Acupuncture Intake Form Date: ___________________________ Last name: Birth date: Address: First name: Check preferred contact #: Phone (home): ☐ City: Phone (work): ☐ Province: Phone (cell): ☐ Postal Code: Referred by: Would you like to receive clinic newsletter/promotions?: Occupation: Email: Yes ☐ No ☐ Reason for visit: Have you had acupuncture before: Yes ☐ No ☐ Family Physician name: Family Physician phone: Western medical diagnosis (if applicable): Other medical treatment received: Physiotherapy ☐ Naturopathy ☐ Chiropractic ☐ Massage ☐ Other ☐ Please list any prescription medication or over the counter drugs currently taking: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please list herbal medicine and other supplements currently taking: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please list any allergies (food, drug, environmental, etc.): 1. 2. 3. 4. Please indicate any of the following conditions that apply to you or an immediate family member: Heart conditions Diabetes Stroke Low blood pressure Kidney disorder High blood pressure Neurological condition Cancer Respiratory conditions HIV/AIDS Sprain/strain/fracture Osteoporosis Headaches/migraines Jaw pain Arthritis Dizziness/fainting Contagious illness Skin conditions Digestive problems Hemophiliac Wear a pacemaker Lung condition Epilepsy Possibility of pregnancy Upcoming surgeries Deep vein thrombosis Spinal or head injury Hepatitis Do you use the following? If so, how often? Cigarettes ☐ Alcohol ☐ Drugs ☐ Coffee ☐ ☐ Pop Do you participate in the following activities? If so, how often? Yoga ☐ Running ☐ Fitness class ☐ Gym ☐ Biking ☐ Swimming ☐ Walking ☐ Other ☐ In the space below, please describe areas of pain/concern: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Check the sensations/pain characteristics: Sharp ☐ Severe ☐ Burning Stabbing ☐ ☐ Moving Shooting ☐ ☐ Tingling Throbbing ☐ ☐ What relieves the pain (ice, rest, activity, massage, heat…)? What aggravates the pain (weather, heat, cold, rest, activity…)? Dull ☐ Numbness ☐ Check each symptom that you currently have, leave it blank if not applicable: Gan ____ Irritability/Impatience ____ Depression ____ Stress ____ Emotional eating ____ Unfulfilled desires ____ Visual problems/ floaters ____ Blurred vision ____ Poor night vision ____ Red/dry/itchy eyes ____ Headaches/migraines ____ Dizziness ____ Feeling lump in throat ____ Muscle twitching/ spasm ____ Neck/shoulder tension ____ Brittle nails ____ Sighing ____Sensation of pain under rib cage ____ PMS ____ Genital itch/pain/rash Xin ____ Palpitations ____Chest pain/tightness ____ Insomnia/sleep problems ____Restlessness/easily agitated ____ Vivid dreams ____ Lack of joy ____Forgetfulness ____ Aversion to heat ____ Bitter taste in mouth ____ Tongue/mouth ulcers/ cankers Shen ____ Frequent urination ____ Bladder infection ____ Lack of bladder control ____ Wake to urinate ____ Feel cold easily ____ Cold hands/feet ____ Night sweats ____ Hot flushing ____ Low sex drive ____ High sex drive ____ Loss of head hair ____ Hearing problems ____ Crave salty food ___ Fearful ____ Poor long term memory ____ Ankle swelling ____ Tinnitus Fei ____ Dry cough ____ Cough with phlegm ____ Nasal discharge/drip ____ Sinus infection/ congestion ____Itchy/painful throat ____ Dry mouth/nose/ throat ____ Skin rashes/hives ____ Snoring ____ Greif/sadness ____ Shortness of breath ____ Allergies ____ Asthma ____ Weak immune system ____ Alternate chills/ fever Pi ____ Heaviness in head/ body ____ Fatigue after eating ____ Difficult getting up in the morning ____ Water retention ____ Muscular weakness/ tiredness ____ Bruise easily ____ Unusual bleeding (nose, stool) ____ Bad breath ____ Poor appetite ____Increased appetite ____ Crave sweets ____ Poor digestion ____ Nausea/vomiting ____ Bloating/gas ____ Hemorrhoids ____ Constipation ____ Loose stool ____ Alternate constipation/ loose stool ____Abdominal pain ____ Intestinal pain/ cramping ____Heartburn ____ Over thinking ____ Overweight ____ Foggy mind ____ Yeast infection ____ Aversion to cold ____ Cold nose ____ Increased thirst ____ Prefer warm drinks ____ Prefer cold drinks ____ Sweat easily On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your daily energy level (10 being best): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________