конспект открытого урока


Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 4 классе общеобразовательной школы по теме:

«Seasons and Weather» учителя английского языка Кирцовой Гаяне Раффиевны

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: УМК «EnjoyEnglish 4»-учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательной школы при начале обучения со 2 класса ОAО

«Московские учебники»,2010г, М.З.Биболетова., Трубанева Н.Н.

Общедидактическая цель урока: создать для учащихся необходимые условия для обобщения материала о временах года, погоде с применением грамматического материала «Степени сравнения прилагательных» и применения его в новой учебной ситуации.

Тип урока: комбинированный урок.

Форма урока: мультмедиа урок.

Триединая дидактическая цель:

1. познавательный аспект: a) способствовать развитию практического владения английским языком; b) создать условия для формирования навыков устной речи и диалогической речи, аудирования; c) закрепление грамматических навыков в употреблении Degrees of


2. развивающий аспект: a) создать условия для развития памяти, воображения, способности к распределению внимания, умения слушать, анализировать, сопоставлять.

3. воспитательный аспект: a) расширить кругозор учащихся; b) способствовать развитию познавательного интереса учащихся;

c) воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу при работе в коллективе; d) формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству; e) Воспитывать интерес к английскому языку как средству общения; к многообразию средств английского языка;

Оcновные задачи урока:


Совершенствовать произносительно - интонационные навыки;


Развивать и совершенствовать умения и навыки устной речи: учить рассказывать о временах года;


Развивать навыки аудирования и чтения.


Развивать и закреплять грамматические навыки по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных».


Развивать навыки диалогической речи.



Оснащение урока:

Мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, мультимедийная презентация

«Времена года» и «Степени сравнения прилагательных», колонки, компьютер, магнитофон, дидактический материал-раздаточные карточки с письменным заданием и карточки со степенями сравнения, мяч, аудиозапись песни-зарядки , аудиофайл песни о погоде.

Основные этапы урока:


Организационный момент: приветствие, введение в языковую среду.




Фонетическая зарядка.


Развитие навыков устной речи.

5. Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения.

6. Релаксация.

7. Развитие и закрепление грамматических навыков.

8.Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

9. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

10.Домашнее задание.

1. Организационный момент. a) Приветствие. b) Введение в языковую среду.


- Good morning boys and girls!

- I am glad to see you, too. How are you?

- I am well, thank you. Today we have an unusual lesson. We have many guests in our classroom. Please, turn around and greet them.

-OK, sit down. Now we may start our lesson.


- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

-What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Thank you.


- Good morning ,good morning, good morning to you ! Good morning, good morning! We are glad to see you.

- Fine, thank you! And you?

-Good morning!

- I am.

- Today is the… of…

-Today is….

-Nobody is.



- Look at the screen. The theme of our lesson is «Seasons and weather». Mark

Twain said «Climate is what we except, weather is what we get» (слайд2).

Климат-это то, что мы ожидаем, погода-это то, что мы получаем.When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather. That’s why you must be good at discussing the weather and seasons today. Also we shall read some mini texts, repeat the degrees of comparison, compare the weather in different countries, do some exercises, listen to your home dialogues and sing the weather song.


3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher Students

-We shall begin with phonetic drill. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

(слайд 3).

Учащиеся повторяют за учителем.

-[w]-[w]- warm, winter,wet, weather.

-[O]-[O]- the, that, weather, whether the weather.

-[o]- [o]- hot, foggy, not, frost.

Now you will repeat after me as quickly as you can.

Whether the weather be fine

Or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be hot.

We’ll weather the weather

Whether we like it or not.

4.Развитие навыков устной речи.

Дети читают за учителем скороговорку.

Teacher Students

-Now we are ready to speak about seasons and weather. How many seasons do you know? What are they?

-Four. They are winter, summer, autumn and spring.

- You are right. Look at the screen

(cлайд 4).These are 4 seasons. The weather in each season can be different. That’s why we’ll repeat the words, which we use when we describe the weather. Look at the screen (слайд


-Cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, windy, frosty, cloudy, cool. Now translate these words.

-Cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, windy, frosty, cloudy, cool. Дети повторяют за учителем и переводят слова.

-What season is now?

-It is spring.

-What is the weather like today? -Today is ….

-What was the weather like yesterday? -Yesterday was….

-What will the weather be like tomorrow?

-Now I’ll throw you a ball, name the season and you try to describe it.

-Tomorrow will be….

-Spring. Do you like spring? What can you do?

-It is warm. Sometimes it rains. The weather is fine.I like spring. I can ride a bike.

-Autumn. Do you like autumn? What can you do?

-It often rains. The trees are yellow. It is cool. I like autumn. I can play football.

-Summer. Do you like summer? What can you do?

-It is warm and hot. The trees are green. It is sunny. I like summer. I can swim in the river.

-Winter. Do you like winter? What can you do?

-Now I’ll read some poems and youlisten, try to guess what season it is.

Then we’ll read the poems together.

-It is windy, cold, snowy. There are no leaves in the trees. I like winter. I can play snowballs and make a snowman, skate and ski.

-«The trees are green, blue skies are seen. Grey winter’s gone away(прошла). The golden

(золотое)sun greets everyone.The


Дети читают за учителем.

world looks new and gay».

(слайд6)Now let’s read this text after me.

-«This is the season when nights are short. And children have plenty of fun and sport. The sun is shining all day long. The trees are full of birds and songs». (слайд 7)Let’s read it after me.


Дети читают за учителем.


-«This is the season when snow is blowing. The ground (земля) is white all day and all night».(слайд 8)Please, repeat after me.

Дети читают за учителем.

-«The summer is over. The trees are all bare (голые). There is mist in the garden and frost in the air(в воздухе)».


(слайд 9)Pupils, repeat after me.

Дети повторяют за учителем.

6. Релаксация.


- I think you are tired and let’s have a rest. Stand up and do our exercises





7.Развитие и закрепление грамматических навыков

Teacher Students

OK, sit down. Let’s go on.Today we’ll repeat the forms of adjectives.

Вспомнимсколькостепенейсравнени яуприлагательных. Right.

Lookatthescreen. Есть 3 степени cравнения прилагательныхположительная, сравнительная и превосходная(слайд

10).Сравнительная степень образуется при помощи добавления суффикса er и союза than,а превосходная-при помощи суффикса est и определенного артикля the.

Буква у меняется на ie. В односложных словах согласная

удваивается. Но есть слова–

исключения. Let’s read the words after me. Good. As I said the weather can be different in different countries and cities. Look at the screen. This is the map of the world (слайд11). There are many countries and cities , such as

Tomsk, London, New York, Paris,

St.Petersburg, Washington,etc. Repeat after me the names of the cities.



Hot-hotter-the hottest

Cold-colder-the coldest

Wet-wetter-the wettest

Dry-drier-the driest

Interesting-more interesting-the most interesting

Но: good-better-the best

Bad-worse-the worst

Дети повторяют названия городов.

1).We’ll compare the weather in different cities. The weather in Washington is wetter than in

Where isthe weather wetter in London or in Washington? (слайд 12).


Where is the weather colder in Paris or in Moscow?(слайд 13).

The weather in Paris is colder than in


Where is the weather hotter in

St.Petersburg or in Sochi?(слайд14).

The weather in Sochi is hotter than in


Where is the coldestwinter?(cлайд15).

The coldest winter is in Tomsk.

Where is the warmest winter?

The warmest winter is in London.(слайд 16).

Where is the hottest summer?

The hottest summer is in Sochi.

Where is the coldest summer?

The coldest summer is in Moscow.

2).That’s great. Now let’s play the game «Find your friends». I’ll give you the cards with the adjectives and you must find your 2 forms, stand there and read them.Насчет one, two, three, start. OK, sit down.

2).Дети получают карточки и ищут еще двоих уч-ся с карточкамидругих форм степеней сравнения прилагательных.Затем встают по трое и читают каждый свою карточку со степенью прилагательного.

3).Now I’ll give you the cards with sentences and you try to choose the right form of adjectives.(слайд17)

3). Дети выполняют задание на карточках.

-a). Winter is ……..(cold/colder/the coldest) season in a year.

-b). February is ……(short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.

-c). Moscow is one of ……(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful)cities in the world.

-d). Which is ……..( hot/ hotter/ the

hottest): June or July?

-e). Is it …..(warm/ warmer/ the warmest)in spring?

8.Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher Students

Well done. Thank you, sit down, please.

Let’s go on. Your home task was to prepare the dialogues about the weather. Are you ready?OK. Let’s begin. Yes.

Dialogue 1:

-What a rainy day! Look at the clouds!

-It’s foggy, too. Now we can’t go swimming.

-Can we play outside? I like to play in the rain.

-I don’t think so. It’s too cold and wet to play outside. Let’s play some game inside.


Dialogue 2:


-Yes, madam. Can I help you?

-Can you say what is the weather like in


-It’s warm but stormy and cloudy.

-What a pity! Bye-bye!


Dialogue 3:



-How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you and you?

-I’m very well, thank you. Would you like to go to skating today?

-I’m sorry, but I think it’s too cold today.

-What about tomorrow morning? I hope the day will be warm and sunny.

-All right, see you tomorrow.


-Mr. Brown, what is the matter? Why do you come back?

-Mrs. Williams, the weather becomes cloudy. I think it may be rain soon.

-Really? Is it windy and cold in the streets?

-Yes, it is. I must take an umbrella and a coat. Can you give them to me, please?

-Here you are. This autumn is colder than the last. Be careful. Bye!


Dialogue 5:

-Good morning!

-Good morning!

Oh, thank you very much. It’s great.

-It is a beautiful morning, isn’it?

-Oh, yes! There isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining brightly.

-Well! What are you going to do in the afternoon?

-I’m going to go to the beach with my mum. Let’s go with us.

-Thank you, with great pleasure.

Dialogue 6:

-Hello,Jim! Do you like autumn?

-Hello, Jill! No, I don’t. I think it’s a dull season. It often rains. I like winter and summer.

-Do you?

-Yes, I do, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter.

-And why do you like winter, I wonder?

-Oh, in winter you can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs. Winter is the time of fun.

-But I like autumn. The forests are more beautiful than in winter. There are a lot of fruit.

-And what about spring? Do you like it?

-Oh, yes! I like it very much, too. The grass is green. It’s warmer than in winter. I think all seasons are beautiful.

Now, let’s sing a song about weather.

(слайд 16).

The weather song

What’s the weather? It’s sunny.

What’s the weather? It’s rainy.

All together that’s the weather, oh!

Sun, rain, wind, storm,

Hot, cold, cool, warm.

What’s the weather? It’s cloudy.

What’s the weather? It’s windy.

All together that’s the weather, oh!

In the summer it is hot.

In the winter it is not.

In the spring there are flowers.

In the autumn there are showers.

What’s the weather? It’s frosty.

What’s the weather? It’s foggy.

All together that’s the weather, oh!

Sun, rain, wind, storm,

Hot, cold, cool, warm.

What’s the weather? It’ snowing.

What’s the weather? It’s blowing.

All together that’s the weather, oh!

In the summer it is hot.

In the winter it is not.

In the spring there are flowers.

In the autumn there are showers.

All together that’s the weather,

All together that’s the weather,

All together that’s the weather, oh!.

9.Рефлексия и подведение итогов.


Well done! You are the cleverest pupils.

You’ve worked hard and your marks will be very good. (Учитель выставляет оценки за урок). Look, there are three envelopes in my hands with different weather. Before the lesson I gave you the flowers. I’d like you to put them into the envelope with the weather you feel after our lesson.


10. Домашнеезадание.


Your home task for the next lesson will be to draw your favorite season and describe it on the paper. Thank you.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!




Winter is…..(cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year.


February is …….( short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.


Moscow is one of …….(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world.


Which is ……(hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July?


Is it…..( warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring?


Winter is ….. (cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year.


February is …….( short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.


Moscow is one of …….(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world.


Which is ……(hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July?


Is it…..( warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring?


Winter is ….. (cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year.


February is …….( short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.


Moscow is one of …….(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world.


Which is ……(hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July?


Is it…..( warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring?


Winter is ….. (cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year.


February is …….( short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.


Moscow is one of …….(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world.


Which is ……(hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July?


Is it…..( warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring?


Winter is ….. (cold/ colder/ the coldest) season in a year.


February is …….( short/ shorter/ the shortest) month.


Moscow is one of …….(beautiful/ more beautiful/ the most beautiful) cities in the world.


Which is ……(hot/ hotter/ the hottest): June or July?


Is it…..( warm/ warmer/ the warmest) in spring?
