AA descriptions Spring 2015

Arts Academy Spring 2015
Information and Descriptions
Spring Arts Academy is here with a full slate of enrichment classes for all
our students to enjoy.
February 18 -Workshops begin at 1:15 and end at 3:00
NO CLASS on Wednesday, March 25 and Wednesday, April 1
May 6 – Final Arts Academy class for fall session
Please return the attached sign-up form to the counseling office no later than Wednesday,
February 11. Every attempt will be made to place your student in their first choice spot. In the
event of more students signing up for a class than spots are available, a random lottery will
determine the roster. Class lists/rosters and locations will be posted by 2:25 on Friday,
February 13 on the bulletin board outside the main office. All classes are on Wednesdays
unless otherwise noted below.
If you sign up for a class, please plan on attending all ten sessions. This is a courtesy to both
the instructor and to your fellow students.
Wednesday Classes:
You can create the next great game in #GameMakers -- a new class for
Arts Academy! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. You'll learn how to create
your own video game using 3D animation. With a little imagination and
a few fun classes, your friends will be lining up to play your game!
Pick up basketball games, 4v4 soccer matches, conditioning, drills,
sports, sports, sports. We’ll keep you active and sweating for 2
hours of fun. Challenge yourself and challenge your friends to some
friendly competition out on the pitch.
Design and construct your own jewelry with beads, metals and plastic!
Learn basic techniques and wear your own creations – earrings,
bracelets and necklaces.
From start to finish, you’ll build, decorate and play your very own
ukulele. In just a few short weeks a few pieces of wood will be
transformed into a musical instrument with your own signature
$20 Material Fee for this class.
Did you know that pedal-powered milkshakes taste better? See for
yourself at Bike Club! Learn riding skills and join group rides to
local trails and bike shops. Meet pro bike riders and make bike art.
You’ll also learn why riding a bike is awesome for you and for the
earth. Plus, win FREE stuff for your bike! Join Bike Club!
Yearbook will meet during both the fall and Spring sessions of the
Arts Academy Wednesdays from 1:15-2:30. There will be NO sign-ups
for yearbook in the spring as the class roster was set during fall
Arts Academy. Look forward to seeing the yearbook at the end of the
school year. Look forward to participating in this class next fall.
Students will learn basic Martial Arts skills including kicking,
punching, throwing, falling and grappling while also learning the
importance of never initiating violence. All classes also include
character development lessons like patience, respect, selfconfidence, caring and perseverance as well as student skills like
focus, concentration and constant improvement. The last class will
include a Graduation Ceremony where the children will demonstrate
what they have learned and get to kick through a wooden board.
Do you like to get your hands in the dirt? Interested in learning
how plants grow? We garden here at Mission Hill in 3 large raised
beds. Past classes have included activities such as: learning
propagation, eating from the garden, walking field trips to local
nurseries, weeding, watering and general garden maintenance, as well
as seeding and planting. Come join our group of gardeners this fall!
MINECRAFT: World Building
Students will learn the basics of the Minecraft software, including
how to navigate a character and how to build tools and objects in
Creator mode. They will also learn the basics of the server/client
relationship. There will be opportunities for more advanced students
to share their skills in team settings.
Drawing and Painting students will work with watercolors, pastels,
pencils and acrylic paints. Students are encouraged to bring in their
own pictures/photos to create the final painting on canvas.
Please bring $10 for materials.
In Yoga you will learn about yourself, your mind, your breath, and
your body. We develop strength and flexibility through easy and fun
movements. Yoga is a safe place to learn breathing and mindful
relaxation techniques, get away from computers, peer, school, and
family pressures. Yoga is YOUR time to just be YOU! Come and enjoy!
Color Guard is a performance group which combines dance with the art
of spinning flags/props. There is an emphasis on team unity and
pride. This group may be asked to perform at school events or
hometown parades.
And on Mondays (you can do a Monday and a Wednesday class):
This class, held on Mondays from 3:00-4:00, will teach coding for
games and animation. Learn computational thinking, and move on to
animating shapes, mouse acrobatics and more. Class begins on 2/23 (no
class on 3/30) and ends on 5/4.