CRITICAL THINKING The following are the diversity objectives adopted by Tarleton State University. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – the application of both qualitative and quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate arguments and to construct alternative strategies (CT) 1. Synthesize and integrate information is the process of critical thinking 2. Apply a problem solving process (i.e.; scientific process) to an identified situation 3. Support results with evidence or logical argument For learning outcomes successfully measured, faculty committee will determine that 70% or more of the learning outcomes were achieved at, or above, the level set by the department. Sixty-two measures were determined to be applicable to critical thinking. Twenty measures used appropriate means of measurement and indicated that the student learning outcomes were fully achieved. Fifteen measures used appropriate means of measurement, but the student learning outcomes were not met. Twenty-seven measures used inappropriate or incomplete means of measurement as determined by the faculty committee. DIVERSITY The following are the diversity objectives adopted by Tarleton State University. Diversity – Develop broad and multiple perspectives on the individual relationship to the larger society and world in which he or she lives and demonstrate responsibility for living in a culturally and ethnically diversified world. (D) 1. Communicate tolerance and appreciation of different cultures and viewpoints 2. Examine the evolution/process of U S policy in the world relating to issues of environment, human rights, and appreciation of cultural differences 3. Recognize the role of diversity in a civilized society For learning outcomes successfully measured, faculty committee will determine that 70% or more of the learning outcomes were achieved at, or above, the levels established by academic departments. Twenty-three courses in the general education curriculum indicated student learning outcomes related to diversity. Eleven (48%) of the courses used appropriate means of measurement that indicated that the student learning outcomes were fully achieved. Six (26%) of the courses used appropriate means of measurement, but the student learning outcomes were not met. Eight (35%) used inappropriate or incomplete means of measurement as determined by the faculty committee. PHIL201 SOC303 ART131 MUSC213 MUSC235 FA401 GEOL108 HIST101 GEOG120 CHEM102 HIST201 ENGL240 ART331 MUSC327 ARCH201 SOC101 SOC103 THEA238 THEA105 ENGL210 POLS202 IT340 CHEM105 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (D3) 1,2 1 1 (D2) 1,2 2 (D3), 4 (D1) 2 (D3) 2 2 3 4 (D1,2,3) 4 (D3), 2 (D3) 4 (D3) 4 4 5 5 ARCH201: To identify and understand differences and commonalties within diverse cultures. Students identify how cultures have evolved and express appreciation of world cultures. 51-69% average PHIL201: Students comprehend the objective nature of logical analysis across cultural and sociological lines. Lecture, reading, student interaction, problem solving exercises, with the goal to conveying that critical thinking skills in educated citizens is impossible without some facility with logical methods. Met standards. MUSC325: To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on intercultural experiences. Students identify jazz music from a variety of cultures. 78% TECHNOLOGY The following are the technology objectives adopted by Tarleton State University. Technology- demonstrate basic technology literacy skills in word-processing, presentation, computation and spread sheet, communication, and library research data bases. 1. Use and apply word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software in various contexts. 2. Gather research from credible sources electronically. 3. Use web-based technologies to communicate effectively. 4. Use technology and information ethically and legally. For those outcomes that are measured, the committee will determine that 70% met the targeted level of achievement. Nine courses reported student learning outcomes related to technology literacy skills. The faculty committee determined that 7 of these courses used appropriate means of measurement, and student learning outcomes were achieved in three of these courses. 2010-2011 outcomes SOC105 5 ART331 3 ENGL 240 2 ENGL 210 2 PHYS242 2 MATH107 2 MUS325 1 CHEM102 1 GEOL108 1 GEOL 108: To understand and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences. Mean score of 75% of better on relevant representative lecture exam questions and laboratory exercises. Mean score on these labs (plate tectonics, volcanic products, and weather forecasting): 84.2% CHEM 102: To demonstrate basic technology literacy skills in word-processing, presentation, computation and spread sheet; communication, and library research data base. Explaining how Galileo’s thermo-meter works in written paper. 70%. Data base searching for sources of chemistry demonstrations. 90% Laboratory Exercises involving graphing. 90%. MUSC325: To demonstrate basic technology literacy skills in word processing, presentation, computation and spreadsheet; communication, and library research data base Projects including a facebook fanpage, you tube performance, research paper, and movies. 75% of students will successfully utilize PowerPoint in their oral presentation. 100% of students successfully utilized you tube, facebook, as well as library database skills in their projects WRITING The following are the communication objectives adopted by Tarleton State University. Communication – the ability to communicate both orally and in writing in clear, coherent and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience and the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of communication tools (C) 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstrate effective audience centered communication skills Effectively articulate a reasoned position orally and in writing Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the tools of language Analyze, interpret a variety of material, integrate information, and data using a variety of communication tools including graphical representations and technology For learning outcomes successfully measured, faculty committee will determine that 70% or more of learning outcomes were achieved at, or above, the level set by the Department of English and Languages. Ten courses reported student learning outcomes related to written communication. The faculty committee determined that 9 of these courses used appropriate means of measurement, and student learning outcomes were achieved in five (50%) of these courses. Written Communication FA101 1 FA401 1 (2 measures) MUSC327 1 SOC303 1 (3 measures) THEA208 1 ENGL210 2 (3 measures) ENGL240 2 (3 measures) ENGL111 2 (3 measures) ENGL112 2 (3 measures), 1 (2 measures) POLS202 5 ENGL111: To understand and demonstrate writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation Skills germane to outcomes evident in the essays and a final written examination. 70% SOC303: Student paper requiring a sociological analysis detailing the social, political, economic, and cultural interactions of a particular racial or ethnic group with the larger culture. 85% MUSC327: To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities. Writing guidelines developed by department faculty. 90% ORAL COMMUNICATION The following are the communication objectives adopted by Tarleton State University. Communication – the ability to communicate both orally and in writing in clear, coherent and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience and the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of communication tools (C) 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstrate effective audience centered communication skills Effectively articulate a reasoned position orally and in writing Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the tools of language Analyze, interpret a variety of material, integrate information, and data using a variety of communication tools including graphical representations and technology For learning outcomes successfully measured, faculty committee will determine that 70% or more of learning outcomes were achieved at, or above, the level set by the Department of English and Languages. Four courses reported student learning outcomes related to oral communication. The faculty committee determined that 3 of these courses used appropriate means of measurement, and student learning outcomes were achieved in these three courses. Speech GEOL107 FA401 GEOG 120 GEOG201 1 1 1, 2 5 (2 measures) GEOL107: To demonstrate basic technology literacy skills in word-processing, presentation, computation and spread sheet; communication, and library research data base. Research, organize, deliver talk on environmental topic. 74% FA101: To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities. Students analyze contemporary art and music and theatrical performances. 90% of students (26 of 29) wrote a reaction paper that successfully analyzed contemporary art, as well as musical and theatre performances.