Introduction Reflection helps students not only to remember but also to actively participate in the learning experience. Reflection is thinking about the ways new learning fits into what we already know. It allows us to make connections between new learning and previous experiences. Students must interact with new information: making observations, asking questions, and comparing their understandings with those posed by others. Reflective activities in the classroom help to make thinking visible, enabling students to learn from one another and to gain greater insights into their own thinking and learning processes. Reflection needs to focus on the knowledge and understanding that has been gained from a learning experience as well as the processes that were utilized to gain this knowledge. In other words, students reflect on what they learnt as well as how they investigated, communicated and/or participated in pair, small group or whole class contexts to access this learning. Reflection also has a future focus. Students ask the questions: where do I now go with this learning? and in what new contexts can my learning be applied? The reflective thinking activities collated in this collection strives to address all of these elements of the reflection process. They are not particular to any age group and can be used across the curriculum range. The aim of this collection is to provide scaffolding for teachers to allow students to engage in this essential element of their learning. It is hoped that they open doors to insightful and meaningful reflection. John Meneely Education Officer: Religious Education It was easy to … I don’t like to … It was hard to … I can improve my learning by … I have learnt … I need to work on … I learn best when … I feel … because … I am still confused about … I am proud of … I need help with … I like to … I am good at … because … I prefer to … The most important thing I have learnt … Next time I do this I will … What have you learnt? What did you do well? How did you do this? What helps you to learn? Why? What do you need to improve? How did you do this? What did you do well? What do you need to do to help you learn? What are you good at? If you were the teacher, what would you have done differently? What are you proud of? Why? What do you think of your work? Why? What still puzzles you? What would you do differently next time? How do you feel now? Why? How do you know that you are learning? Who helps you to learn? How? What questions do you have about what we have done? Learning Logs Learning logs are journals in which students record personal responses, queries, feelings, changing ideas, thoughts and knowledge about the processes and content of their learning. Learning log entries involve students in identifying, analysing and reflecting on aspects of their learning rather than simply recounting or describing the learning experience or activity. Learning logs can be open-ended or guided. Teachers may need to provide questions that will help the students clarify their thinking and help them form their written reflections: Unfinished Sentences This strategy can be incorporated into all reflection strategies. It involves asking unfinished sentences that participants can complete. You can add specific content that you want the students to reflect upon. Here is a sample list to get you started. • I learned… • I discovered… • I was surprised… • I was moved by… • I felt… • I wonder about... • I need to know more about... • I was reminded that… • I’m excited by… • I’m challenged by… or challenged to… • I need to remember… or remember to… Reflection Questions/Learning Journal Create a worksheet or journal page (with room for writing) that includes the following information: To reflect on what you have learned, identify the insights you have gained and how you can apply this to your life. • Insights (What I’ve Learned) • Applications (How I’ll Use What I’ve Learned) • Questions (What I Need to Learn or Explore Further) Here’s an example of a Learning Log: Design a Liturgy Learning Log Name: _________________________ Date: __________________ In designing this liturgy, I learnt … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I think that I worked… _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I enjoyed … (because) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I didn’t enjoy… (because) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I was comfortable with … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I had difficulty with … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I worked best when … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I could have improved my work by … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ My goals for the next topic are … _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________ Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Topic: __________________________________ The three best things about my work are: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ The most important thing/s I learned was/were: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ One thing that surprised me: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ My work could have been better if: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Comment: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ING AT MY WORK Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________ Look Look Look at my learning ahead at my thinking I know … I plan to … I think … I learnt … I want to … I wonder … I liked … I could … My question is … I can … I’d like to … I remember … It was hard … I need to … I choose … A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas or images around a central key word or idea. To make a mind map, one starts in the centre of the page with the topic or main idea and works outwards in all directions using key words and key images. Using mind maps for reflection A good way to use mind maps as part of the reflection process is to introduce a class map at the beginning of the unit. Make a mind map large enough to allow your class to see. As you explain what will be covered , the class can follow along on the map. As you teach the unit, you can add additional information. Include information about the skills the students will be developing. At the conclusion of the unit or learning sequence, students are given a map template and asked to record their learnings and their perceptions. Guiding questions could be given but these should not inhibit the student’s freedom to express their reflections. Here’s an example: ambo We worked in pairs tabernacle sacristy We were given a map to follow tabernacle Visit to the local Church Stations of the cross We could be tour leaders for a younger grade Look up Google for information on Cathedral design We could look at other churches & compare We could design our own church I wonder what the red lamp is for. Allowed to explore on our own I enjoyed finding the ‘mystery objects’ I wonder who opens and locks up the church Invite Father to explain things in the Church I wonder why some churches have kneelers and ours doesn’t I wonder why our Cathedral has a very high ceiling Consider: What did I learn? How did I learn? What questions do I have about my learning? What can I do with this learning? Consider: What did I learn? How did I learn? What questions do I have about my learning? What can I do with this learning? Name: _______________________________ Group Name: __________________________ The answer is _________________________________ Write at least three questions: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ The answer is _________________________________ Write at least three questions: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ The answer is _________________________________ Write at least three questions: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Thinking About Thinking Thinking About Thinking Name:: ______________________________ Name:: ______________________________ Activity: ____________________________ Activity: ____________________________ Do you remember it? Do you remember it? Could you teach it Could you teach it to someone else? to someone else? Do you know why Do you know why you should use it? you should use it? When I could use it another time: When I could use it another time: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Thinking About Thinking Thinking About Thinking Name:: ______________________________ Name:: ______________________________ Activity: ____________________________ Activity: ____________________________ Do you remember it? Do you remember it? Could you teach it Could you teach it to someone else? to someone else? Do you know why Do you know why you should use it? you should use it? When I could use it another time: When I could use it another time: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Name: ____________________________ Date Topic What I plan to do What I did What next Reflections Here are the goals for our learning sequence Colour each medal gold, silver or bronze to show how you think you went towards achieving each goal. HINT: You can use a yellow pencil for the gold medal, a lead pencil for the gold medal and a brown pencil for the gold medal. Goal One: Goal Three: Goal Two: I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Here are the goals for our learning sequence Colour each medal gold, silver or bronze to show how you think you went towards achieving each goal. HINT: You can use a yellow pencil for the gold medal, a lead pencil for the gold medal and a brown pencil for the gold medal. Goal One: Goal Three: Identify and prioritize four belief statements chosen from the Kid’s Creed Find the twelve belief statements contained within the Apostle’s Creed Goal Two: Complete a 5 W&H Chart about the Apostles Creed I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ What is it? Who wrote it? When was it written? Where was it written? Why was it written? How do Christians put the creed into action in their everyday lives? I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ I think I deserve a _______________ medal because ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ Topic: _________________________________ Rate your work against the following criteria: Low Medium High Attitude Work with others Use of time Use of resources Thinking Creativity One thing I learnt about my work habits: _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Teacher Comments: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Mrs. Potter’s Questions What were you expected to do? In this task, what did you do well? If you had to do this task over, what would you do differently? What do you need to do next? Use the questions in the left column to prompt your reflections. Record your reflections in the spaces on the right. Looking back What did you do? What could you improve? Questions What questions have you asked? What questions do you still have? Pull it apart What helped your learning? What challenged you? Make connections What did you learn to do better? What sort of thinking helped you? Make judgements My progress was … I feel… ACTION CONTRACT I would like to improve ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I will try to do this by ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________ Signed ______________________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________________ Date _______________________ Predict ; What might I discover, find or learn? Observe: What did I learn? How did I learn? Wow: What was good about my learning? Woe: What could have been better? How can I improve my learning? Computer Collage Students make a picture collage using images from the internet, and words using Microsoft Word Art or other programs such as PowerPoint or Publisher (depending on their level of expertise). Students should be asked to create a collage that represents what they believe to be the key learnings from the inquiry. Teachers have noted the added engagement level brought about by the use of a range of ICT applications and the exploratory aspect of this activity. Noted also is the breadth of student understanding that is demonstrated in response to the open-ended nature of the activity. Variations: - Digital photos can be used to highlight the learning process. A “roaming” digital camera can record key elements of the activity/ies. This activity can also be done using magazines and newspapers but the diversity of images available on the internet provides greater scope for depth of thought at this stage of the inquiry Graffiti Carousel The teacher writes a number of questions or topics on large pieces of butcher paper. The pieces of paper are spread around the room with plenty of room to allow several students to work on a piece of paper. At the teacher’s signal, students freely move to one of the pieces of paper. Each student reflects on the topic and records ideas (in words, phrases, pictures, symbols etc). Many students can be recording ideas at the same time on the same sheet of paper. On the teacher’s signal, students move to another piece of paper, reflect on the topic and record any ideas or responses they have. The process of moving continues until students have had the opportunity to visit every piece of paper. Ask them to stop at the last piece of paper, to work there as a group and to put together a summary of all the ideas and arrange for one of the students in each group to report back to the class. Students (individually or in groups) are given time to use the ideas for their own reflection. This activity can be a valuable scaffold to help students reflect individually, by first stimulating and then sharing a range of possibilities. The graffiti carousel engages creative thinking processes. Field Assessment Report Your Name: _______________________ Groups Name: _____________________ Locating information Low__________________________________________________________High Using investigating tools (e.g. bibles, bible maps etc) Low__________________________________________________________High Summarizing information Low__________________________________________________________High What was interesting about my investigating? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What was difficult about my investigating? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ How could I improve my investigating skills? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Your Name: _______________________ Groups Name: ____________________ How did I: Talk Low__________________________________________________________High Listen Low__________________________________________________________High Share Low__________________________________________________________High What was best about working in this group? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What was hardest about working in this group? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ How could I improve working in this group? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ GROUP ASSESSMENT SHEET Name of group members ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Activity ____________________________________________________ List the things your group did well ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ What could your group do better next time? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Topic: __________________________________ Group Goal: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Personal Goal: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Work completed: Teacher Comment _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Group Skills: Mine Other group members Comment: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Thoughts about the activity Tasks to complete before the next session Early Years Self/Group Assessment Sheet Name of Group Members: ______________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Activity: ____________________________________ (TEACHER TO COMPLETE CRITERIA) Circle the face to show how you worked great Criteria ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ okay not so well Your Name: _______________________ Groups Name: _____________________ Out of 10, how would each judge score your performance? /10 /10 /10 Judge One Judge Two Judge Three Clara Clear Larry Loud Ivan Interesting What went well with your talk? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What was difficult about your talk? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ How could I improve to reach the next round of ? ? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ APPENDICES Where have we been? A Taxonomy of Reflection The Taxonomy in Practice Bloom's Remembering: What did I do? Student Reflection: What was the assignment? When was it due? Did I get it turned in on time? Bloom's Understanding: What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals? Student Reflection: Do I understand the parts of the assignment and how they connect? Did my response completely cover all parts of the assignment? Do I see where this fits in with what we are studying? Bloom's Application: When did I do this before? Where could I use this again? Student Reflection: How was this assignment similar to other assignments? (in this course or others). Do I see connections in either content, product or process? Are there ways to adapt it to other assignments? Where could I use this (content, product or process) my life? Bloom's Analysis: Do I see any patterns or relationships in what I did? Student Reflection: Were the strategies, skills and procedures I used effective for this assignment? Do I see any patterns in how I approached my work - such as following an outline, keeping to deadlines? What were the results of the approach I used - was it efficient, or could I have eliminated or reorganized steps? Bloom's Evaluation: How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve? Student Reflection: What are we learning and is it important? Did I do an effective job of communicating my learning to others? What have I learned about my strengths and my areas in need of improvement? How am I progressing as a learner? Bloom's Creation: What should I do next? What's my plan / design? Student Reflection: How can I best use my strengths to improve? What steps should I take or resources should I use to meet my challenges? What suggestions do I have for my teacher or my peers to improve our learning environment? How can I adapt this content or skill to make a difference in my life? “It would be interesting to see if ………” “It would be interesting to see whether………” “What is interesting about this ………” Where have we been? Where are we going?