also lead to a less volatile stock market making the chances of a crash or recession very slim. Finally the last major advancement that this tech could potentially bring us is the concept of Machine Learning which allows computers to detect a sign based off of past experiences and calculations instead of running through the process itself again [1][2]. We are quickly approaching this form of computing there are very few steps that stand in our path, these being major ethical issues that must be handled. They involve the legality University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 January 29, 2016 of some of the applications of this advancement like Artificial Intelligence if it gets to a point where the computer may even be able to think and choose for itself. But these challenges are not impossible to overcome. [1] TOPIC AREA Computer Engineering is the integration of Electrical Engineering and computer science to develop computer hardware and software. Quantum computing requires a hardware system that can funnel and direct qubits through integrated circuits. Transistors and logic gates have to be capable of interpreting the information encoded by photons which requires significantly reducing their current size. Quantum computers also require a new type of operating system to translate the new types of information being received from the qubits. Quantum computers are where Computer Engineers of the future will be allocated as our old system for computers will very quickly become outdated. REFERENCES [1] D-Wave Systems. (2014) “Applications of Quantum Computing” (Web article) http://www.dwavesys.com/quantum-computing/applications [2] (2014, October 8) "KurzweilAI | Accelerating Intelligence." (Web. Article) http://www.kurzweilai.net/quantum-robots-will-be-morecreative-faster-smarter-say-researchers [3] Lazaridis, Mike. (2013, May 17) "Quantum Computing 101." Institute for Quantum Computing. (Web. Article) https://uwaterloo.ca/institute-for-quantumcomputing/quantum-computing-101 [4]Nguyen, Alexander. (2012, October 10) "Quantum Computing." (Web. Article) http://qcquantumcomputing.blogspot.com/2012/10/forassignment-i-have-posted-my.html [5]Rieffel, Eleanor. (2000, September) "An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists." FX Palo Alto Laboratory (Web Article) http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/370000/367709/p300rieffel.pdf?ip= SERVICE&key=AA86BE8B6928DDC7%2E3F18A282B75 Sean O'Brien Ryan Kuhn quantum systems to code quantum “bits.” It describes quantum computing, its uses, potential concerns, and the progression of the technology. This allows us to get into the ethics of the topic and really discuss its potential dangers and uses in society. 518AA%2E4D4702B0C3E38B35%2E4D4702B0C3E38B35 &CFID=748860432&CFTOKEN=24549983&__acm__=145 4110518_020ad45be0e595caa523b6b57d822cf1 [6] “Choosing a Topic” University of Pittsburgh: Swanson School of Engineering (2015) (video) http://www.library.pitt.edu/other/files/il/fresheng/index.html [7] "How Quantum Computers Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 08 Dec. 2000. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/quantumcomputer.htm>. [8] "How Quantum Computers Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 08 Dec. 2000. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/quantumcomputer.htm>. [9]Kozloski, JamesÍž Wagner, John. (2011, September 19) “ An Ultrascalable Solution to Largescale Neural Tissue Simulation.” (Web article) [4] A. Nguyen, (2012, October 10) "Quantum Computing." (Web. Article) http://qcquantumcomputing.blogspot.com/2012/10/forassignment-i-have-posted-my.html This source provides information regarding the social and ethical qualms among the subject. The social and ethical questions that come up in science so often, provide an insight into the true capabilities of the subject. This source breaches the subject of security which has become a concern in light of quantum computers’ outrageous ability to crack passcodes. And it will continue and further our discussion on ethics. [5] E. Rieffel (2000, September) "An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists." FX Palo Alto Laboratory (Web Article) http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/370000/367709/p300rieffel.pdf?ip= SERVICE&key=AA86BE8B6928DDC7%2E3F18A282B75 518AA%2E4D4702B0C3E38B35%2E4D4702B0C3E38B35 &CFID=748860432&CFTOKEN=24549983&__acm__=145 4110518_020ad45be0e595caa523b6b57d822cf1 Breaks down the concept of quantum computing to make the concept short and succinct. Using this source provi des a basis for our paper that ensures, among the audience, at least a basic level of understanding of the core subject. Havin g less time spent on the foundation, we will be able to move more in depth and esoteric, to provide something for the audi ence. This source explains the basic principles of superpositi on, entanglement and “qubits”: the tenets of quantum comput ing. It also allows us to break down the topic and explain it to those who may have trouble with some of the more complex theories. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]D-Wave Systems. (2014) “Applications of Quantum Computing” (Web article) http://www.dwavesys.com/quantum-computing/applications D-Wave is the world’s first quantum computing company, paving the way for quantum computing. This company provides computing systems used by Google, NASA, and other world class organizations. They publish many peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals for their groundbreaking research. This article discusses optimization and its application to quantum computing. It provides us with multiple speaking points on the various applications of the tech and allow us to further delve into deeper research. [2](2014, October 8) "KurzweilAI | Accelerating Intelligence." (Web. Article) http://www.kurzweilai.net/quantum-robotswill-be-more-creative-faster-smarter-say-researchers This article was published on the Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence site, a database for technological advancements. The researchers of the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Innsbruck in Austria provided input on the advancements of robotics. This article addresses the applications of quantum physics in robots to improve the adaptability of tasks that can be completed and the systems that it requires. It allows for the discussion of A.I and its varied applications. [7] C. BENNETT, E. BERNSTEIN, G. BRASSARD, U. VAZIRANI (2006, July 28) "SIAM Journal on Computing 26(5):1510 - PDF (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)." Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics). (Web. Article) <http://epubs.siam.org/doi/pdf/10.1137/S0097539796300933 >. This article discusses the entirety of quantum computing and its various moving parts and theories. It in itself is a Conference Paper that had discussed the early applications and development of quantum computing and how it will become necessary to uncover in the coming years if we wish to advance at all in other computing based sciences. This paper is crucial to our discussion because it informs us of the various details of quantum computing and also provides us with other sources if needed for further researching and studying of our topic. [3]M. Lazaridis (2013, May 17) "Quantum Computing 101." Institute for Quantum Computing. (Web. Article) https://uwaterloo.ca/institute-for-quantumcomputing/quantum-computing-101 This article comes from the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo. This article discusses the progression of computers out of the traditional age of coding strings of “bits” of information, to the use of 2 Sean O'Brien Ryan Kuhn [8] "How Quantum Computers Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 08 Dec. 2000. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/quantumcomputer.htm>. How Stuff Works is a website that has specialists analyze certain fields of interest and publish articles about them to inform the public via the internet. This article discuss the basics behind quantum computers and provides a brief history of the advancements of the computer. The technology used for the quantum computers is described and analyzed throughout the article. We will use this to gain insight on the way that quantum computers are constructed. [9]Kozloski, JamesÍž Wagner, John. (2011, September 19) “ An Ultrascalable Solution to Largescale Neural Tissue Simulation.” (Web article) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3175572 This source goes deep into the issue of simulating a brain in large scale operations. This is an obstacle that must be overcome, and this article seeks to propose a solution. Uti lizing this source will really ground our material into what m ust be done, and provides an outlet for us to research further t o provide something. 3