درposter presentation به صورت33/3/12 مقاالت پوسترگروه مامایی که صبح روز چهارشنبه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 قالب 1 Rezaei. E 2 Moghadam. Z 3 Rezaei. E 4 5 Goodarzi Khoigani. M Astaraki. L 6 7 8 shokrani. S masoudi. Z tafazoli. M 9 10 Asefi. F Haseli. A 11 12 13 14 Talebian. F vahidroodsari. F yousefi. Z Irani. S 15 azhari. S 16 Taheri. S 17 Ghaemmaghami. M 18 Ghaemmaghami. 19 20 M Kalhor. M Ghasemi M The association of depression and common complaints of pregnancy in pregnanat women with sleep disorder The association of fetal sex and common complaints of pregnancy in pregnanat women with sleep disorder The impact of behavioral health sleep education on the psychologic disorder in pregnancy: A randomaized Control Trial, year 2012 Is maternal age related to pregnancy complications Relationship Between Maternal Fetal Attachment and Perceived Social Support Effects of Vitamins B6, B12 and C in Pregnancy Support to woman during labor Relationship between prenatal attachment and duration of exclusive breast feeding in primiparous women Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients The situation of women's access to prenatal care in the United States of America, Australia, Africa and the Middle East: A literature review Women’s Domestic Decision-making Power and contraceptive use in Iran Effect of Intercourse on Less Need to Induction at Term Perimortem Cesarean Section in Ongoing Maternal Death Correct scan, for the correct patient, at the correct time: A guideline for sonographic evaluation of the infertility for midwives and nurses The Effect of chamomilla cream on pain of episiotomy in Primiparous women The relationship between contraceptive pills and successful treatment of infertility Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy and postpartum anxiety level in primiparous women Comparison of the effects of Dry Cupping and Acupressure at Acupuncture Point (BL23) on the women with Postpartum Low Back Pain Quality of life and related factors among infertile women Lunar effect on depression, menstruation cycles, labor pain and fetus sex 1 poster به صورت33/3/12 مقاالت پوسترگروه امبریولوژی که در بعدالظهر روز چهارشنبه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 در قالبpresentation 1 2 Zaminpeyma. M asoudeh. E 3 Fesahat. F 4 5 6 Dehghani. M lotfivand. A Hojjatzadeh. Z 7 8 Malekpour. A Farahany. A 9 khosravi. S 10 Bolouri. R 11 Karimi. M 12 Kazemi. P 13 16 17 18 19 Abedini Marghzari. M Hojatzadeh Dezfooli. B Mahdavinezhad. F Tajbakhsh. F fathalizadeh. P Zandi. G Sehati. R 20 21 Hosseini. L Hajiaghalou. S 22 23 Borjian Boroujeni. P Honarvar. N 24 marefatpour. E 14 15 Protective effect of green tea extract on Sperm parameters and FSH & LH Levels in mice treated with anti-cancer drug Paclitaxel Protective effect of green tea ovary function and LH &fsh level in mice treated with anti-cancer drug Paclitaxel Mitochondria common deletion in cumulus cells in vitro fertilizationembryo transfer cycle A newborn with ambiguous genitalia and a complex X; Y rearrangement PGD and the effect of sperm selecting methods in ICSI Effect of in vitro fertilization on expression of apoptotic specific gene in mouse embryos at blastocysts stage Oocyte cryopreservation, advantages and disadvantages Ascorbic acid improves ejaculated human semen parameters after Mobile Phone exposure in vitro Evaluation of MMP-2 gene expression in mice pre-antral follicles derived from vitrified and fresh ovarian tissue Effect of vitrification on expression of apoptotic specific genes, Bax and Bcl2 in IVF-derived versus in vivo embryos Effect of in vitro fertilization on pluripotency of mouse inner cell mass using gene expression of Sox2. Effect of in vitro fertilization on primitive endoderm specific genes expression in mouse blastocysts Association of β-defensin 126 gene alteration with ICSI & IVF outcome in unexplained infertile men Quantitative expression of P53 on in vitro produced mouse blastocysts Effect of artificial collapse of blastocoelic cavity on viability of mouse blastocyst through Cdx2 gene expression Effect of the MDR1 gene C1236T polymorphism in male infertility in Gilan Quality assessment of blastocysts artificially collapsed by microneedle Expression of Oct4 Gene in IVF-derived mouse blastocyst Expression of trophectoderm specific gene, Fgf4 in artificially collapsed mouse blastocysts Ovarian tissue and follicle culture Effect of mouse testicular tissue vitrification and short-term culture on apoptosis genes expression Analysis of TEX14 expression in testis tissues of non-obstructive azoospermic men referred to Royan institute Investigation of KDR gene polymorphisms (-604, 1719 and 1192) in women with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss who were referred to the Research and Clinical Center of Infertility, Yazd in comparison with normal women Study of the protection of Alpha- tocopherol on human sperm parameters, 2 25 khoradmehr. A 26 Safarpoor. D 27 Sarvari. A 28 Borjian Boroujeni. S with Mobile Phone Radiation treated in vitro Effect of Prenatal methamphetamine administration during gestational days in mice Comparison of two different mouse embryonic stem cell culture systems in generating chimeric embryos by blastocyst microinjection method IVF outcome after using Anti freeze protein in semen freezing of three Iranian ovine breeds Effect of α-tocopherol supplementation during ram semen cryopreservation on subsequent embryo development poster به صورت33/3/11 مقاالت پوسترگروه کلینیکال گاینیکولوژی که صبح روز پنجشنبه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 در قالبpresentation 1 Rabiee. S 2 Farhmani.M 3 AMIRY. I 4 foroozanfard. F 5 Nazari. S 6 Cheraghi. E 7 8 9 Alahmoradi. M Zahiri. Z Nikmard. F 10 Azargoon. A 11 fazelian. K 12 fazelian. K Assessment of some endometrial cytokines association with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) outcome The Effect antioxidant supplement on human sperm after the freezing – thawing process Comparison of serum matrix metalloproteinase -9 (MMP-9) and NGAL/MMP -9 coplex activity in women polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and control women The correlation between IL-17 serum level and ambulatory blood pressure in polycystic ovary syndrome Comparing the Roles of Sperm Chromatin Integrity and Apoptosis in Intrauterine Insemination Outcomes of Couples with Mild Male and Female Factor Infertility Effects of metformin treatment on serum, follicular fluid parameters and oocyte quality in PCOS patients undergoing ICSI Sperm Separation In the Presence Of Ascorbic Acid and Albumin Evaluation of vaginal misoprostol effect on pregnancy rate after IUI The relation between anti-Mullerian hormone and antagonist protocol in women undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection The predictors of single- dose methotrexate treatment failure in women with ectopic pregnancies The effects of lead on motility, viability and DNA denaturation of cauda epididymal spermatozoa of mouse The epididymal sperm viability, motility and DNA integrity in dead mice maintained at 4-6oC 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Esmaeilzadeh. S Safari. S Association of Obesity with Polycystic ovary morpholog Routine use of EmbryoGlue® as embryo transfer medium does not influence on ART outcomes Comparison of GnRH agonists and antagonists in the outcome of Zeinalzadeh.M IVF/ICSI in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Zeinalzadeh. M Comparison of GnRH antagonist versus GnRH agonist on ART outcomes in patients with poor ovarian response Investigation of the relationship between quality of life with life alijanpoor. M satisfaction in infertile women Follow up of infertile patients after failed ART cycles: a preliminary Tabibnejad. N report from Iran and Turkey. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance according Mehrabian. F to the phenotypic subgroups of polycystic ovary syndrome in a representative sample of Iranian females The evaluation of infertility duration on the outcomes of IVF-ET Ghasemian. F Rasekh Jahromi. Proper time of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of endometrial polyps in the menstrual cycle A The relationship between serum anti-Mullerian hormone level and Hosseini. E endometriosis to ovarian response during Assisted Reproductive Technology cycles Mohsenzadeh. M Meiotic Spindle Integrity after IVM of Oocytes Retrieved from Ovarian Tissue of Sheep Risk of congenital heart defects associated with assisted reproductive Shirali. S technologies Evaluation of Tumor necrosis factor alpha polymorphisms association Aboutorabi. R with endometriosis Mohammadzadeh. Application of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) in Female Reproduction 27 J Aliyari. M 28 Shakour. M 29 Rasekh Jahromi. A Rasekh Jahromi. A 30 31 ahmadi. F 32 Anbari. F 33 34 davari tanha. F Neamati . N 35 Hosseini. E 36 gholami tabar tabari. M bahrami. S 37 Sperm Function Tests Speak Louder than Conventional Semen Analysis Toward the Dark Edges of Unexplained Infertility Surrogacy as an infertility treatment and the future community in opinion of students The relationship between fetal nuchal translucency( NT) in ultrasononography and neonatal outcome in Jahrom city Comparison of two groups with combination drug regimens in infertile women with anovulatory cycles,best pregnancy rate with least complication The effect of endometrial volume on the day of HCG administration on the pregnancy rate Comparisons of the outcomes between two commercial embryo culture media: HTF vs. G1 polycystic ovarian syndrome and bipolar disorder An Interview of Sperm Preparation Techniques; Advantages and Disadvantages Global epigenetic modification profile of endometrial and endometriotic tissue shows significant alterations in endometriosis Relation between BMI and age on laboratory parameters in infertile women Cytosolic and mitochondrial ROS: which one is associated with poor 4 38 Ashrafi. M 39 Farzadi. L 40 Bahrami Asl. Z 41 Samadieh. Y 42 rokhsattalab. Z 43 javadi. M 44 Darbandi. S 45 46 emamdoost. F1 Ashini. M1 47 Davar. R1 48 Dehghani Firouzabadi. R1 49 50 Tabatabaii Bafghi. A Davar. R1 51 Eftekhar. M1 52 Kianpour.M1 53 banihosseini. S 54 55 56 57 Raisi Dehkordi. Z Najafi. A Mostajeran. F1 Khani, B 58 Taheri. F1 59 60 Taheri. F1 Shahidi. M1 61 shahshahan. Z1 62 63 movahedi. M1 Movahedi. M1 chromatin remodeling? Evaluation of Predictive Factors for Clinical Pregnancy Rate of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Cycles: the Role of Infertility Cause The effect of endometrial local Injury and agonist GnRH for the pregnancy rate in patient with recurrent implantation failure The Relationship between Follicular Oxytocin and Assisted Reproductive Outcome Epigenetic Pattern of HOXA10 Gene in human endometrium during menstrual cycle The vascular Endothelial Growth factor VEGF+405 G/G Genotype may Influence Embryo Implantation in Assisted Reproductive Techniques Relationship between sperm parameters and DNA fragmentation using Halosperm kit STUDYING THE PLACE OF IRAN IN THE WORLD FOR MEDICAL TOURISM IN INFERTILITY FIELDS the effect of shbg gene polymorphism and idiopathic male infertility Evidence for Dynamic Role of NFY in Cellular Processes Related to Endometriosis Comparison the outcomes of use two different method of endometrial preparation in frozen -thawed embryo transfer cycles Effect of intrauterine human chorionic gonadotropin injection before embryo transfer in implantation and pregnancy rate in infertile patients in IVF/ICSI/ET cycle Fertility outcome after treatment of unruptured ectopic pregnancy with two different methotrexate protocols. A comparative study of luteal estradiol pre-treatment in GnRH antagonist protocols and in micro dose flare protocols for poorresponding patient Effect of progesterone supplementation on natural frozen–thawed embryo transfer cycles.A randomized controlled rtia C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels of Serum and Peritoneal Fluid in Women with Endometriosi The Effect of Madder root (Rubia) on Sperm parameters in Adult Male Rats The Effects of Aloe Vera on Testicular Histology in Rat The Effect of Madder root (Rubia) on Testosterone in Adult Male Rats Complication of IVF , case repor The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in Iranian women based on different diagnostic criteri Assessment of the developmental competence in vitrified- warmed ovine oocytes in different developmental stage The Effects of vitrification on nuclear status of ovine oocyte A randomized controlled trial of heparin therapy for women with in vitro fertilization implantation failure Crown-rump length discordance in twins in the first trimester and its correlation with perinatal complications Effect of Maternal Age on Pregnancy Outcome Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membrane 5 64 shahshahan. Z1 65 Mostajeran. F1 66 67 Behnamfar.F1 bagheri. S1 68 Mardanian. F1 69 70 71 Hajhashemi. M1 Modarresi. M Shirali. S1 72 73 74 Jafarzadeh. F1 Abasi. Z naeimi. N 75 76 Barari. A1 shirali. S1 77 Tolouei. F The Diagnostic Value of Combined Test for Trisomy 21 and 18 Screening in Over 35-years Old Pregnant Women in the Gestational Age of 9-14 weeks Evaluation of antimullerian hormone levels before and after laparoscopic management of endometriosis Fertility preserving surgery and epithelial ovarian cancer-a case report A Comparative Study of Relationship between Micronutrients and Gestational Diabetes The Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Following Infertility Treatment Processes in Infertile Women in Isfahan Postpartum ICH Phytoestrogens and their beneficial role in women’s health Beta-Thalassemia Major and The Role of Oxidative Stress on Female Fertility and Infertility Risk Classification for Drug Use during Pregnancy Compare methods of diagnosing genital tuberculosis in infertile women An investigation on the consequences of and approaches to the change of life style relating the rate of women s fertility and quality of life Effect of training on fertility in men Role of determination of Hyperglycosylated HCG in prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome Air Pollution Effects on Pregnant Women and Newborns' Health 6 به صورت33/3/11 که بعدازظهر روز پنجشنبهexperimental reproductive مقاالت پوسترگروه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 در قالبposter presentation 1 Mohaqiq. M 2 Eskandari. F 3 4 5 entezari najafabadi. M Rajabi. S Yari. F 6 Fazaely. H 7 8 Increase of proliferation and colonization in mouse spermatogonial stem cell by low intensity ultrasound the protective effect of silymarin on viability, motility and mitochondrial memberane potential of ram sperm treated with sodium arsenite Effect of Embryonic Fibroblast Cells conditioned Medium on in Vitro Maturation of Immature Mouse Oocytes Effect of Nitroglycerin treatment on the number of pups in female rats. The efficacy of adding Dexamethazone to Clomiphene citrate in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility In vitro maturation of human oocytes using supernatants of mesenchymal stem cells and embryo formation by use of ICSI Effect of oxidative stress on testis histopathology in mature male mouse Bmp4 exposure increases expression of meiotic markers during differentiation of germ cells from mouse embryonic stem cells The study of levofloxacin effects on ovary Tissue and follicle count in rat Fatemi. N Bahmanpour. S 9 Vahidi Eyrisofla. N Effects of retinoic acid and ovarian somatic cell co-culturing on oocyte 10 Bahmanpour. differentiation from oocyte-like cells S The role of Selenium in optimizing different parameters of human sperm after 11 Amidi. F 12 Hamidian. G 13 Hamidian. G 14 Hamidian. G 15 moti. M 16 Hajian Karahrodi. A Mohammadi. M Rabzia. A 17 18 19 Ganji-harsini. S 20 Hatamikia. N 21 Cheraghi. S 22 Solati. A 23 Keikha. L cryopservation process Effect of Urtica dioica extract on stereological structure of ductus epididymis in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats The effect of Vitex agnus castus on structure and volume of corpus luteum in mice Unbiased stereological estimation of number and volume of atretic follicles in low dose of Vitex agnus castus treated mice The decreased level of antioxidant and increased oxidative stress in Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Evaluation of the protective effect of Nigella sativa oil on testis tissue after treatment with Bisphenol A Histopathological study of the effect of green tea extract on testicular damage induced by sodium arsenite in NMRI mice Induction of apoptosis by synergistic inhibition of noscapine and taxol on PC3 human prostate cancer cell line Anti-tumor effect of Thymoquinone combined with Tamoxifen on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells Ameliorative Effects of Curcumin on the Spermatogenic Cell Populations in Mice Following Exposure to Sodium Arsenite : A Stereological Study Myco-estrogen zearalenone reduced testicular endocrine activity and enhanced germinal cells apoptosis in rats The Protective Role of Nigella Sativa oil on Mice Testicular Tissue and spermatogenic cell populationsFollowing Exposure to Para-Nonylphenol: A Stereological Analysis Evaluation of the protective effect of Nigella sativa oil on testicular tissue in 7 24 25 GhaffariSadaghiani. Z Souldouzi. R 26 27 heidari. M Kooti. W 28 32 Ghaem Maghami. R Alijanpour. K Tahmasebi. F Ghalavandi. M janatifar. R 33 34 fathi. Z Mahdian. Z 35 KarimiZarchi. M 36 Mirjalili. A 37 Mansouri Torshizi. M Asadi. R 29 30 31 38 39 40 41 jahanpour. N Darakhshan. S Ghiasi. M 42 Kooti. W 43 Kooti. W 44 Seyed hosseini. E Amini Mahabadi. J Mirzaeiyan. L Mirzapur. P 45 46 47 mice following exposure to para-nonylphenol: a stereological study. Daidzein and Trifoliumpratense hydroalcoholic extract negatively affected the testis structure and functions (+)-Pulegone-induced Damages in Mice Ovarian Tissue Correlates with CYP19 Gene Expression Effects of doxorubicin on reproductive system in animal model The effects of 70% ethanolic extract of celery (Apium graveolens) on serum testosterone and gonadotropin levels in male rats Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly: potential differentiation of germ-like cells in vitro Hawthorn berries ethanolic extract lowered polycystic ovarian syndromeelevated testosterone level and improved the altered ovaries structure Poly cystic ovarian syndrome induces ovarian oxidative stress The effect of Glutathione on the stereological parameters of Hypothalamus in Cyclophosphamide- treated mice Effects of supraphysiological dose of Nandrolone Decanoate on the testis and testosterone concentration in mature and immature male rats: A time course study Selection of the Best Sperm Processing method in Leukocytospermia Effect of vitamin E with or without folic acid on oxidative stress in uterus of induced diabetic rats with streptozotocine. A Comparison of the effect of Levonorgestrel IUD(Mirena) with oral medroxyprogesterone acetate and Letrozole on abnormal uterine bleeding with simple endometrial hyperplasia Effect of Ferula assa-foetida oleo gum resin on spermatic parameters and testicular histopathology in male wistar rats Comparison of pregnancy rate per embryo transfer cycles that transferred frozen on days 17, 18 or 19 is done Association assessment of ESRα gene polymorphism (rs9340799) with endometriosis risk in Iranian’s women population Infertility in couple and celecoxib usage (An experimental design) Tamoxifen in Combination Tranilast Affects Transforming Growth Factor-β Ligands and Its Receptors in MCF-7 Cells Evaluation of gene expression in Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells using Real time PCR method The Effect of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Apium Gravelens in Female Rats on Fertility, the Weight and Sex Ratio of Rat Offspring Antifertility Effect of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Fennel (Foeniculim vulgare Mill) Seed in Male Rats αvβ3 Integrin Express on Mid-luteal Human Endometrium: An Immunogold and Immunofluorescent Staining Study Effect of sesame-supplemented diet on testis histology of adult rat Mesenchymal stem cells from rat bone marrow and adipose tissue similary to expressed neurotrophic factors in vitro Effect of crab shell extract on cell viability and apoptosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells 8 48 49 Mirzaeiyan. L Hajizadeh. Z 50 Hajizadeh. Z 51 anbara. H 52 Hosseinzadeh shirzeyli. M Culture, Identification and Compare of in vitro Cultured Adipose-tissue Derived and Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells A Histopathologic Study of the Ameriorating Effect of Grape Seed hydroalcholic extract against Fluxetine toxicosis in Male Mice The effect of grape seed hydroalcholic extract on testosterone concentration Fluxetine induced oxidative stress in the mouse tsetse. Phenylhydrazine-induced anemia in mice and its effect on testicular tissue and sperm parameters; evidence for protective effect of royal Jelly versus vitamin C The Effect of Retinoic Acid in differentiation of male Mouse bone marrow derived-mesenchymal stem cells into germ cells poster presentation به صورت33/3/13 مقاالت پوسترگروه اورولوژی که در صبح روز جمعه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 در قالب 1 fesahat. F 2 3 Vosough Taghi Dizaj Sharbatoghli. M 4 5 Sha'abani. K Aliabadi. E 6 Aliabadi. E 7 Ahmadi. A 8 9 Ghasemnezhad. R Yari. N 10 Talebi. A Evaluating the spermicidal activity of a new antimicrobial peptide from the Insect Paederus dermatitis, Sarcotoxin Pd ultrasonogrphic findings of 500 infertile men with small testes THE CORRELATION OF SEMINAL MELATONIN WITH SPERM CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS, DNA FRAGMENTATION AND NUCLEAR MATURITY IN CANDIDATE MALE FOR ICSI TREATMENT Semen PH correlation to age, volume, viscosity and sperm motility Changes of mice testicular sperms membrane glycocalyx after exposure to L-carnitine and Pentoxifylline Effects of L-carnitine and Pentoxifylline on the Activity of Lactate Dehydrogenase C4 isozyme and Motility of Testicular Spermatozoa in Mice The antipsychotic drug sulpiride induces semen abnormalities and insulin intolerance but does not affect body weight in adult male mice Oxytocin can decrease apoptotic index in testis under acute ischemicreperfusion in a rat model. Many laboratories have no standardization in performing and reporting the semen analysis The detrimental effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on mouse spermatogenesis 9 11 Talebi. A 12 mohamadpour. M mohamadpour. M Moein. M 13 14 15 shahmohammadi. R 16 Mazhari. S 17 Teyri. V 18 Soleimani Rad. J 19 20 Hosseini. M Ekrami. H 21 Lakpour. N 22 Dehghan Marvast. L Torki Boldaji. B 23 24 25 kargar dastjerdy. P taghizabet. N 26 Motamedzadeh. L 27 Atrian Afiyani. A 28 Talebi. A The detrimental effects of silver nanoparticles on sperm chromatin structure and DNA integrity in mice Effect of curcumin on dexamethasone-induced testicular toxicity in mice Toxic effects of Carthamus tinctorius L. (Safflower) extract on mouse spermatogenesis Pregnancy Outcome of intracytoplasmic injection with epididymal and testicular sperm retrieval in azoospermic patient Stereological Study of the Effect of Green tea (Camellia sinensis) Hydroalcholic Extract on Glomeruli Components in Mice Exposed to Sodium arsenite Celecoxib and silymarin attenuated varicocele-induced damages at testicular and sperm levels; evidence for endocrine and antioxidant statuses Nano-particle Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)-induced damages in mice testis correlates with enzymatic antioxidant line deficiency BSO-induced oxidative stress affects testicular histology, semen parameters and sperm fertility Stop Smoking Improves Semen parameters in Smoker infertile men Evaluation of cryopreserved human spermatozoa parameters after incubating with Iranian traditional herb (Calligonum) extract Influence of 3-hour abstinence on sperm DNA fragmentation and the maturity of sperm chromatin The role of Chlamydia trachomatis infection on seminal interleukins and semen parametrs in infected males of infertile couples from Iran Comparison of human sperm capacitation status using the measured hyper-activation motility pattern between the DGC and DGC-PVP procedures KLC3-gene expression comparison between fertile and infertile individuals Effect of oil and ethanol extract of heraclleum persicum on fertility in male mice Effect of Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure on Sperm parameters in men attending to infertility clinic Assessment of sperm parameters and chromatin status in rat experimental varicocele The rate of spermatozoa with residual histones in infertile patients; a five years study 10 poster به صورت33/3/13 مقاالت پوسترگروه اخالق و روانپزشکی که در صبح روز جمعه اسالید پاورپوینت ارائه می گردد21 در قالبpresentation 1 Halvaei. I 2 3 Behnammanesh. S Mozafari. M 4 5 Qaffari. F Aflakseir. A 6 asadi. M 7 asadi. M 8 9 Delaram. M Karamidehkordi. A Zoroastrians support oocyte and embryo donation program for infertile couples Ethical Issues regarding Fertility Preservation For Women Attitude of Iranian young people toward egg donation from resulting children point of view Impact of social support on infertile couples Predicting infertility stress based on the health locus of control among a group of women with fertile problems in Shiraz-Iran Relationship between marital adjustment and individual fertility characteristics in infertile couple Effectiveness of communication skills training program on marital adjustment in infertile couples Psychological and social aspects of infertility in men The relationship of spouse image of body with sexual function and marital adjustment in infertile women 11