ANNEXURE-1 APPLICATION FORM FOR SEEKING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE BY THE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS FOR HOLDING NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS/SYMPOSIA/CONFERENCES IN AGRICULTURE INCLUDING ANIMAL SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Level of event Title of the Seminar/Symposium/ Conference Name of the Scientific Society /NGO/Academic Institution with full address Name and full address of the office bearer with whom correspondence may be made, together with his telephone, Fax No. and telegraphic address. Year of Establishment Whether registered (if applicable) under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860 or any similar Act of Central /State Legislature.(Registration number and date to be given) Describe the Membership Eligibility Criteria Membership Fee and number of members (for Scientific Society only). i) Life Members ii) Institutional Members iii) Scientist Members iv) Student Members v) Others Members (specify) NATIONAL /INTERNATIONAL Family farming, key to National food security: Prospects and challenges College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, KAU (PO), Thrissur- 680 656, Kerala Dr. T.K.Kunhamu, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Silviculture & Agroforestry Mob: 09495331771; Fax: 0487-243402 E-mail: 1986 NA NA Fee ( ) Number Total 9 Amount collected as Membership Fee NA (during the last year).( ) 10 Main areas of work of the Teaching, Research and Extension in the field of forestry Society/Institution. 11 Summary of the activities undertaken by the Organization and its future programmes i) Conferences/Seminars/Sym 1. Conducted the Annual group meeting of AICRP posia organized in the last on Agroforestry from 21-23 May 2011 three years and their Outcome: Twenty five years on Research on outcome/follow-up action AICRP on Agroforestry attached to College of Forestry has generated voluminous information which was published in the form of a compendium after the above group meeting. 2. Prospects of tree farming for matchwood industries: Outcome: The seminar was instrumental in identifying the prospects of cultivating softwood trees such as Ailanthus triphysa in the small and marginal sector. The seminar helped to develop good linkage between tree farmers and potential buyers. 3. Workshop on ‘Securing Geographical Indicator status for Nilambur teak’ held on September 2013. Outcome: This initiative was first of this kind in the country, attempting GI status for teak. After the workshop, hectic follow-ups are in progress for securing GI status from the GIRegistry at Chennai. As a prerequisite, a “Teak heritage society” was registered at Nilambur under the patronage of College of Forestry. The formalities are nearing completion. 4. One day seminar on developing policy document on ‘Regulation of landuse in Western ghats’ ii) Journals, Newsletters & Journal of Tropical Agriculture proceedings brought out in KAU News letter the last three years. Publications: Books: Quarter century of Agroforestry research: A compendium of research publications. Book chapters: 10 nos. Publications in peer reviewed journals: 30 publications in reputed National and International journals such as Agroforestry systems, Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, Current Science, Indian Journal of Agroforestry, Holzforschung - International Journal of 12 13 the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Technology of Wood, Journal of threatened taxa etc. iii) Other Publications, e.g. Pamphlets and Brochures have been developed on the pamphlets,Brochures,leaflet seminar/workshop topics conducted at College of s etc brought in the last Forestry three years iv) Whether copies of the Yes above mentioned publications are being supplied regularly to the ICAR Library. v) Future Programme The College of Forestry is committed to research and teaching on forestry. More emphasis will be given to developing integraed agroforestry systems for small and marginal farmers. Studies also will be focused on climate resilient agroforestry practices. Executive Committee/Council of the Society 12.1 Composition 12.2 Mode of Election/Manner of Appointment Financial position of the Organization during the last three fiscal years. Year 14 15 Whether the Accounts of the organization for the previous year have been audited by the Auditors. If so, a copy thereof may be furnished Whether the organization agrees to maintain proper separate accounts of the grants, if sanctioned by the Council. Receipt ( ) Expenditure( ) 16 17 Details of financial assistance already received from the Council if any, during last three fiscal years and the purpose for which it was received Year Amount of Grant ( ) Purpose (in brief) 2011 66,000 For holding annual group meeting of AICRP on Agroforestry held at College of Forestry during 21-23 May 2013 Total Expendit ure incurred ( ) 2,21,000 Amount of Has Council Remarks grant accepted utilized ( ) Utilization Certificate? 66, 000 yes Conference/Seminar/Symposium for which financial assistance is sought. 17.1. Title Family farming, key to National food security: Prospects and challenges 17.2. Proposed date(s) 29-31 December 2014 17.3. Venue (incase ICAR Institutes premises is College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural venue, please intimate whether permission has University, Thrissur been obtained). 17.4. Broad Outlines with scientific theme-wise programme. A three day seminar is envisaged with title “Family farming, key to National food security: Prospects and challenges”. The primary focus of the seminar is to sensitize on the prospects of family farming as a promising livelihood option for the small and marginal farmers. The seminar deliberate in detail on various traditional integrated farming systems such as homegardens and explore the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of promotion of family farming. The following theme-wise programme is proposed. Themes 1. Family farming: agro-biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources 2. Food security and family farming. 3. Policy and legal issues on tree farming in farm lands. 4. Socio-economic, market and extension issues in promotion of family farming 5. Tropical homegardens: Need for revival as a promising traditional family farming system 6. Gender consideration in family farming 17.5. 17.6. Likely Resource persons. (Numbers) Likely number of participants. 10 (i) Indian : (ii) Foreign : 17.7. Scope and utility of proposed Event The proposed seminar on “Family (Technical/Scientific Highlights of the farming, key to National food security: Seminar/Conference/Meeting may be indicated Prospects and challenges” is proposed to briefly. Also, attach a copy of the circular) stress upon the significance of familybound traditional farming practices that are closely linked with the livelihood and nutritional security of the farmer. Such multiple input farming practices are robust in terms of provision of ecological services, economic incentives and conservation of agro-biodiversity. Traditional homegardens practiced in the humid high rainfall regions of the country are typical examples of such multi-tier agroforestry systems. Such house-centric farming systems played pivotal role in preserving traditional local food products and maintaining a balanced diet. Despite the virtues, these unique farming practices are under threat owing multitude of reasons. The socio- economic, ecological and cultural sustainability, once the hallmark of these systems has been seriously affected primarily on account of the demographic pressure on land and commercialization. This unorganized farming sector phase challenges in production and marketing front. There is dire need for concerted efforts for the revival of family farming which has wider scope as an opportunity to boost local economies, providing food security and nutrition and thereby eradicating hunger and poverty. 17.8. Has any attempt been made in the past to address this issue. If so, what has been tangible outcome and how will the proposed theme strengthen it further. A three days National seminar was held at college of Forestry during 2004 with title “Tropical homegardens: Changing scenarios and shifting paradigms”. The primary focus of the seminar was to elucidate the prospects of homegardens as economically and ecologically viable land use system. Also, the seminar helped to unravel the potential socioeconomic and cultural tight knots in the promotions of homegardens. As an extension to this seminar, series of diagnosis & design (D&D) surveys were conducted in various villages of the state of Kerala to explore the status of the traditional farming systems and to suggest possible agroforestry interventions for the revival of these systems. The proposed theme will help to study the problems and issues associated with family farming National level. It could bring to light the diverse family farming systems in the country and to discuss the issues. 18 17.9. What is expected outcome and how it is aimed The proposed seminar will help to at tackling national, regional and global issues. critically analyze the information available on the family farming practices at National level, their prospects, potential issues and possible measures for the revival of these unique systems. The seminar could bring recommendations on changes at policy and administrative level, technological to promote family farming at the national, regional and global levels. 17.10 Amount of assistance sought for: ( ) Details of Estimated Expenditure Item of Expenditure Estimated Assistance required Expenditure from ICAR ( ) ( ) A. Holding of Seminars/symposia/conference 1. Secretariat assistance 10000 10000 2. Stationery (including cost of paper, 5000 5000 postage and duplication of articles). 3. Incidental expenses (e.g. hiring of 50000 50000 transport, audio-visual equipment, open ground auditorium). 4. For organizing poster presentations 5. Meeting travel expenses of Special invitees. 6. National Experts/Speakers/Chairman (Max. of ten). 7. Students/Young scientists (below 35 years) (max. of six). 8. International Experts (Max. of two, to the extent of local hospitality). Sub-Total B. Printing of Papers/Proceedings 1. Printing of circulars/souvenir/invited lectures, etc 2. Printing of Proceedings/Technical papers 10000 30000 10000 30000 50000 50000 20000 20000 1,75,000 1,75,000 50,000 50,000 19 20 21 Sub-Total Grand Total In case foreign participants being invited, whether the clearance, for their participation has been obtained from: a) Administrative/Nodal Ministry of the organizer 50,000 2,25,000 50,000 2,25,000 b) External Affairs Ministry. c) Home Affairs Ministry. Has a grant for any of the above purposes been applied for from any other sources? If so, please state:i) Name(s) of the Authority/Authorities concerned ii) Purpose for which grant has been sought iii) Amount of grant sought ( ) iv) Amount of grant received ( ) Whether the grant is acceptable to the Yes Society/Association on the terms and conditions of the Council? Place: Signature of Sponsoring Official Dated: CERTIFICATE a) The information given is correct b) If the information supplied is found to be incorrect on later date, I undertake to refund the entire amount of assistance to the Council; c) The amount received will be utilized for the purpose(s) for which it is sanctioned; d) I shall abide by all the decisions of the Council in this regard; and e) Certified that (Name of Professional body/Society) shall abide by all terms and conditions of the scheme. f) Check List is attached. Date: Place: Signature of the President or Secretary of Society/ Head of Institution/Vice Chancellor with seal of Office