A clear line of sight - Domestic Violence Service Management

clear pathways to outcomes
A clear line of sight
Is your organisation, service or project seeking to close the gap between…
social issues and service design
translating evidence into practice
quality and evaluation cycles
planning and performance
sightlines is the Professional Services Division of Domestic Violence Service Management (DVSM).
We are designed to invest in sector strength, by exploring a clear line of sight for strategy and innovation
toward social change.
Service Offer:
sightlines provide advisory and capacity building services to strengthen the Community Services Sector.
These services include:
Quality Improvement
Workforce Development
Managing Change
Insights and Innovation
Funding for non-profits is increasingly tied to
client outcomes, adherence to quality systems
and collaborative partnerships. Governments
and philanthropists require greater
accountability, evidence and efficiencies from
our services.
The high prevalence of Domestic and Family
Violence in Australia infers that DFV is likely
to be present in your community, in the lives
of your clients and in the unseen lives of your
How can we remain effective?
How can we be better prepared?
sightlines is able to advise and empower
sightlines is able to support your
your organisation to identify clear pathways
to more effectively and efficiently meet
the needs of vulnerable clients and the
requirements of funders, both today and
into the future.
organisation to be better prepared for the
complex and fragile nature of DFV
disclosures and how to support pathways
to safety and recovery.
Leaders see things early clearly and differently
Is your line of sight clear?
Does your organisation, service or project face some of these challenges?
sightlines seeks to create a clear line of sight between the full picture and the individual
Understanding the scale of social issues
Attuning to individual client needs
Clarifying positive population outcomes
Customising to individual hopes and goals
Sustaining quality and best practice
Building sustainable service systems
Growing organisational capacity
Learning from client experience
Being relevant to today’s conversation
Engaging professional potential
the sightlines team
With combined experience of 127 years in Social Impact, the Sightlines team brings
expertise, experience and energy to today’s social and system challenges.
Key facets of experience within the team include:
Domestic and Family Violence
Child Poverty and Child Wellbeing
Early Years Education and Care
Working with Families
Contact Us
T (02) 9251 2405
E sightlines@dvnswsm.org.au
W www.sightlines.net.au
• Service Design and Service Standards
• Service Improvement and Practice
• System Mapping
• Service Mapping
• Strategic Planning
• Client Pathways
• Client Voice
• Stakeholder Consultation
clear pathways to outcomes
The Professional Services
Division of www.dvnswsm.org.au