NO. 1 KEY ACTION (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.) Improved school culture and climate: Based on the campus climate survey, in an effort to create a culture of excellence, staff will receive on-going professional development on the implementation of the Core Beliefs and its philogophy and strategies to increase parental engagement and utilization of Campus Discipline Management Plan to maintain a safe, secure and orderly environment. DG KA 6: CULTURE: Create and sustain a positive and compassionate “common culture” throughout the district that leads toward accomplishing our vision and mission. NO. INDICATORS OF SUCCESS (Measurable results that describe success.) 1 90% of faculty and staff demonstrate high congruence and alignment between what they believe the school priorities are and what they believe the priorities should be as measured by the climate survey in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. 2 85% of faculty and staff believe that discipline is handled consistently and that disruptive students are not permitted to interrupt the learning process as measured by the Fall 2015 climate survey. This increases to 90% by Spring 2016. 3 90% of parents will report feeling welcome and viewed as partners in their child’s education as measured by a parent survey in Spring 2016. REF SPECIFIC ACTION(S) LINK TO INDICATOR TITLE I SCHOOL LEADERSHIP ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?) A1 Administrator, Instructional Coach and ILT will conduct professional development on Core Beliefs, School Action Plan, SMART goals for SLO's, during weekly PLC's, grade level meetings and vertical meetings. 1,2,3 HQ PD B1 Administration, ILT, Instructional Coach, DREAM team (Discipline, Redirection, Engagement, Academic Management) will provide and monitor professional development opportunities to introduce, review and monitor Campus Discipline Management Plan (CHAMPs/PBIS), which will decrease discipline referrals by 10%. 2 HQ PD C1 Administration will increase parental engagement 15% by providing opportunities through Thursday contact folders, newsletters, incentives, campus website, PAWS, monthly parent activities and communication logs. 3 Parent involvement STAFF ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?) A2 During PLC's staff will participate and implement professional development best practices, core beliefs philosophy, SMART goals and strategies for creating a culture of excellence. 1,2,3 HQ PD B2 Teachers will participate in Campus Discipline Management Plan Professional Development and implement strategies to decrease discipline referrals and incident reports by 10%. 2 HQ PD C2 Each grade level will plan and provide 1 parent academy (PAWS Happy Hour) each semester in order to increase parent engagement by 15% and provide instructional strategies to assist with student achievement. 3 Parent involvement NO. 2 NO. KEY ACTION (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.) Improve instructional effectiveness of all teachers: Through leadership capacity and targeted differentiated professional development .J. P. Starks will provide good first instruction of District curriculum to ensure academic mastery and college and career readiness. DG KA 5: RIGOR: Implement rigorous curriculum and engaging educational practices and experiences. INDICATORS OF SUCCESS (Measurable results that describe success.) 1 90% of teachers will receive an average of 2.0 or higher on the indicator for "use variety of instructional strategies to engage students" and "multiple response strategies" as measured by administration with the use of the SPOT observation form, and TEI guidelines by April 2016. 2 STAAR scores in reading, writing, math and science in the general education population will show a 15% increase. Vanguard population will show a 10% increase. 80% of K2 students will score at or above the 40% percentile on the ITBS math and reading assessment. All ACP tested areas will show an increase of 30%. 3 85% of the teachers will feel that PD and instructional feedback helps to improve the quality of instruction as measured by a climate survey in Fall 2015 and 90% in Spring 2016. 4 Increase in the number of eligible teachers participating in DTR process from 3 to 4 LINK TO TITLE I INDICATOR SCHOOL LEADERSHIP ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?) Administration, Instructional Coach and ILT will monitor the implementation of curriculum maps, lesson plans, MRS, SLO's Needs assessment A1 through spot observations, peer reviews and provide feedback 1,2,3 through conferences, grade level meetings and principal's round table. REF SPECIFIC ACTION(S) B1 Administrator will monitor progress of all students with a focus on Tier 3 students though data analysis (STAAR, Web-based programs, technology, SchoolNet, Common Assessments and ACP's). 1,2,3 Asssessment Dec-Mak C1 Administrator, Instructional Coach, and ILT will provide targeted and differentiated professional development, resources of the Master Teacher PD program as well as participate in local, district, and national conferences to keep abreast of best instructional practices and strategies that will serve as the catlyst for Mastery Mondays. 1,2,3 HQ PD 2 Reform strategies 1,3,4 Reform strategies D1 E1 Principal will purchase Corrective Reading Program at grades 3 and 4 and monitor for success of program and its impact on mastery of students' reading skills. TEI Leadership Team will provide professional development for staff to ensure compliance of TEI and DTR standards and requirements. STAFF ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?) A2 In an effort to enhance alignment to the depth and complexity of state standards, teachers will submit and create lesson plans and utilize technology aligned to District Curriculum maps and engage students through the use of professional development strategies, MRS, Check for Understanding and Bell to Bell instruction at a proficient level to ensure Good First Instruction for all students. 1,2,3 Instr by HQ tchrs B2 Teachers will monitor and profile student progress of all students, as well as provide interventions and tutoring for student performing below mastery level through the use of I-Station, Reasoning Mind, technology, common assessments and ACP's. 1,2,3 Asssessment DecMak C2 Teachers will attend targeted differentiated professional development on Mastery Mondays,as well as professional development provided by feeder pattern, district, regional, state, national, and resources of the Master Teacher PD Program in an effort to ensure good first instruction. 1,2,3 HQ PD D2 3rd and 4th Grade teachers will implement Corrective Reading as a supplemental program in order to ensure mastery of reading skills. 2 Reform strategies E2 Teachers will utilize the TEI rubric to track progress and gage impact on student learning. 1,3,4 Reform strategies NO. 3 NO. KEY ACTION (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.) Increase the number of students participating in the Math, Science, and Technology Vanguard: Utilizing a focused recruitment plan, and innovative co-curricular activities that support STEAM. DG KA 8: DATA AND INNOVATION: Make managerial decisions based on appropriate, reliable, and valid data and best practices, and to develop and continually improve new, innovative ways of schooling to meet the needs of students in the 21st century. INDICATORS OF SUCCESS (Measurable results that describe success.) 1 Increase the number of students participating in MST Vanguard program and co-curricular programs ( Sisters in Science, Gaming Gurus, Number Ninjas Math Club, Can You Dig It? Garden Club, Art and Choir) by 10% through the use of investigations, labs, project based learning and informal educational opportunities beyond conventional instruction. 2 Increase parental engagement in the area of science, technology, engineering, art and math through the use of planned activities. 3 All STEM teachers will receive an additional 14 hours of professional development of STEM focused content and pedagogical strategies. REF SPECIFIC ACTION(S) LINK TO INDICATOR TITLE I SCHOOL LEADERSHIP ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?) A1 Administrator will provide resources, monitor lessons, labs, funding for fieldtrips and project based activities to ensure the highest level of student engagement, as well as monitor progress of co-curricular programs to increase vanguard population. 1,2 Needs assessment B1 Administrator will promote vanguard program by scheduling parental engagement activities that are STEAM based. 1,2 Parent involvement C1 Administrator will provide resources and or plan additional professional development for all STEM teachers to ensure additional 14 hours are met. 3 HQ PD STAFF ACTIONS (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?) A2 Teachers will ensure that 95% of students are actively engaged through rigorous lessons, lab investigations, project based learning and other activities that extend learning beyond the classroom. 1,2 Coordination of Svcs B2 Teachers will provide additional parental engagement academies at least twice per semester that focus on STEAM based activities. 1,2 Parent involvement C2 Teachers will attend additional 14 hours of professional development in STEM related content areas to ensure student engagement and academic mastery. 3 HQ PD 2015-2016 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATE 8/13/2015 8/14/2015 8/17/2015 8/18/2015 TOPIC PRESENTER District and Campus Goals and Standard Order of Operations Principal First Day Procedures Goal Setting Teacher Effective Initiative Champs Goood First Instruction Vision Boards Teacher Effectiveness Initiative Curriculum Alignment & Purposeful Good First Instruction SLO's IDENTIFIED AUDIENCE FOLLOW-UP RESULTS PreK-5 Teachers First Day Ready N/A Principal & ILT Principal & ILT PreK-5 Teachers PreK-5 Teachers PreK-5 Teachers First Day Ready Projected Goals Good First Instruction Participation Increase in TEI upper quadrants Good first instruction as observed during Spots 8/19/2015 Convocation RTI District Leaders Principal & ILT Faculty & Staff 8/20/2015 Creating Mathematical Thinkers On the Write Path -Writing in the K-2 Classroom 1/2 Workday Principal Region X Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers 8/21/2015 Work Day Principal Counselor PreK-5 Teachers Monitor progress on goals Exceeds Records updated Vision Board posted 8/24/2015 8/31/2015 First Day Overview BOY Assessment (DDI) Arts Partners SST Bullying Awareness Principal Principal Art Partners Rep. Counselor PreK-5 Teachers PreK-5 Teachers First Day Ready Pre-Assessment Data Extended Learning Events Decrease in Referrals Classroom Interventions 9/14/2015 Promoting Social Studies Tackling the Big 4 Rdg. Skills Principal Region X PreK-5 Teachers Increase ACP S.S. Scores Increase in Rdg. Scores 9/21/2015 Interim Assessment Schedule TEKS based Student Profiles Principal Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Environment condusive to testing Data driven instruction 9/28/2015 1st SW Interim DDI Vetical Team Mtg. Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Disaggregate Data Plan of Action 10/5/2015 SST - Anti-Bullying Suicide Prevention Counselor PreK-5 Teachers Decrease in incidents 10/12/2015 Irresistible Learning: Moving Students from Compliant to Engaged Region X Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Engaged Instruction across contents 10/19/2015 Interim Assessment Preview Principal Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Reflection in lesson plans 10/26/2015 2nd SW Interim Assessment Writing Across the Content Principal Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers implementation in daily instruction 11/9/2015 2nd SW Interim DDI Vertical Team Principal Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Content Plan of Action 11/16/2015 ACP Testing Blueprint Counselor Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Reflection in lesson plans 11/23/2015 Evaluating Written Compositions using rubrics Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Increase in published student writing 11/30/2015 School-wide Targeted TEKS: ReTeach & ReView in Preparation for ACP Principal Instructional Coach PreK-5 Teachers Student work & profiles reflecting school-wide targeted skills 12/7/2015 First Semester Wrap-Up SMART Goal Reflection Principal ILT PreK-5 Teachers 12/14/2015 ACP Testing Schedule Procedures Rotation Schedule Principal Counselor PreK-5 Teachers Goals Reflections Revising of goals for 2nd semester Environment condusive to testing