Applying to Falls Road Animal Hospital

To obtain a position that allows me to continue to gain work experience by
allowing me to work closely with animals and veterinary professionals that
would benefit from my training in animal healthcare and acquired academic
knowledge in biological and chemical sciences.
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Spanish
Concentration: Pre-Veterinary
Expected Graduation Date: May 2012
General Chemistry (2 semesters), Chemistry Lab, Biology, Biology Lab
Statistics with applications in the Biological Sciences,
Calculus I, Calculus II, Physics I, Physics II
Organic Chemistry (2 semesters), Organic Chemistry Lab (2 semesters)
Genetics, Genetics Lab
Proper usage of lab equipment, preparing dilutions, trained use of centrifuges,
Appropriate methods of handling of dangerous chemicals
Management and General upkeep of domesticated animals
Fluency in Spanish
Competency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Adobe Photoshop
Technician Intern & Volunteer
Everhart Veterinary Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland
GPA 3.81/4.0
July/2008 and August/2009
Baltimore, MD
 Obtained experience in the assembly and sterilization of operation
 Prepared flushes, assembled syringes, performed setting up of operating
rooms, handled maintenance of animal living spaces and fed animals
 Learned proper methods of restraining animals
 Performed nail trims, ear cleanings and administered medication to infant
President’s Fellow Award 2008
President’s List, Dean’s List, Academic Honors of Fall 2008, Spring 2008, Fall 2007
National Society of Collegiate Scholars 2007
Cum Laude Society 2006
Pre-Veterinary Society Member
UMBC Anime Society President 2009-2010
Available upon request
Audience Analysis
The audience of these letters is a potential supervisor or superior in the organization to which I am
applying to work in. His knowledge about the position I am applying to is absolute and is assumed
to be far vaster that mine because he is the one offering the position. His knowledge of my
character is going to be fairly superficial because I am introducing myself for the first time in a
piece of writing. Therefore, certain traits that the audience might find desirable in me, such as
persistence and dedication should be brought to the forefront of my writing. Because I have been
given the name of the supervisor, I already know that he is male and has the title of RVT meaning
he is a Registered Veterinary Technician. This title tells me two things about him, that he is older
than me by at least 5 years (because RVTs require two years after college to complete the
registration program), and that he is highly educated because he had to have completed high
school, college, and a post-graduate program to have the title he has. He is my senior in education
and probably by a much wider age margin than five years because not only is he a RVT but he is
also in a position to hire me, which means that he has to have been established in the hospital for
probably longer than two additional years in order to have that kind of authority. The advantage
that I do have is that I already was told that the position I am applying for is open, and if he is
reading my letter, it means he is trying to assess my character and purpose for contacting him,
meaning by reading my cover letter he is already at least subconsciously considering me for the
position; this is why I requested more contact information and follow-up meetings in the contents
of my letter because the more I make myself visible to him, the more he will remember my
application when it comes time to seriously consider filling the position that I am applying for.
This document should only be sent inside the organization because I am applying for a local, entrylevel position, so there should be no need for it to travel outside the hospital I am applying to. The
audience needs to know more about me to consider me for the position he needs to fill. I need to
address this need by making my application memorable, revealing of character, and appealing so
that my application will stick out and both our needs will be met when I am chosen to fill an empty
position that I require. Hopefully, if I have given an effective introduction letter, after reading it the
audience will definitively know whether he wants to consider contacting me further to discuss the
application process required to fill the position, or whether he has no interest in reviewing the rest
of my application when it comes in.
May 6, 2010
Falls Road Animal Hospital
6314 Falls Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
Dear Noah Cluster, RVT:
I am contacting you because I am interested in applying for the pharmacy technician staff
position at Falls Road Animal Hospital. A receptionist at Falls Road Animal Hospital, whose name
is Bianca Bagwell, is fellow UMBC student and she informed me recently that there was an
opening for this position. I am extremely interested in this position because I had heard that Falls
Road Animal Hospital is reputed to being one of the best veterinary hospitals in Baltimore. I was
also told that Falls Road Animal Hospital gives young college students the chance to receive
hands-on training with veterinary technicians and registered veterinarians, which would provide
me with experience that would prove invaluable to me in my path to becoming a veterinarian.
My name is Amber Dubin and I am in my third year at the University of Maryland in
Baltimore County. I am currently majoring in Chemistry with a degree objective of a B.S. and a
pre-professional concentration in Veterinary Medicine. Over my three years at UMBC I have
proven myself to be a hard worker by maintaining a 3.81 Grade Point Average while taking a
broad range of challenging science courses related to veterinary medicine. In these courses I
gathered relevant knowledge about living organisms, conducted dissections and learned to work in
pressurized conditions by participating in biology and chemistry lab courses.
I also already have work experience handling animals in a clinical setting. This past
summer (July and August 2009) and the previous summer I volunteered for 40 hours a week at
Everhart Animal Hospital for six consecutive weeks. Over these weeks I acquired many skills, as
listed in my résumé, that I could utilize if employed at your facility. In addition, I learned the
names of all of the tools used in spay and neuter surgeries and learned how to properly clean and
assemble them in packs for sterilization and surgical use. While there, I not only carried out very
basic medical procedures, but I also closely shadowed licensed veterinarians for surgeries and the
more complex medical procedures.
I would like to arrange a meeting with you in person so that I can fill out any paperwork
needed to initiate the application process and also arrange an interview with you so that I can prove
my interest in acquiring this position. My email is:, but the best way to reach me
is through my cell phone number which is: ###-###-####. The only reason I would be unreachable
by that number would be if I was in class; in that case if you leave a voicemail message I am very
prompt with returning missed calls and will definitely get back to you in a timely fashion.
Thank you very much for your consideration,
Amber Dubin
UMBC Class of 2012
Enclosure: résumé
May 13, 2010
Noah Cluster, RVT
Falls Road Animal Hospital
6314 Falls Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
Dear Noah Cluster,
I am contacting you to enthusiastically accept your offer to join the staff at Falls Road Animal
Hospital. When I received notification that I had been hired as a pharmacy technician at the Falls
Road Animal Hospital I was extremely excited to begin work at a facility that gives such in-depth
training to its staff in the treatment and medication of animals.
I would like to personally thank you for this opportunity to join the ranks of the superbly-qualified
veterinary medical staff that work at Falls Road Animal Hospital who provide the nurturing and
restorative environment for patients that has given Falls Road Animal Hospital the highly revered
reputation that it deserves. I only hope that the experience I have gained already will smooth my
transition into the work environment and will allow me to quickly become a contributing member
of your staff. I sincerely look forward to working under the highly-skilled doctors and technicians
at Falls Road Animal Hospital in the near future.
Thank you very much,
Amber Dubin