Believe Study Guide Session 4: The Bible Personal Study Last week you examined your beliefs about salvation. Did you learn anything new about yourself? About God? Perhaps you’ve been a Christian for a long time and you’re discovering new things about what you believe. Maybe you’re new to the faith or simply exploring what it means to be a Christian. If so, feel free to ask questions and connect with your group leader or pastor for help. This week before your group meeting, read Believe, Chapter 4: The Bible. Then spend some time praying, asking God to help you recognize the tremendous value of his Word. Read Read Believe, Chapter 4: The Bible and answer the following questions. 1. Describe the common patterns found in these Scriptures. 2. As you read this chapter, what opinions, ideas, or worries came to mind? 3. What did you read that was new to you? Inspired you? Intrigued you? Left you feeling confused? 4. Challenge yourself to list as many motivations for reading the Bible as you can. Which incentives are most compelling to you? 5. Give examples of ways knowing the Word of God can inform our daily decisions. 6. How has the Bible clarified misconceptions that you had about God, yourself, and the world we live in? Evaluate Based on your reading from Believe, Chapter 4: The Bible, evaluate your level of confidence in the statements below, using a 1–6 scale (1 = no confidence, 6 = complete certainty). ______ I believe the Bible is absolutely true in matters of faith and morals. ______ I believe the words of the Bible are words from God. ______ I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. ______ I believe the Bible is relevant to address the needs of contemporary culture. Take Action Memorizing Scripture is a valuable discipline for all believers to exercise. Spend a few minutes each day committing this week’s Key Verse to memory. Key Verse: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17) Recite this week’s Key Idea out loud. As you do, ask yourself, does my life reflect this statement? Key Idea: I believe the Bible is the Word of God and has the right to command my belief and action. Answer the following questions to help you apply this week’s Key Idea to your own life. 1. How would this belief-in-action express itself in your life? 2. What visible attributes can be found in someone who knows and is directed by the Word of God? 3. If you have reservations about the reliability and/or authority of Scripture, what is your plan for finding answers to your questions? 4. What is a reading plan or resource you can implement to deepen your understanding of God’s Word? 5. What are some ways you can filter your thoughts and actions through the truth of God’s Word? Journal To help you keep all your Believe thoughts and materials in one place, note any verses or insights God gives you as you spend time with Him this week. This is also a great place to attach your sermon notes from the weekend messages. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Group Meeting Welcome! Welcome to Session 4 of Believe. If there are any new members in your group, take a moment to introduce yourselves to each other before watching the video. Then, feel free to get started! Video Teaching Notes As you watch the video segment for Session 4, use the following outline to record some of the main points. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Getting Started Begin your discussion by reciting the Key Verse and Key Idea together as a group. On your first attempt, use your notes if you need help. On your second attempt, try to state them completely from memory. Key Verse: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17) Key Idea: I believe the Bible is the Word of God and has the right to command my belief and action. Group Discussion As a group, discuss your thoughts and feelings about the following declarations. Which statements are easy to declare with certainty? Which are more challenging, and why? I believe the Bible is absolutely true in matters of faith and morals. I believe the words of the Bible are words from God. I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. I believe the Bible is relevant to address the needs of contemporary culture. Based on your group’s dynamics and spiritual maturity, choose the 2–3 questions that will lead to the best discussion about this week’s Key Idea. 1. In what ways can the Bible inform and govern your decision making in the area of business, family life, friendships, and recreation. 2. In what ways have you seen the Bible be specifically useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training? 3. How has understanding the Scriptures changed the way you see the world? 4. Many people are overwhelmed by the Bible, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you have any obstacles that get in the way of you reading and understanding God’s Word, honestly confess them. Then, spend some time as a group discussing ways to overcome these challenges. Read Exodus 20:1–21 together and choose 1–2 questions that will lead to the greatest discussion in your group. 1. How do the Ten Commandments reveal what is most important to God? 2. How would the world be different if all of humanity were guided by the Word of God? 3. Discuss ways that the Bible has clarified misconceptions you had about God’s character. 4. How has the Bible given you a better understanding of who you are and your purpose in this world? Closing Prayer Close your time together with prayer. Share your prayer requests with one another. Ask God to help you put this week’s Key Idea into practice.