APPENDIX S1: Detailed methods of measurement and calculation for the growing season length, the nutrient index and the disturbance intensity 1. Estimation of the growing season length (GSL) This estimation was done at the scale of the whole of continental France (Borgy et al. (submitted) give further details on this index and its estimation). Monthly means of air temperature (°C) and monthly sums of rainfall (mm) are provided by the 1 km resolution gridded data set of MeteoFrance named AURELHY (Analyse Utilisant le RELief pour l’HYdrométéorologie; Bénichou and Le Breton 1987). Potential Evapotranspiration (mm) is calculated following the method of Piedallu & Gegout (2008). Soil water holding capacity – which includes both gravitational and capillary water – is derived from the 1/1,000,000-scale Soil Geographical Database of France, following the methodology of Le Bas et al. (1997) and using the pedotransfer functions from Al Majou et al. (2008). A one bucket model is implemented to estimate the dynamics of the Available Soil Water content (AW, m) (Laio et al. 2001) and to derive GSLtw. All climate variables (i.e. Temperature, Rainfall and Evapotranspiration) are spatially interpolated at the 5-km grid cell resolution and temporally interpolated at a daily time step. For each pixel, the Available Soil Water content (AW) of day n equalled AW of day (n-1), plus precipitation and minus potential evapotranspiration. AW was bound between 0 and the soil holding water capacity. The model was run for 10 years with the same climate forcing to estimate the yearly time course of AW. Growing Season Length (GSLtw) corresponded to the number of days in the year for which (i) mean daily temperature was above 5°C (Kikuzawa & 1 Onoda 2013) and (ii) the ratio AW/soil holding water capacity was above 0.2. This was chosen as an acceptable compromise for different types of soil (Laio et al. 2001). 2. Nutrient limitation indices These indices were determined from above-ground live biomass data and chemical analyses conducted on this biomass. As for the trait measurements, this biomass was harvested at the spring peak of biomass production which was estimated to happen in each site when the dominant species were in the peak of their flowering period. Assessing the nutrient index at spring peak of biomass was a way to minimize the effect of other limiting factors for growth (e.g. drought or other environmental stresses) than nutrient availability. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were determined from oven-dried (70oC) ground material (0.5 mm), all species together. The nitrogen nutrition index (NNI; Eqn 1) was determined as the ratio between the actual nitrogen concentration of the aboveground biomass determined by the Dumas method using a C/N analyzer (Thermo, USA) and the critical concentration indicating the minimum N content required for the maximum biomass production, as proposed by Lemaire & Gastal (1997): NNI = (%Nmeasured / %Noptimum) * 100 eqn. 1 with %Noptimum = 4.8*(AGBmass)-0.32. The constant terms (4.8 and 0.32) to calculate %Noptimum were proposed as general values to be used in such grasslands as they were found to be largely similar among temperate C3 grasses and other C3 species, including legumes (Duru & Ducrocq 1997; Lemaire & Gastal 1997; Gastal et al. 2015). NNI thus represented a community-level (all species were considered together) nitrogen limitation index and all values below 1 indicated an actual nitrogen limitation for growth. 2 The phosphorus nutrition index (PNI) was similarly determined, calculating the ratio between the actual Olsen phosphorus concentrate on of the aboveground biomass and the minimum concentration allowing maximum growth. However, contrary to the case of nitrogen, there is no general estimation of this optimal phosphorus concentration because this value depends on the observed nitrogen concentration (Duru & Ducrocq 1997; Jouany et al. 2004). Consequently, the optimal phosphorus concentration for biomass production of a vegetation cannot be determined independently of its nitrogen concentration. We thus calculated the PNI based on the measured aboveground nitrogen concentration (Eqn 2; Duru & Ducrocq 1997; Jouany et al. 2004): PNI = (%Pmeasured / %Poptimum) * 100 eqn. 2 with %Poptimum = 0.15 + 0.065*%Nmeasured. This relation between Poptimum and Nmeasured is linear for the range of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations observed in grasslands (Jouany et al. 2004). As for NNI, PNI represent a community-level phosphorus limitation index and all values below 1 indicated an actual phosphorus limitation for growth. When legumes consist of more than 20% of a communities biomass, PNI can be underestimated (Jouany et al. 2004) but this situation never occurred in our communities. The nutrient limitation index (NI; Eqn 3) is a synthetic variable composed of NNI and PNI, thus representing a more general, communitylevel, nutrient limitation index (Dumont et al. 2012): NI 2 NNI PNI 3 eqn. 3 3 3. Disturbance intensity The disturbance intensity (gg-1y-1; Eqn 4) was measured as the proportion of biomass removed annually by grazing (Bgrazing) or mowing (Bmowing), relative to the total biomass produced (Btotal). Disturbance intensity Bgrazing Bmowing Btotal eqn. 4 The total biomass production was estimated in every plot of each site where 3-5 cages of 0.25-1 m2 (the number and size of the cages varied from site to site) were randomly placed in each plot to exclude grazing animals and avoid mowing. From these cages we measured the maximal standing biomass produced and extrapolated this value to the remaining area of the plot. The biomass removed by mowing (Bmowing), when applicable, could be directly measured. The biomass removed by grazing animals (Bgrazing) necessitated the use of the following formula: A Bgrazing ingi Di eqn. 5 i 1 Where A is the number of individual animal grazing on a given plot, Di is the number of days where the individual i grazed and ingi is the estimated quantity of daily ingested biomass by the individual i, depending on the type of animal (bovine, ovine or equine) and its weight (see INRA 2007 for the determination of ingi). 4 REFERENCES Le Bas, C., King, D. & Daroussin, J. (1997) Geo-information for sustainable land management. ITC-ISSS (ed Enschede), Pays-Bas. Bénichou, P. & Le Breton, O. (1987) Prise en compte de la topographie pour la cartographie des champs pluviométriques statistiques. La Météorologie, 7, 23–34. Dumont, B., Rossignol, N., Loucougaray, G., Carrère, P., Chadoeuf, J., Fleurance, G., Bonis, A., Farruggia, A., Gaucherand, S., Ginane, C., Louault, F., Marion, B., Mesléard, F. & Yavercovski, N. 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