Writing Assignment MOD 6,7,8,9 and essay

Writing Assignment MOD 6;
Describing a Person:
My grandfather
My grandfather is called Rens, he was born in 1941 and
has just become 70 years old. He lives in a flat near the
centre of the city. He used to work as a postman but now
he’s retired .
Rens has got short, brown hair and brown eyes, He’s
quite tall and thin. He’s a very happy man and is always
in for a game, he likes to invite people to his home and
often goes for a walk into the city.
He’s a well-known person in his town, he’s not only
known by the elderly but also by the youth. Even though
he’s not very young anymore he’s still very active. Rens is
a person who can get on very well with other people and
has very good relationship with his children and
grandchildren .
Essay on the Development of social-networking sites:
Many adults think that youngsters spend too much time
on digital friendship instead of real relationships.
I personally think this is not true, I think digital
relationships are very useful to have cause you can keep
in contact with people living far away from you.
Furthermore, Friendship=Friendship and you can’t spend
too much time on that.
Digital relationships aren’t bad at all, in fact they’re
really useful. However, there are a lot of dangers as well.
You can get in contact with very wrong people or provide
other people with personal information about yourself
they shouldn’t be able to get. I think that besides these
facts, social-networking sites will still continue to grow
cause they protection on these sites is getting better as
well. E.g. the profiles on these sites are not to be seen to
people who are not in your friend list. So you basically
isolate these people from your profile which contains
your personal information.
My personal opinion about these sites is that it’s very
useful to keep in contact with other people and that it
therefore does contribute to the social development of
youngsters. However, there are still things that have to be
improved to get a better protection on your personal
My own experiences with social-networking sites:
In my spare time I use Hyves and MSN, through these sites
you can quickly spread messages throughout your own
social network. Furthermore, on Hyves you got your own
profile with information about yourself and you can
even add things like movies from YouTube which you
like. Due to this you can have fun about movies other
people added to their profile, but more important, you
can see what you have in common with others and are
able to keep in contact with them.
Writing assignment MOD 7;
A ‘For and Against’ Essay:
Schools don’t prepare young people for life in the real
Nowadays at the last year of high school you get your
exam. This exam is a test about everything you learned
at school and this exam would decide most of your
future. Is this the right way for a school to prepare
someone for the real world?
On the one hand, exams are fair cause everybody’s tested
at the same time, under the same conditions, the
questions are the same for all students and the exam is
corrected by an examiner.
On the other hand, this is only one way of testing a
student. In my opinion there should be more exams, like
a household exam which would contain things like how
to do the washing up and how to do all the other
housework. Then you need a financial exam as well
cause when you’re going to live on your own you need to
keep track of your finance as well.
Beside all these exams students should get to know if
they’d really like the job they want to do, therefore
students should get one day to follow someone doing the
job they want to do to get a better insight of what it’s like
to do that job.
In my opinion, there should be more exams about doing
the housework and how to arrange a good financial
situation for yourself.
And the students should be given the opportunity to find
out what it’s like to do a certain job.
Writing assignment MOD 8;
A CV and Letter of Application:
Dear Sir
I am writing to you to apply for the position of account
manager. I would be interested in giving you
information about your financial situation. I enclose a
copy of my CV
I would like to work for you because I’m very interested
in accountancy. I would like to learn about the
production system of your company cause I feel it’s very
important to get to know everything about what the
company does.
I am a hard working person and I like to work very
accurately. For the last 3 years I studied post master RA
and German.
I think I could be a good accountant due to all the
studies I’ve done for it and my passion for economics.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours Faithfully,
Bart van Nunen
Curriculum Vitae:
Personal Information:
Name: Bart van Nunen
Date of Birth: 24.09.95
Nationality: British
Adress: 38 high street
Stewarton Kilmarnock KA3 5DB
Education and Qualifications:
Secondary school: Hellevoetsluis, Holland
 Business economics and economy
 German
Continuing education:
 Master of science in accountancy
 Post master RA
Other Skills:
Driving licence; First Aid Certificate (First Class)
Reading, swimming, running, cycling, watching movies,
playing the guitar.
Writing assignment MOD 9;
A Personal Letter:
Dear Henk,
How are you? Did you Pass the exam? The weather is
really great here in Holland. Last week It was over 30
Anyway, I’m writing to answer your questions about the
trip, Get Hannah whatever you like. She loves cookies
and candy, but you really don’t have to bring me
anything. You should get short clothes with you cause it’s
very warm here. However, also take a sweater with you
and a couple of jumpers cause it could get colder during
the week.
We’re really looking forward to your visit to Holland. We
can go wherever you want but I think you’d like to go to
Madame tussauds. One more thing- we got wireless
internet at home so you can take your laptop and do
some school work and mail whoever you want whenever
you like to.
Well, I must go to school now. I’m looking forward to see