Unpacking Standards Template - LMS

Unpacking Library Media Common Core Crosswalk RELA K-12
Grade Level Focus:
Common Core Standard:
Key words from Common Core Standard:
AASL Skill: (Include Benchmark for Grade intended)
Key words from AASL Skill and Benchmark:
Disposition in Action: (What learning behavior should
you see?) Behaviors – verbs. Use developmental
stages as assessment.
Responsibilities: (What responsibility will you teach?)
Behaviors – verbs. Use developmental stages as
Concepts (Nouns): What do students need to know? (Note the nouns in the Common
Core and AASL Standards)
Self-Assessment Strategy: (What could you include for
Skills (Verbs): What do students need to do? (Note the verbs in the Common Core
and AASL Standards)
Refine: What does the classroom teacher do with the Common Core Standard in the classroom? (Choose a specific grade level from Maryland Common Core) Create a bulleted
list of important nouns/verbs and note of MDSLM curriculum cited.)
What content area will you integrate with these skills and standards? List content area standard.
Examples (What does it look like?):
Real World Application (How can students apply this to the real world?):
What could you write as a lesson objective(s) for these standards?
Students will…
Essential Questions: