WIANGAREE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISCIPLINE PLAN 1. Rules School rules will be displayed and regularly discussed. Be safe, be respectful, be a learner. Classroom expectations of 5 L’s of active listening will be reinforced as well. 2. Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement of acceptable or appropriate behaviour. Students are to be praised, privately and publicly, when they display acceptable behaviour. This is the most important part of the discipline policy. Teachers and staff will use the whole school reward system: 20 stickers on the in-class chart equals a dip in the treasure box. 3. Verbal Warning If students display unsafe or harmful behaviour in the playground, they will be verbally warned, with reference to school rules and will be asked to describe alternative behaviour that would be acceptable and appropriate. In the classroom, a verbal warning will be the first step, without discussion, as discussion would interrupt the learning of the rest of the class. 4. Reflection Time If the unsafe, disruptive or disrespectful behaviour persists, the student will be given 5 minutes of reflection time and directed to either: Classroom – Designated reflection chair Playground – Reflection area outside library When the 5 minutes is completed, the student will return to the class or playground and will be reminded to follow the school rules. 5. Change Classroom If a student repeats or continues unsafe, disruptive or disrespectful behaviour, they will be directed to leave the classroom, take their school tray and go straight to the other classroom for the rest of that session. The other teacher will set work for the student to complete and review their behaviour. 6. Reflection Card If unacceptable behaviour is persistent following the above procedures, a reflection card is to be completed by the student, signed by the teacher, photocopied and put into the students file and the original sent home to be signed by the parents and returned to school the following day. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the school to discuss their child’s educational, emotional and behavioural needs. 7. Warning Suspension and student sent home for the day Students persisting with unacceptable behaviour will be advised that they are making a choice – choosing either to be part of our school community and its learning activities, or choosing not to be a part of it. If they choose not to be a part of the school, the student’s parents will be contacted to immediately come and collect their child for safety reasons. A warning suspension letter will be posted to the parents. 8. Suspension If the inappropriate behaviour continues, the DEC policy on suspension of students will be implemented, with parental involvement required. 9. Police In instances of violence, possession of illegal substances or illegal weapons, suspension will occur, and police may be notified. WIANGAREE SCHOOL RULES Be safe Be respectful Be a learner