Human Resources and the Careers Service. TUoS Graduate Internship Scheme Guidelines and Timeline 2014/15 As part of our Employability Strategy, the University will again be funding a Graduate Intern scheme for 2014/15. The internships will provide valuable opportunities for work experience in designated “trainee” roles delivering specific projects. Up to 18 Graduate Internships will be funded during 2014/15. The Internships will be for a period of six months full-time, paid £15,765 per annum pro-rata (equivalent to Grade 3.1) and will be offered across a range of departments. Central funding is available for the first three months of these 18 placements, with recruiting departments being responsible for funding the remaining three months. This will be a cost of approximately £4875 (including on costs). Departments will be able to extend the placement if required, for a maximum additional period of six months, but at their own cost. In addition there will be the opportunity to appoint an additional 7 graduate interns, across departments, who will be 100% funded by recruiting departments. The full Graduate Intern cohort for 2014/15 across the University will therefore be 25. The Graduate Internship Steering Group will continue to oversee, develop and monitor the scheme and its processes and the current members are: Tracy Wray – Deputy Director of Human Resources Pat McGrath – Director of ACS Valerie Cotter – Director of Faculty Operations (Arts & Humanities) Steve Fish - Director of Careers Service Katie Bryan – HR Adviser (HR Operations) Dan Newberry – HR Adviser (Staff Development) Sara Patel– HR Assistant (Staff Development) Phil Wallace – HR Assistant (Staff Development) The Graduate Intern Scheme will, as before, only be available to recent University of Sheffield Graduates (who have graduated within the last year) who are eligible to work within the UK. Internships will be based on the delivery of a specific, time limited project which must be described by recruiting departments as part of their application for an intern. Interns will be: Recruited through an agreed central process managed by each recruiting departments with support from HR. HR will provide a standard selection pack which will include a generic job description, interview questions, assessment criteria and interview record sheet Given an induction and Graduate Development programme (a detailed programme will be coordinated centrally but will require departmental input for certain elements) Given an outline of their Internship activities and set clear objectives against the project(s) deliverables Offered appropriate support and supervision from the recruiting department Have a mentor assigned to them Given a reference letter at the end of the Internship detailing what has been completed during their employment Offered the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience Process Letter on behalf of the Intern Steering Group inviting Faculties/Departments to request an Internship (through submission of a standard proforma/application) Where appropriate, departments may wish to “share” an Intern with another department – either splitting the placement into two blocks of three months by department, or the individual working 50/50 throughout their Internship across departments. Where this is proposed, one department must act as the lead for managing the Intern’s performance throughout the period, and both departmental cost codes must be provided Departments should submit a fully completed application form and ATJ (About the Job) and submit this as part of their application for a Graduate Intern placement within the given timeframe. Decisions will be made by the Steering Group as to which Internships will be approved using the information provided by the recruiting departments. For this reason the application form and ATJ should be fully completed Departments that have been successful in their application to host a Graduate intern will be informed and ask to complete the e-Recruitment process to raise the requisition Internship vacancies will be advertised via the Careers Service with a link to erecruitment for access to the standard application form Recruiters within departments should commence short-listing for their departmental selection panel A standard selection process has been developed by the Project Steering Group and support provided by HR Departments will shortlist and interview applicants (a full pack for selection, including interview questions will be provided) The Careers Service will offer follow-up support to those candidates not short-listed for interview Departments will follow normal procedures for selection and offer of the position to the successful candidate The recruiter should process the Request to Appoint and Work Health Assessment questionnaire for the successful applicant – this will allow HR to process the contract of employment For candidates not selected following interview, departments will offer feedback and the Careers Service will provide on-going support Interns will be employed on a fixed term contract and will be subject to standard terms and conditions A centrally organised induction programme will be developed and delivered.* Dates will be provided at the start of the Internship. This will include a pre-start welcome event, to which line managers and mentors will also be invited Departments will be responsible for organising the Interns’ induction programme at the department, team and role level A centrally organised development programme will be developed and delivered. * Dates will be provided at the start of the Internship Interns will have a specific line manager who is responsible for all aspects of their performance Departments will agree frequency of meetings with line manager Interns will also have access to an internal mentor who will be available on a regular basis, to provide wider personal and career development support as required Interns will have access to Careers Service support throughout their Internships All internships will commence on 1 December 2014 and last a minimum of six months. Departments will be responsible for funding any extension to the initial six month fixed term contract Departments, in conjunction with HR and the Careers Service, will offer Interns a review meeting at the end of their placement. Here interns can reflect on their experience and the departments can offer feedback on the Intern’s performance at work Departments will provide a reference for Interns outlining the tasks they completed during their Internship (a standard template will be provided) There will be a closing/celebratory event at the end of the Internship, organised centrally The Steering Group will conduct an evaluation survey of the TUoS Graduate Internship Programme. Timeline for Implementation Activity Timescales Final Date to receive fully completed application form 4 September 2014 and ATJ (About the Job) from Departments, for a Graduate Intern placement Steering Group meet to decide Graduate Interns and 10 September 2014 Confirmation of placements to Departments. Ask for any further project details/any clarification required by steering group (if required) Recruiter within departments to complete the 10 – 17 September 2014 appropriate requisition through e-Recruitment for the internship (guidance to be issued to successful departments) All posts to be fully completed and approved through 18 September 2014 e-Recruitment. Final Check. Advertisements placed by the Careers Service 22 September 2014 (or as soon as possible thereafter) Internships Close Thursday 9 October 2014 Selection activity takes place within departments; Starting w/c Monday 13 October; 1)Recruiter; 10-17 October 1) Internal departmental selection process (shortlisting) 2)Recruiter; 20 October (or earlier) 2) Invite to Interviews to be issued 3)Recruiter/Selection panel; w/c 27 October 2014 3) Interviews to commence 4) Recruiter; by Friday 7 November 2014 4) Successful applicant to be confirmed to HR 5) Recruiter; by Thursday 13 November 2014 5) RTA (request to appoint) and WHA (work health assessment) to be processed for successful applicants through Recruitment Full list of appointees available and HR to process and w/c 17 November 2014 issue contracts of employment. Internships Start (or as soon as possible thereafter). Monday 1 December 2014 Departmental inductions to commence. Central Intern welcome event Centrally organised learning Thursday 4 December 2014 and development December 2014 to May 2015 programme (1/2 day per month) Evaluation of pilot scheme to include Interns, Managers June 2015 and mentors If you require any further information at this stage please e-mail e-