6th Grade - Our Schools

The middle school curriculum offers a variety of courses and electives to provide for the needs and
interests of students. Students are required to take courses in the following areas: English, Reading,
Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, the Arts, Physical Education, Technology and Spanish.
Additional Academic Programs: For students who need additional academic assistance or challenge,
the middle school curriculum includes various enrichment opportunities as well as remedial options.
Middle School students may also qualify for special education services for Learning Disabilities (LD),
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (E/BD), Adaptive Physical Education, Other Health Impaired (OHI),
Occupational Therapy (OT), Developmentally Cognitively Delayed (DCD), and/or Speech/Language
Arts: The middle school provides opportunities for students in band, choir, media arts and visual arts
during the school day.
Sixth grade band and choir meet every other day during the year. Seventh and eighth grade band and
choir meet daily. Members of the choir and band will participate in holiday, mid-year, and spring
performances. Sixth and seventh graders have one (1) semester of art.
Self Concept Development: Student support groups, health awareness groups, and various counseling
services are available to meet the social/emotional needs of students.
Because most classes are required for students in the middle school, there are very few instances in
which students may drop or add an elective course. In those cases in which this is possible, students may
drop or add a course within the first 10 school days at the beginning of the school year or at the
beginning of a new semester. The following steps must be taken to drop or add a middle school course:
1. The middle school dean must be notified of the student’s intent to make a course change.
2. The dean will discuss the proposed change with the student, the parent, and all teachers
affected by the change.
3. Written permission from the parent must be on record.
4. The principal will give final approval for all changes.
Students work with the design cycle to create projects that incorporate functionality, movement, and
graphic communication. Students investigate, plan, create, and explore numerous areas of art including
sculpture, architectural design, watercolor, paint, and graphic design to learn the process and
knowledge of the area.
Sixth Grade English focus on developing the five skill areas of English: reading, writing, speaking,
viewing, and listening. Students read a variety of novels, short stories, plays, poetry, and non-fiction
articles. Independent reading is an important component of this class. Writing assignments will include
essays, creative pieces, and responses to literature. Grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary are
integrated in all assignments.
Students are placed in math classes based on ability levels demonstrated through standardized tests,
teacher observation, and classroom performance. Parents will be notified of the placement
Students focus on fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, geometry, probability, and algebra. The
curriculum is aligned to the Minnesota 6th grade standards. The course includes units on fractions,
decimals, percents, ratios, algebra, geometry, probability, and concepts. The basic principles of integers
are introduced. Calculators are required and will be used as a problem solving tool when appropriate.
Students are placed in this accelerated course based on standardized math scores and teacher
recommendation. The curriculum for this accelerated class is from the 7th grade state standards. Sixth
grade pre-algebra includes the fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of integers and rational numbers. Units on integers, real and rational numbers, percents,
proportions, geometry, probability, and statistics will be taught with an emphasis on incorporating
algebraic concepts into the material. As time permits, students also learn some of the fundamentals of
algebra such as solving equations and inequalities, graphing functions, and working with polynomials.
Calculators are required and will be used as a problem solving tool when appropriate.
Sixth Grade Band is designed to build on the skills acquired in 5th Grade Band. The band is split into two
equal-ability groups which meet during the same hour on alternate days with physical education. The
course includes a weekly small group lesson during band class for all students to systematically help
them improve each their reading and rhythm skills, tone quality, and individual playing techniques.
There are two to three required evening performances during the year. (Note: students are expected to
provide their own instruments whenever possible. Alternate arrangements, when needed, can be made
with the band teacher.)
Sixth Grade Choir is divided into two sections and meets every other day for the entire school year. This
course focuses on sight-singing, rehearsing, and performing choral music from several different
countries and musical genres. Emphasis is on developing the voice in order to build strength both
individually and as an ensemble. Students are expected to attend and perform at the scheduled concerts
for the year.
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn age-appropriate fitness concepts and
conditioning techniques used for obtaining optimal physical fitness. This course will address both the
health and skill related components of fitness, which are critical for student success. Students will
benefit from comprehensive weight training and cardio respiratory endurance activities. Activities in this
course may include, but are not limited to the following: health-related fitness components,
fitness/wellness concepts, nutrition, goal setting, stability balls, Pilates, steps, aerobics, circuit training,
weight training, resistance bands, and jump ropes along with various sport activities. Students will be
empowered to make wise choices, meet challenges, and develop positive behaviors in fitness, wellness,
and movement activity for a lifetime.
Sixth grade physical education focuses on a variety of activities and fitness development. Each student
is exposed to a variety of activities that may include soccer, speedball, basketball, volleyball, tennis,
swimming, softball, floor hockey, fitness testing, lacrosse, winter sports, inline skating, biking, and
skateboarding. The focus will be on fitness development and skills. This philosophy reflects the
increasing need for improved fitness levels. Students will be required to wear a student uniform that
includes shorts and a t-shirt. They can be purchased from the PE teachers in the fall. Scholarships for
uniforms are available. Please contact the office (612.706.1030) for information. All students will also
need swimming suits/trunks to use in the pool.
Health provides students with the knowledge, attitude, and skills to make healthy decisions. Students
will gain knowledge and understanding of physical, mental, emotional, and social health through
working individually, in partners, and in small groups. Units covered may include: decision making,
communication skills, conflict resolution, study skills, body systems, nutrition, physical fitness, hygiene,
dental hygiene, environmental health, diseases and disabilities, alcohol, social media awareness,
tobacco and other drugs as well as love and relationships.
This class is designed to improve student reading ability in the areas of fluency and comprehension as
they encounter more difficult text at the middle school level. Critical reading and comprehension are
stressed as students read both fiction and nonfiction works.
Sixth graders experience science through a variety of experiences using inquiry activities and the
Prentice Hall SCIENCE EXPLORER series of textbooks. The areas explored include: the nature of science
and technology, motion, forces, energy, sound, light, and the basics of chemistry. Emphasis is on handson activities to help reinforce related topics of study. Students are exposed to the Engineering
Technology curriculum through a flight and space unit.
Sixth grade social studies concentrates on four major areas. The year starts with a study of economics
through a program called “Biz Town”. Biz Town provides a hands-on approach to introduce students to
the community as a citizen and as a member of a business. The main topic for the remainder of the
school year in humanities is the study of Minnesota history from prehistoric times to present day. Focus
is directed at individual contributions, the development of the state, and the interrelationship between
the state and the rest of the world. Each step of the way is connected to United States history. In the
spring, an additional research unit is added so that students will understand the water crisis in the world
and how it leads into our connection to H2O For Life. Usually curriculum is presented through lectures,
power points, and in-class activities. Videos, map work, discussion, and simulations will reinforce
information presented.
This semester course is designed for those students who are just beginning the study of the Spanish
language. Students will take this course either in 6th or 7th grade. The Spanish-speaking world is
introduced by studying both the language and the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Students
develop beginning skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking in Spanish. Students will learn basic
vocabulary such as colors, numbers, adjectives, school supplies, Spanish Countries, common
expressions, as well as an in-depth introduction to Spain and the Spanish culture. Upon completion of
this course, students will continue to Spanish 1B in 8th grade. (The culmination of all of the middle
school Spanish courses is equal to one year of Spanish 1 in the high school.)
The directed study program is designed to help students in grades 6 and 7 who struggle with in-class
work, organization, and overall academic skills. A para-professional will work in the classroom directly
with the 5-6 directed study students by providing in-the-moment support on task. There will be one
para-professional assigned per grade level to work with this group. These students will be clustered in
core classrooms that are assigned to the grade-level para-professional. In addition to classroom support,
the paras will also pull the directed study students out for small group work that would be beneficial for
the students. For example, this could be to study for a test, work on a difficult assignment, and/or get
organized. Having a para-professional per grade level will provide better communication and
understanding between the teachers and the para-professional to allow for better instruction of the
directed study students.
This class is designed to help improve academic and conversational communication skills of students
who are learning English. This course emphasizes academic support to promote success for students
with limited proficiency in English. Students review content material from other classes and learn
techniques and study skills appropriate to their language ability. Topics of particular focus in this course
are literacy, comprehension, and composition skills.
Math Skills is a program designed to assist students in grades 6-8 who are struggling with math
concepts. The class is taken in addition to the regular math class. In a small group setting, students meet
with a para-professional daily to preview the lesson to be presented by the classroom instructor,
reinforce previously-taught lessons, and clarify the students’ understanding of math concepts presented
in the math classroom. Group discussion, individual coaching, group practice problems, as well as
practice using interactive websites are used to build on or enhance the individual student’s math
proficiency. Students are encouraged to ask questions and practice skills in an effort to achieve greater
success in the math classroom.
READ 180
Students in this supplementary class develop critical reading comprehension and writing skills. The
Scholastic Read 180 program is used for instruction, as well as a variety of materials including fiction and
nonfiction works. Student progress is closely monitored. The aim of this course is to move students
toward grade-level competency. The class is 90 minutes in length. The focus is on meeting students’
needs in comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency instruction. Phonics instruction is provided as needed.
The Special Education department provides appropriate programs and services for students with
identified special needs. The staff facilitates the education of students while encouraging them to attain
their potential as lifelong learners’ in their community. Special Education programs and services are
available to students who have an active Individual Education Plan (IEP) as determined by state and
federal guidelines. At the middle school, special education services are provided in both general
education classrooms and in small-contained classes. The district also has a collaborative working
relationship with neighboring districts and programs in order to provide a full continuum of services.
Parents or guardians who have questions about the development of their children including intellectual,
communication, physical, or social/emotional development should consult with school personnel at the
earliest possible date.
For additional information, please contact the school principal or the district special education director
at 612-706-1126.
District 282 provides a free and appropriate public education to all students, regardless of whether the
learner has a disability. Students who qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are identified,
evaluated, and provided with appropriate accommodations to assure full access of services.
If the District has reason to believe that because of a handicap a student needs either special
accommodations or related services in the regular setting in order to participate in the school program,
the District evaluates the student. If the student is determined to have a physical or mental impairment
which substantially limits one or more major life activity such as caring for oneself, performing manual
tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning or working; an accommodation plan will be
developed and implemented in the regular classroom setting.
Parents or guardians who have questions regarding Section 504 should contact the building principal at
(612) 706-1030.
The licensed school nurse works with teachers in areas pertaining to first aid, fitness, sexuality, abuse
prevention and other topics that are of particular interest to adolescents. The nurse is available to
students as a resource person when they need material for Health or Science in addition to handling
illnesses and injuries, maintaining student health records, and doing periodic screenings. The nurse
contacts parents regarding health-related concerns and follow-up from screenings, and refers to health
care professionals as needed. The nurse also monitors health conditions and/or provides prescribed
medical procedures as needed for students with chronic health conditions (i.e., asthma, diabetes, and
tracheotomy). Written individual health/emergency plans are developed in conjunction with parents
and physicians for students with health conditions that may result in an emergency during school hours.
The nurse also participates as a consultant on IEP Team meetings for specific special education students.
Please contact her at 612.706.1107 with any questions regarding your child’s health or immunizations.
Student activities are an integral part of the middle school program and are designed to provide all
students with an opportunity to meet academic, social, physical, and emotional needs. Student
activities include co-curricular activities and interscholastic athletics and may vary from year to year.
After-school activities are designed for students who display skills and interest in drama, literature,
music, photography, speech, and computer engineering literacy. Journalism interests are met by
participating on the yearbook staff. Please watch the daily announcements for the information on
seasonal clubs.
Athletic activities for middle school students at the sixth grade level include physical education and
activities sponsored outside of school time through the St. Anthony Sports Boosters. For information
regarding athletics through the St. Anthony Sports Boosters, please go to the website at
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8
Both boys and girls are invited to participate.
Builder’s Club
Knowledge Bowl
Lego League
Speech Team
Student Council
Huskettes Dance Team