BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME FIRST YEAR Fall Semester ENG113 - ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING I (2+2) Tenses - Advanced Level / Gerund, Infinitive and Participle Constructions / Mass and Unit / Adjectives and Adverbs / Relative and Other Clauses / Modal Verbs and Concepts / Passive Constructions / Reported Speech / Conditional Constructions / Variations of Conditional Constructions TRD111 - TURKISH I (2+0) Orthographic Rules / Phonetics / Semantics / Wording / Language ATA111- HISTORY OF TURKISH REPUBLIC I (2+0) The Aim of the Revolution and Related Topics / The Decline and Fall of Ottoman Empire, The First World War / Mondros and Sevres Agreements / Mustafa Kemal and the Organization of the National Struggle / The Last Ottoman Parliament and the Proclamation of Misak-ı Milli / The Establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly MATH151 - MATHEMATICS I (3+0) Real Numbers, Natural, Rational and Complex Numbers / Linear Equations / Inequalities / Graphs / Functions and Inverse Functions / Functions Problem / Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / Limits and Continuity / Limits Problem Solving / Differentiation and Techniques of Differentiation ECO103 - INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS (3+0) Basic Concepts of Economics / Consumer Theory: Budget Constraint, Preferences, Utility/ Choice; Demand and Changes in Demand / Consumer's Surplus / Individual and Market Demand / Intertemporal Choice, Uncertainity and Information / Theory of the Firm: Technology, Producer's Problem: Profit MaximizationCost Minimization / Cost Curves, Firm Supply, Industry Supply / Imperfect Competition: Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly / Factor Pricing and Distribution CLP001 – CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING (0+2) Professional and personal development/seminars/social, sportive, and cultural activities Elective Courses BUS103 - INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS (3+0) Concept of Business / Fundamental Notions of Business / Aims and Principles of Business / Historical Development of Business Administration / Business and Its Environment / Business’s Founding Study / Classification and Juridical Structures of Business / Growth of Business / Cooperation Forms Inter Business / Management Function of Business / Human Resources Function of Business / Accounting Function of Business / Finance Function of Business / Production Function of Business / Marketing Function of Business. IR101 - INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE (3+0) Sovereignty and State / State and Society, Interactions Between the Governments and the Citizens / Political Representation and Institutions / Political Participation and Political Culture IR105 - WORLD POLITICAL HISTORY I (3+0) Why do we study world history/ Mongol Conquests and the Islamic Empires/Asian Developments until the mid-17th century/ European Feudalism/ Renaissance and Reformation in Europe/ European Explorations and Their Repercussions Centralized State Formation in Europe/ The American Revolution and Latin America/ Ottoman Empire/ Asia from the 17th to the early 19th century/ The French and Industrial Revolution/ The “long” 19th century ENV151 - ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (3+0) Basic Environment Concepts / Basic Ecological Concepts / Ecosystems / Environment - Health Relations / Social Responsibilities 1 Spring Semester ENG114 - ACADEMIC READING AND WRITING II (2+2) Advanced Practices to Develop Reading, Listening, Writing and Oral Presentation Skills TRD112 - TURKISH II (2+0) Language Families / Accents and Dialects / Verbal and Written Expressions. ATA112 - HISTORY OF TURKISH REPUBLIC II (2+0) The National War of Independence / Eastern and Western Fronts / Mudanya Agreement and the End of Sultanate / Lausanne Peace Conference and the Establishment of the Republic / The New Republic / The Opposition and Progressive Republican Party / The renovations in Education and Culture / The Mousul Question / The Experiment of Multiparty System- Liberal Republican Party MATH152 - MATHEMATICS II (3+0) Derivatives and Some Application in Economics / Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / The Chain Rule / Curve Sketching with Asymptotes / L`Hopital Rule / Integration / The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals / Numerical Integration / Linear Equation Systems / Matrices / Linear Programming ECO104 - INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II (3+0) National Income Accounting / Determination of National Income / Aggregate Demand and The Multiplier / Money and Modern Banking / Central Banking and the Monetary System / Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Closed Economy / Unemployment / Inflation / Open Economy Macroeconomics / International Monetary System and International Finance / Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an Open Economy / Problems of Developing Economics Elective Courses BUS108 - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (3+0) Introductory Concepts and Environment / Individual Characteristics / The Intra Personal Level (Individual) / The Interpersonal Level (Groups and Team Workings) / The Organizational Level / Process / Leadership / Power and Politics / Information and Communication / Decision Making / Conflict and Negotiation / Change, Innovation and Stres HLT102 - HEALTH AND LIFE (3+0) Health Conception / Healthy Life / Health Services Organizations / Human Anatomy / Health Problems in Turkey / Reproduction Health / Patient Rights / First Aid IR106 - WORLD POLITICAL HISTORY II (3+0) The Global Context of International Relations at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/ The First World War and the Western World in the Twenties/ The Second World War/ The Cold War betwen the Superpowers/ From Cold War to New World Disorder HIST152 - HISTORY OF CIVILISATION AND SCIENCE (3+0) Civilization / Prehistoric Period / Ancient Civilizations / Turkish-Islamic Period / Scholastic Period / Enlightenment / Three Rs / Industrial Revolution / Technological Revolution, Communication SECOND YEAR Fall Semester STA251 - STATISTICS I (3+0) Introduction to Statistics / Summarizing Descriptive Relationships / Measures of Central Tendency / Mod, Median, Means / Measures of Variability/ Grouped Data /Probability Theory / Random Variables / Probability Distributions/ Joint Probability Distributions BUS205 - MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION (3+0) Changing Paradigms of Management / External and Internal Environments / Managerial Ethics / Corporate Responsibility / Goal Setting / Organizational Planning and Decision Making / Organization Structure / Organization Change / Human Resources Management/ Organizational Behavior / Leadership / Motivation / Organizational Communication / Teamwork In Organizations / Total Quality Management/ Customer Satisfaction / Control Systems 2 AFM251 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (3+0) Accounting in Action / The reporting Process / Adjusting the Accounts / Completion of the Accounting Cycle / Accounting for Merchandising Operations / Inventories / Accounting Principles / Internal Control and Cash / Receivables / Plant Assets, Natural Resources and Intangibles / The Sstatement of Cash Flows LAW181 - FUNDAMENTALS OF LAW (3+0) Sources of Law / Business Law and Contracts / Labor Contracts, Rights and Obligations / Labor Contracts, Rights and Obligations / Concluding Labor Contracts / Commercial Business and Trader / Unfair Competition / Types of Legal Instruments / Bill of Exchange INT001 – INTERNSHIP 20-working days summer internship in order to gain experience in the workplace during the semester or between the semesters Elective Courses ECO201 - INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS (3+0) Markets and Prices/Consumer behavior/individual market demand/choice under uncertainty/profit maximization and competitive supply/Monopoly/Monopoly Behavior/Oligopoly/Game theory and applications BUS201 - BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (3+0) The Communication Process / Preparation of Documents of Communication / Writing Business Documents Clearly, Accurately and Effectively / Making Oral Presentations / Having Successful Interviews TRA201 - FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE (3+0) Basic Foreign Trade Concepts / Elements of Foreign Trade / Institutions In Foreign Trade / In co terms 2000 / Documents and Permissions In Foreign Trade IR 201 - HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT (3+0) State, Sovereignty and Political Regimes/ Ancient Greece, (Thucydides, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle/ Renaissance and Reform, Reinvention of Sovereignty and Machiavelli/ Enlightenment and its critiques, Development of the Modern State, The Rule of Law and Montesquieu/ Social Contract, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and later Contractarians/ French Revolution, Burke/ Liberalism, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill/ Industrial Revolution/ The State and the Dialectic, Hegel and Marx Spring Semester STA252 - STATISTICS II (3+0) Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions / Joint Distributions / Sampling and Sampling Distributions / Point and Interval Estimations / Hypothesis Testing / Simple linear regression / Method of least squares / Multiple Regression/ Additional Topics in Regression / Nonparametric Statistics / Analysis of Variance BUS206 - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3+0) General Principles of Human Resources Management (HRM) / HR Planning In The Organizations / Job Analysis, Job Design / Methods of Employee Selection / Personnel Orientation / Training and Development / Organizational Socialization and Career Management / Job Evaluation, Involved Concepts and Methods / Performance Appraisal and Systems / Base Wage and Salary Systems AFM252 - MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING (3+0) Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis / Budgeting / Performance Evaluation Using Variances From Standard Costs / Performance Evaluation For Decentralized Operations / Differential Analysis and Product Pricing / Capital Investment Analysis / Statement of Cash Flows / Financial Statement Analysis / Financial Statement Analysis LAW384 - FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMERCIAL LAW (3+0) Legal caracteristics of special contracts frequently used in economic life (special kinds of sale of goods, sale of industrial and agricultural products, barter, factoring, franchising, financial leasing, concession, rent of industrial and commercial immovables, banking and isurrance contracts / Law of securities / Issues of securities / Types of securities (cheques, bill of exchange, bonds, mortgage-bonds, shares, investment units, warehouse warrants) / Norms of investment contracts / Consumer protection law Elective Courses 3 ECO202 - INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS (3+0) The data of macroeconomics/National income/Money and inflation/the open economy/unemployment/economic fluctuations/aggregate demand/aggregate supply/economic growth LOG204 - BUSINESS LOGISTICS (3+0) Logistics Concepts / 7 Goals and 7 Rights in Logistics / Customer Service Level / Main Logistics Activities / Transportation / Transportation Management / Main Transportation Concepts / Distance and Scale Economies / Balance of Trade and Equipment / Transportation Modes / Selection of Mode and Carrier / Cargo Characteristics and Loading Methods / Costing and Pricing İn Transportation / Intermodal, Multimodal and Combined Transportation / Demand Forecasting / Procurement / Warehousing /Warehouse Management AFM254 - BANK ACCOUNTING (3+0) Banking and Banking Accounting / Current Assets / Credits /Deposits / Equity / Interest Revenue / Interest Expense / Non-Interest Revenue / Non-Interest Expense / Foreign Exchange Accounting / Year-End Transactions / Daily-Weekly Monetary Position / Trial Balance / Balance Sheet and Income Statement / Financial Statement Analysis for Banks HLT202 - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (3+0) The Concept of Occupational Heath and Its Development / Work and Health Relationship / Principles of the Application of Occupational Health / Occupational Illnesses and Prevention Methods / Ergonomics / Accidents at Work / Legislations in the Health Sector THIRD YEAR Fall Semester BUS301 - PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (3+0) Defining Marketing and Marketing Process / Marketing Environment / Managing Marketing Information / Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour / Business Markets and Business Buyer Behaviour / Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning / Product Service and Branding Strategies / Pricing and Strategy / Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management / Marketing Communication Strategy FNC301 - FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCE (3+0) Financial Statement and Financial Statement Analysis / Financial Planning and Financial Environment / Risk and Return / Time Value of Money / Valuation of Bonds / Valuation of Stocks / Cost of Capital / Capital Budgeting / Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis / Capital Structure and Leverage Elective Courses ENG313 - TOEFL IBT COURSE I (2+2) RUS/GER/CHN/ARB111 - BASIC RUSSIAN/ GERMAN/ CHINESE/ ARABIC I (2+2) Beginner Level Russian / Chinese / German /Arabic/ Basic Language Practice and Grammar ECO303 - MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (3+0) Introduction to Managerial Economics / Economy and Human / Free Market Economy / Collective Agreement / Collapse of the Market / Theory of Demand / Statistical Demand Forecasting / Demand Forecast of the Manager / Production and Costs / Optimization / International Trade / The New World Order BUS305 - BUSINESS ETHICS (3+0) Introduction to Business ethics/Why Are Ethics in Business Important?/ Ethics in the Workplace/Corporate Responsibility/Social Responsibility/The Positive Impact of Ethics in Business/Consumer Rights BUS307 - LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE (3+0) The concept of Leadership: Leadership is everyone’s business/ Interaction between Leader, Followers, and situation/ Behavioral Theories of Leadership/ Contingency Theories of Leadership/ Social Influence and Psychological Contract/ Charismatic, Transactional, Transformational Leadership/ The Dark Side of Leadership: Destructive Leaders/Leadership Wisdom MIS303 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3+0) 4 Introduction to information systems in global business today / Global E-Business and Collaboration/ Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy / IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies / Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management / Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology / Enterprise Applications and Securing Information Systems / Building Information Systems / E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods / Managing Knowledge and Projects FNC305 - FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS I (3+0) The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data / The Simple Regression Model / Multiple Regression Analysis / Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Data / Heteroskedasticity / The Simple Regression Analysis with Time Series Data / Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regression IR327 - INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES IN EUROPEAN UNION (3+0) Historical Development of the European Union/ Institutional Development/ Policy Processes/ Common Agricultural Policy/ External Relations/ The Future Spring Semester BUS304 - MARKETING MANAGEMENT (3+0) The Nature of Marketing / Marketing Management / Marketing Strategy and Planning / The Macroenvironment / Global Information Systems and Marketing Research / Consumer Markets and Decision Making / Business Markets and Organizational Buying / Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning / Creating Competitive Advantage / Marketing in Digital Age FNC302 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (3+0) Determination of Corporate Cost-of Capital / Capital Budgeting Techniques/ Project Cash Flow estimation / Capital Budgeting and Risk / Capital Structure and Leverage / Dividend Policy / Derivatives and Risk Management / Preferred Stock / Leasing / Warrant and Convertibles / Merger and Multinational Financial Management Elective Courses ENG314 - TOEFL IBT COURSE II (2+2) RUS/GER/CHN/ARB112 – BASIC RUSSIAN/ GERMAN/ CHINESE/ ARABIC II (2+2) Basic Grammar / Tenses / Word Types / Basic Language Practice FNC304 - MONEY AND BANKING (3+0) Money, Banking, and Financial Markets / An Overview of the Financial System/ Measuring Money/ Interest Rates / Economic Analysis of Financial Structure/ Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation/ Central Banks/ The Money Supply Process/ Tools of Monetary Policy, Monetary Policy Goals/ The Demand for Money/ Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis/ Money and Inflation FNC306 - GAME THEORY (3+0) Introduction to game theory / Dominant strategy / Nash equilibrium / Cooperation and coordination / Static games in perfect information / Dynamic games in perfect information / Static games in imperfect information / Dynamic games in imperfect information /Stable macroeconomic policy and Coase theorem /Cournot and Bertrand duopoly / Strategic trade policy / Limit pricing / Cartel FNC308 - RISK AND INSURANCE (3+0) The Role of Insurance in Risk Management / Risk Management Applications / The Private Insurance Industry / Regulation of the Insurance Industry / Functions of Insurers / Financial Aspects of Insurer Operations / Managing Personal Risks / Social Insurance Programs / Introduction to Life Insurance / The Actuarial Basis of Life Insurance / The Life Insurance Contracts: General Provisions / Managing the Retirement Risk / Property and Liability Insurance / Commercial Liability Insurance LOG302 - WAREHOUSE AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (3+0) Warehousing and inventory concepts / Importance of warehousing in logistics / Outsourcing of warehouses / Classification of warehouses / Warehousing processes / Equipments of storage and handling / Warehouse planning and design / Location selection of warehouses and distribution centers / Costing and pricing in warehousing / Hygen and security / Management and organization / Reporting FNC310 - FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS II (3+0) 5 Econometrics and Financial Econometrics / Time Series Modelling and Forecasting / Multivariate Models / Modelling Long-run Relationships in Finance / Panel Data / Limited Dependent Variable Model / Developments in Financial Econometrics LOG304 PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Concept and classification of production systems, product design, facility planning and layout / Time study and productivity / Forecasting methods, quality control, maintenance and new production concepts / Concept of inventory and types of inventory / Cost of holding inventory, inventory controlling methods / ABC, FIFO, LIFO methods and stock turnover / Inventory controlling models, economic order quantity, economic production quantity / Computation of safety stock and reorder level / Aggregate production planning, master production schedule and material requirements planning / Capacity planning / Inventory reduction methods, losses in manufacturing, inventory management performance metrics / Information systems in inventory management, ERP, MRP and barcode systems. FOURTH YEAR Fall Semester BUS401 - RESEARCH METHODS IN ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE (3+0) Research methods / Selecting research subject / Traditional techniques based on secondary data / Determination of Data Sources / Survey technique / Data collection, tabulation, analysis and interpretation / Preparing a Research Report FNC405 - FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (3+0) The Balance Sheet / The Income Statement and Statement of Retained Earnings / The Cash Flow Statement / Variations in Financial Statements / Financial Ratios Elective Courses ENG313 - TOEFL IBT COURSE I (2+2) RUS/GER/CHN/ARB211 READING AND SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN/GERMAN/CHINESE/ ARABIC I (2+2) Intermediate Level Language Skills / Reading / Writing ECO401 - TURKISH ECONOMY (3+0) Introduction to ‘Turkish Economy’ / Legacy of the Ottoman Empire and First Years of the Republic / Great Depression – Protecitonist Policies and Etatism / W W II and Integration with the World Economy After the War / Economic Planning and Import-Substitution Model / Structural Change in the Turkish Economy: 24th January 1980 / Trade Liberalisation and Exports-Led Growth (1980-1988) / Financial Liberalisalisation and Beyond (1989-1997) / Towards the 2000-2001 Crisis and the Post-Crisis Period / Turkish Economy in the 2008 Crisis and Beyond BUS405 - BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (3+0) Theoretical Framework of Business Environment / Economic Environment of Business / Political and Legal Environment of Business / International and Technological Environment / Industrial Policy / Monetary and Fiscal Policies / Financial Market Structure / Money and Capital Markets / Stock Exchange BUS407 - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (3+0) Globalization / Cross-Cultural Business / Economic Systems and Development / International Trade / Government Intervention in International Trade / Foreign Direct Investment / Regional Economic Integration / International Fınancial Markets / International Monetary System BUS409 – CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (3+0) Consumer Behavior: Meeting Changes and Challenges / The Consumer Research Process / Market Segmentation and Strategic Targeting / Consumer Motivation / Personality and Consumer Behavior / Consumer Perception / Consumer Learning / Consumer Attitude Formation and Change / Communication and Consumer Behavior / The Family and Its Social Class Standing / Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior / Subcultures and Consumer Behavior / Cross Cultural and Global Consumer Behavior / Diffusion of Innovations / Consumer Decision Making and Beyond / Consumers Social Responsibility and Green Marketing 6 BUS411 – MARKETING COMMUNICATION (3+0) Integrated Marketing Communications / Corporate Image and Brand Management / Buyer Behaviors / The IMC Planning Process / Advertising Management / Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals / Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks / Traditional Media Channels / E-active Marketing / Alternative Marketing / Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling / Sales Promotions/ Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs / Regulations and Ethical Concerns/ Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program IR423 – TURKEY AND EUROPEAN UNION Turkish-European relations from 1959 to 1974/ Turkey and European Economic Community between 1974 and 1989/ Union of Europe, 1991 Maastricht Agreement/ Copenhaguen Criteria and the Customs Union/ Luxembourg Summit/ Negotiating with the EU FNC407 – BANK MANAGEMENT (3+0) History of Banking / Banking Systems Around the World / Commercial Banking / Investment Banking / Retail and Private Banking / Off-shore Banking / Banking on The Foreign Exchange Markets / Bank Crashes / Supervision and Regulation / Risk Management / Money Laundering / Derivatives / Emerging Trends in Global Banking LAW485 – FUNDAMENTALS OF CAPITAL MARKET LAW (3+0) Basic principles of Capital market law / Subjects of capital markets / Characteristics of Turkish capital market / Control of capital market activities / Investor protection / Public offer of capital market instruments / Capital market activities/ Publicly held companies / Capital market institutions / Capital Market Boards of Turkey FNC401 – INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND DERIVATIVES (3+0) Multinational financial management / Foreign exchange markets / Currency futures and options / Parity conditions and international trade / Managing accounting exposure / Measuring and managing economic exposure / Financing foreign trade/ current asset management and short-term financing BUS451 – MICROFINANCE AND SOCIAL BUSINESS I (2+2) Social Business and Microfinance/History and variety of Microfinance OR/Strategic Issues in Microfinance OR/Geography and Microfinance in Turkey OR/Commercialization of Microfinance/Microcredit Field Study/Competition, Capital Markets, and Regulation OR/ Microfinance Across the Globe/Challenges in Microfinance Spring Semester BUS402 - STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (3+0) The Content of Strategy / The process of Strategic Management / External Analysis / Internal Analysis / Operations-level strategy / Business-level strategy / Corporate -level strategy / International-level strategy / The Challenges of Change and Organizational learning / System Levers / Action Levers BUS416 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP (2+2) Strategical Management, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Human Resources Management and Communication / Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Strategical Marketing / Entrepreneurship In Turkey / Success Stories Elective Courses ENG314 - TOEFL IBT COURSE II (2+2) RUS/GER/CHN/ARB212 READING AND SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN/ GERMAN/ CHINESE/ ARABIC II (2+2) Intermediate Level Language Skills / Reading / Writing ECO402 – CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES (3+0) Introduction: Challenges of the Turkish Economy / National Income Accounts / National Income: Growth, Income Distribution / Sectoral Structure: Agriculture, Industry, Services / Empoyment and Unemployment / Inflation / Financial System and Central Banking / Public Sector and Fiscal Policy / World Economy and Turkey: International Economic Relations / World Economy and Turkey: Balance of Payments Issues / Global Crisis and the Economy BUS406 - INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (3+0) 7 Global Economic Environment/ Global Trade Environment / Social and Cultural Environment / Global Information Systems and Market Research / Product and Brand Decisions / Pricing Decisions / Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution / Global Marketing Communications Decision / Leading, Organizing and Controlling the Global Marketing Effort BUS408 – E-BUSINESS (3+0) Making the students gain managerial knowledge about the theory and practice of e-trade and teaching the application of the fundamentals of e-trade principles in today’s complext network market / e-trade strategy / e-trade business models / customers relations management / risk capital / nest financing / digital media / content management / tax / copyrights / security / profitability / e-trade in Turkey and the future of e-trade BUS404 - CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT (3+0) Defining CRM / CRM in Marketing / CRM and Customer Service / Sales Force Automation / CRM in EBusiness / Analytical CRM / Planning a CRM Program / Selecting a CRM Tool / Managing a CRM Project / CRM Future BUS418 – MARKETING RESEARCH (3+0) Introduction to Marketing Research / Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach / Research Design / Exploratory Research Design: Secondary Data / Exploratory Research Design: Syndicated Sources of Secondary Data / Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research / Descriptive Research Design: Survey and Observation / Causal Research Design: Experimentation / Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling / Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative Scaling Techniques / Questionnaire and Form Design / Sampling: Design and Procedures / Sampling: Final and Initial Sample-Size Determination / Fieldwork: Data Collection / Data Preparation and Analysis Strategy / Data Analysis: Frequency Distribution, Hypothesis Testing, and Cross-Tabulation / Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing Related to Differences / Data Analysis: Correlation and Regression / Report Preparation and Presentation BUS490 - PRACTICE IN WORK ENVIRONMENT (0+6) Gaining experience in the workplace for at least 2 full days in a week during one semester FNC402 - FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS (3+0) Determinants of Interest Rates, Security Valuation / Money Markets and Bond Markets / Mortgage Markets and Stock Markets / Foreign Exchange Markets / Derivative Securities Markets / Commercial Banks and Thrift Institutions / Financial Statement Analysis of Banks / Insurance Companies, Securities Firms / Finance Companies, Mutual Funds / Risks of Financial Institutions / Credit, Liquidity and Interest Risks / Managing Risk With Derivative Securities FNC408 - INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT (3+0) Investments: Background and Issues / Financial Markets and Instruments / How securities are traded / Investors and the investment process / Risk and Return / Efficient Diversification / Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory / Bond Prices and yields/ Equity Valuation / Options / Futures FNC410 - FINANCIAL REPORTING AND AUDITING (3+0) Professional Responsibility / Auditor's Legal Liability / Audit Evidence and Materiality / Audit programs and Audit Work Papers / Audit Risk Analysis / Internal Control Concepts - Internal Control / Assessment of Control Risk / Internal Control and EDP / Statistical Sampling for Testing Control Procedures / Statistical Sampling for Substantive Testing / Substantive Audit Testing: Revenue Cycle / Substantive Audit Testing: Expenditure Cycle / Substantive Audit Testing: Financing and Investing Cycle and Completing the Audit Field Work / Audit Reports LAW484 - FUNDAMENTALS OF LABOUR LAW (3+0) Employer and Employee Relations / Employment Agreement / Liability of Employee / Liability of Employer / termination Indemnity LOG412 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS Project Definition / Project Management Concept / Project Organizational Structures / Project Planning / Resource Allocation / Cost Estimating and Budgeting / Managing Information / Managing Risk / Time, Quality and Cost Management / Procurement Management / Project Performance Measurement and Control / Project Evaluation and Termination / Project Documentation / Project Management Softwares BUS444 - GRADUATION THESIS (0+6) 8 A Report will be written about a subject covering some courses in the programmer with doing research related to the selected subject. BUS452 – MICROFINANCE AND SOCIAL BUSINESS II (2+2) How you can make a difference with social business?/Understanding the dynamics of social business/Promoting and fund raising for social business/Developing a strategic plan for social business/Social Business Plan/Social Business Strategies/Social Business Cases BUS454 – SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP (2+2) An introduction to social entrepreneurship/Ideas and opportunities/Developing the social enterprise concept/Social enterprise business plans/Measuring social value/Earned Income/Donations and Government income/Entrepreneurial fundraising and marketing/Launch, growth, and goal attainment/Social entrepreneurship cases from Turkey 9