1. Are you responding as an... Individual Organisation Other (please specify) 2. If responding on behalf of an organisation or group, please write its name here. 3. What do you like about the Draft Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020? 4. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Health? Yes Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25 Being an older person (50 or over) Being female Being male No Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief 5. Please explain why you think this. 6. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Education? Yes Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25) Being an older person (50 or over) Being female Being male Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief 7. Please explain why you think this. No 8. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Employment and Pay? Yes No Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25) Being an older person (50 or over) Being female Being male Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief 9. Please explain why you think this. 10. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Personal Safety? Yes Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25) Being an older person (50 or over) Being female No Being male Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief 11. Please explain why you think this. 12. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Representation and Voice? Yes Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25) Being an older person (50 or over) Being female Being male Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief No 13. Please explain why you think this. 14. Do you believe we have addressed the key issues affecting specific groups of our diverse population in relation to Access to Information, Services, Buildings and the Environment? Yes Being from an ethnic minority Being disabled Being lesbian, gay or bisexual Being a younger person (under 25) Being an older person (50 or over) Being female Being male Being transgender Being pregnant or recently giving birth Being married or in a civil partnership Having a religion or belief 15. Please explain why you think this. No 16. Are there any further comments you would like to make? Equality Monitoring Questions Conwy County Borough Council is committed to ensuring that its services, policies and practices are free from discrimination and prejudice and that individuals are treated fairly and according to their needs. Knowing the individual characteristics of our customers can help us to ensure that no one receives less favourable treatment because of their sex, race, national origin, religion or belief, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age or language. To assist us in providing services that meet the needs of different types of people, we would be grateful if you would answer the questions below. You are under no obligation to provide the information requested, but it would help us greatly if you did. Data Protection: Personal data supplied on this form will be held on computer and will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information you provide will be used for statistical analysis, management, planning and the provision of services by the Conwy County Borough Council and its Partners. The Council may pass on certain details to partner agencies as required, however, we will not share any personal information collected as part of this survey with any other third party without your consent except where required by law. Q1 What is your age? Under 12 35-44 75-84 12-15 45-54 Over 85 16-24 55-64 Prefer not to say 25-34 65-74 Q2 What is your gender? Prefer not to Male Female Other say The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as a person that has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities (i.e. has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months). Q3 Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the terms of the Equality Act 2010? Yes No Prefer not to say Q4 If you have answered yes, please indicate the type of impairment(s) which apply to you: Mobility impairment (such as difficulty using arms/legs) Sensory Impairment (such as being blind/deaf or having a hearing/visual impairment) Mental health condition (such as depression or anxiety) Learning / cognitive impairment (such as Down’s syndrome or autism) Long-standing illness or health condition (such as diabetes or epilepsy) Prefer not to say Other please explain: _______________________________________________________ Q5 What is your national identity? British English Northern Irish Welsh Scottish Irish Prefer not to say Other please specify: _____________________ ____ Q8 What is your ethnic group? White Chinese Black Mixed Asian Gypsy / Traveller Prefer not to say Other please specify: _________________ Q9 At birth were you described as: (please tick one option) Prefer not to Male Female Other say Q10 Since birth has your gender identity changed? (please tick one option) Yes No Prefer not to say Q11 What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual / straight Bi-sexual Gay man Prefer not to say Gay woman or lesbian Other please specify: ________________ Q13 What is your marital / civil partnership status? Married or same sex civil partnership Prefer not to say Single Q14 What is your religion? Christian Hindu No religion Muslim Buddhist Prefer not to say Sikh Jewish Atheist Other please specify: ______________________________ Q15 Are you currently pregnant or have you been pregnant or taken maternity leave in the last year? Yes Prefer not to say No Other please specify: ________________ Does not apply to me