Five Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

ELA B10: Final Exam Review
Section A: Short Works
Unit Theme: The World Around Us and Within Us
“A Letter to the Media” (Poem)
- Anna Neuheimer (Sightlines p. 388)
“The Reel Life” (Essay)
- Arthur Black (Sightlines p. 386)
“Never Cry Wolf” (Short Story)
- Farley Mowat (Sightlines p. 321)
- What are our relationships and responsibilities to the communities and
environments of which we are a part?
- How are we related to and responsible for natural and constructed environments?
For technology?
- Why is it important to be in touch with the world?
- The world is a difficult text: how can we read it and respond to it critically? How
can I have a positive influence upon my world?
- How must we show respect and care for the community of life?
Unit Theme: Equity and Ethics
- Angela Shelf Medearis (Sightlines p. 31)
“Please Come for Dinner” (Essay)
- Stevie Cameron (Sightlines p. 237)
“Lather and Nothing Else” (Short Story)
- Hernando Téllez (Sightlines p. 342)
- What are some of the factors that create inequalities? How have inequalities
shaped our world?
- What is my role and responsibility in addressing inequalities?
- What is the relationship between rights and responsibilities?
- Who decides what is right? Why should we do the right thing? How can I act on the
right thing?
- How does one become an ethical person?
Be prepared for the following type of questions for each of the works listed above:
 Comprehension questions
 Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World connections
 Vocabulary (choose the correct synonym for the underlined word)
 Figurative language: Personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole
 Questions related to focus questions
Section B: Informal Essay
Macbeth (1 paragraph personal response essay): You will choose one (1) of the
questions below.
1) In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s ambition leads
him to fight for what he wants. Tell about a time that your own ambition has
led you to work hard for something that you wanted. Compare and contrast
the outcome of the play with the outcome of your own actions.
2) In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth wants something
that does not belong to him: the title of King of Scotland. Tell about a time
that you were jealous of something that somebody else had. What did you
do? Was the outcome positive or negative? Why? How did your decisions
compare with the decisions that Macbeth made in order to become the king?
Section C: Formal Essay
Hunger Games (5 paragraph formal essay question): You will choose one (1) of the
questions below.
Your formal essay will include an introduction, 3 development paragraphs, and a
conclusion. Each of your three middle paragraphs must address a specific topic and
include examples to support your opinion. Fill out the essay planning sheet and
bring it to the exam.
1) Choose one character from The Hunger Games and demonstrate how three
of their earlier life experiences have influenced who they are and how they
act in the novel.
2) Compare and contrast any two characters in the novel. Provide three
important similarities or differences between these characters and give
specific examples that illustrate these qualities.
3) Discuss three strategies that the Capitol uses to keep the districts in line
and under control. In each developing paragraph, explain why the Capitol is
using this strategy and what would happen if it wasn’t enforced.
4) Katniss, the protagonist and narrator of the novel, transforms throughout
the novel. What are three ways in which she changes from the beginning to
the end of the novel? Talk only about personality or psychological traits, not
physical traits.
Five Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer
Reason #1
Supporting Evidence
Reason #2
Supporting Evidence
Reason #3
Supporting Evidence