notes - West Central Stakeholders

May 7th, 2013
3:30 p.m.
Ferrier Hall
Andree Moirer, Apache
Barry Shellian, ESRD
Chiara Feder, ESRD
Chris Snyder, student
Corry Flikinger, TAQA
Darcy Hollingsworth, Aurora
Darren Robins, Imperial
Don Letwinetz, Encana
Doug Ray, Devon
Eleanor Vokes, Bonavista
Eric Berg, Shell
Geof Kerr, NewAlta
Gerald Knop, community
Jan Palsen, Talisman
Jennifer Lutz, ERCB
John Vandermeer, County
Keenen Kanda, student
Lee Fisher, TransCanada
Michelle Marshall, County
Mike Haugen, county
Miles Nielsen, Husky
Mitch Hetu, Apache
Pat Alexander, County
Gerry Laslo, community
Shane Koss, Baytex
Tim Reay, ConocoPhillips
Wayne Wyatt, TAQA
Lana Verbanic, Mountaineer
Michelle Swanson, community
Rodney Hollingsworth, Aurora
Krista Waters, facilitator
Review March meeting notes
No corrections.
Review Agenda
Add ESRD under discussion items.
Follow up
SOMAG & CMAC Updates: no updates. Eric Berg looking for more information on
new CMAC signs. Meeting on May 10th; would be best place to get that information
as locations to be discussed at that time.
Cow Lake: discussed at previous meeting issues with traffic congestion at north
end of Cow Lake where water trucks go as well as recreation users. Some
confusion about whether land is National Park Land or Provincial. Barry ERSD noted
it is provincial and said if concerned landowner can contact him directly he can
assist. Mike from County noted drawing out of Cow Lake has been discontinued.
Not sure if this is temporary or permanent.
ACTION ITEM: Krista to contact Dennis and encourage him to be in touch with Barry.
Water plant: Concerns previously raised about traffic issues near town water
plant, particularly during school bus hours. No one in attendance from town. Need
town to send representative to next meeting for more information.
ACTION ITEM: Krista to contact town and invite to next meeting to discuss.
Map: Gary from County was going to see what he could find that WCS could use at
meetings to help during industry updates to show areas of activity. Gary absent.
Michelle will follow up with Gary and noted the map on County website might work
with a projector.
ACTION ITEM: will work on for next month.
Info night de-brief
Discussed March information night. Krista noted that it ran very smoothly and thanked
the planning committee and everyone who pitched in the night of from sign-in table, to
table facilitators etc. It required a group effort to pull off that kind of event so well.
Eric noted Shell staff in attendance was very impressed with the information and
feedback provided and the event in general.
Lee noted TransCanada landman commented that issues with landmen may be more
with those contracted that actual company staff. Shane said companies can help with
that by providing better information to the consultants.
Overall everyone very satisfied with event. No major concerns.
Krista noted many people expressed after wards, and on evaluation forms, that they
really like the round table format so WCS should consider doing that again soon.
115 signed in so estimate between 120 and 130 in attendance. Circulated information
from feedback forms (46 returned.) Overall very positive comments.
Future topics include: reclamation, landowner rights/negotiation, and the environment.
Also in the fall an update on the new Alberta Energy Regulator.
ACTION ITEM: Put on June agenda to discuss topic and pick one for fall so planning
can get underway.
Circulated the input gathered from the discussion groups. There were 39 pages of flip
chart paper collected at the end of the night.
All Unconventional Regulatory Framework related comments were submitted as part of
the feedback process on that discussion paper. Raw data submitted as well.
Data has been categorized into themes. Andree suggested putting a follow up into the
next newsletter. Jan suggested having the Mountaineer put a summary in the Energy
Eric suggested a BMP may be a good way to address concerns raised.
ACTION ITEM: Krista to include it with meeting notes for those not in attendance.
ACTION ITEM: Everyone encouraged to read it through and think about possible
actions for WCS to take in response.
ACTION ITEM: Will discuss in June.
Member updates
Michelle: new to the group
Gerald: nothing new
Lana/Mountaineer: new to the paper. Happy to attend and get to know the group.
Looking for ideas for Energy supplement which is being put together in June.
Darcy/Aurora: had meeting in April which Alberta Transportation attended. They
aren’t taking any action but now that we know that industry is discussing ways to
mitigate dust/safety issues on Hwy 761. He made some calls and got gravel trucks
slowed down. Water trucks are helping.
Rodney/Aurora: Bonavista has three rigs drilling with pipelines and facilities being
built. Happy to say they are spraying the roads with water. Some complaints that the
wind is making dust control difficult as it dries too fast. AltaLink doing right-of-way
clearing for power lines.
Brenda – absent
Carl and Sybill- absent
Judy- absent
Gerry Laslo- welcomed everyone to Ferrier. Looking forward to working with ESRD on
BearSmart and FireSmart in the community.
Anderson – Absent. Sent report stating business as usual.
Angle – absent.
Apache – Bingley turnaround at 2-36-40-7 W5 and 8-1-41-7W5 in time with Suncor
Ferrier April 27th-May 14th.
Baytex- Business as usual.
Bonavista – Drilling Rigs: 1-33-42-4w5 surface, 1-21-41-5W5 surface, and 15-22-415W5 surface.
Completions/ Pipeline/ Facility: Completions rig on 9-4-42-6, 8-4-42-6 and 1-4-42-6 over
the next week. Group/test separator install at surface 1-5-42-6w5.
1-4-43-4w5 surface Frac and Flow back.
Waiting on road ban to Frac 2 wells at 16-23-43-3w5 surface.
1-4-43-4-w5 separator install
15-22-43-3w5-header install
New lease at 1-23-43-4w5 2 (well pad)
Pump jack installs on 2 wells at 16-12-43-3w5
15-22-41-5W5 pipeline
15-21-41-4W5 lease
16-26-40-6W5 facility
Aurora Community BBQ May 21,2013
Clearwater County- Summer construction activities ramping up- will begin after May
Long Weekend. Seasonal staff coming on. County’s fourth peace officer starts early May.
May Long Weekend activities are also ramping up. May see “Sasquatch” signs going up
in West Country in the near future. Otherwise business as usual. Roads bans still in
effect. Culvert work is being done throughout County. Receiving comments that some
oilfield approaches are not being kept up.
Clearwater County Council- as above
Clear Water Landcare- absent.
ConocoPhillips – Business as usual, Suncor turnaround.
Devon- Groundwork started at new C.P.F. Deon open house held on April 10th at
Hardindell Hall. Spring break up. Business as usual.
Encana – Facility Construction @ 07-03-042-07W5.
Drilling one more well at 08-05-043-06W5.
Enerplus Corp- absent
ERCB The ERCB’s publication ST-98 Alberta's Energy Reserves 2012 and Supply/Demand
Outlook 2013–2022, is highlighted by a 14 per cent increase in conventional crude oil
production and 9.5 per cent increase in reserves over 2011 levels. The increase is
primarily due to higher production rates from horizontal wells. The full report can be
found at
 The ERCB’s Field Surveillance and Operations Branch, has proposed changes to both
Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry, Flaring, Incinerating and Venting and
ERCB flare, ERCB’s dispersion modeling tool. Changes reflect an updated Alberta
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) dispersion modeling
policy. Most of the requirements in Directive 060 have been developed through
consultation with the Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA), and will ensure industry
compliance with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s (ESRD)
Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines (AAAQO). The proposed amendments
also align with changes proposed by ESRD to the Government of Alberta’s Air
Quality Modeling Guideline and Non-Routine Flaring Management: Modeling
Guidance. The proposed changes are intended to provide the ERCB with additional
regulatory tools to respond to issues regarding off-lease non-hydrogen sulphide
hydrocarbon emissions and odours. Full details of the proposed changes are available
in Bulletin-2013-17 Feedback is open until July 10, 2013.
 For 2013/14, the revenue required by the ERCB to support its operations, as approved
by the Government of Alberta, is $154.4 million. In Budget 2013, the Government of
Alberta announced that this year’s revenue requirement will be 100 per cent funded by
an industry levy. Upon proclamation of the Responsible Energy Development Act,
expected in June 2013, the ERCB will cease to exist and the Alberta Energy Regulator
(AER) will take its place. At that time, all ERCB funding will be transferred to support
the AER’s operations. For more information go to: computer system has been
restored and it's business as usual for our IT systems.
 Jim Ellis was named as the interim AER chief executive officer, Gerri Protti is the new
chairman. I am very excited to be a part of the new regulatory system. Proclamation
for AER is expected to occur in June 2013.
 Petroleum Service Association of Canada is hosting workshop by invitation to
engage with the public and gather input to produce a code of conduct document for its
members. To date workshop locations include Drayton Valley, Lethbridge, Red Deer,
Grande Prairie, Weyburn, SK and Dawson Creek, BC.
ESRD – FireSmart and BearSmart programs work with communities to focus on
landscape management, protection for home and firefighters and reduce problematic
interactions with bears. Contact ESRD for more information on these programs.
Some issues with flarestacks. Flaring should be reported.
Long weekend garbage bin program will be offered again this year.
Like the Alberta Wildfire Facebook page, follow it on Twitter at @ABGovWildfire, call toll
free 310-3473 or
Husky- Husky is planning on drilling two sweet wells in the Strachan area with a
possibility of 4 more sweet wells dependent on results. Husky has moved 25 employees
into its new Foothills District office located above the motor vehicles agency on main
street in Rocky Mountain House.
Imperial- Normal operations at Everdell. Currently trucking oil from Everdell Gas Plant
to Rocky Mtn House Plains terminal. No rigs in area. Anticipate starting up Wilson Creek
field shortly, following construction wrap-up in April.
Keyera – Partial plant outages due to work on propane compressors, piping, and
sulphur plant have been completed.
Plant operations are now back to normal.
NewAlta- Plains Midstream has closed the Rangeland Pipeline for a year or more.
NewAlta Eckville and Stauffer are trucking all customers’ oil to the Willesden Green
terminal. Additional (trucking) charges will be in effect. There will be some difficulty
finding a home for “new” production oil in Central Alberta. Contact Geof Kerr at 403348-7113 for information on how NewAlta can assist with oil that needs to be trucked
into a terminal.
Pengrowth – absent
PennWest – absent
PetroBakken – absent
Shell- Currently drilling second well at the pad at 3-15-40-7 (north of Rocky Airport).
Pipeline construction planned to being in June 9-22-40-7 junction. Rocky 4-H North and
South Club Show and Sale is Thursday May 23rd at Rocky arena. Sale begins at 7 pm.
Student Members – Nothing new at school. Youth group still raising funds for new
building. Construction start delayed.
Suncor- Announced on April 15th has an agreement to sell a portion of its natural gas
assets in Western Canada to newly established partnership between Centrica plc and
Qatar Petroleum International. This affects the Ferrier, Nordegg, Deanne/phoenix,
Panther and Gilby areas in this region.
Suncor/Gilby Plant- business as usual
Suncor/Ferrier Field – business as usual. Field is continuing production while plant
shut in.
Suncor/Ferrier Gas Plant- Turnaround ongoing May 10th.
Suncor/Wilson Creek project- Business as usual. One drilling rig moving in after
Suncor/Wilson Creek Gas Plant- business as usual.
Suncor/Nordegg Area- Business as usual.
Talisman- 4-27-41-5 rig move after spring break up. Presently moving rig mats to
location Will set up c-rings once the mats are down.
15-16-38-6 completions. Temporary water pipeline to be put in place to an unnamed
lake. Completions activities will commence late June. Potential completions tour late
TAQA- No rigs and no construction in the area, with nothing planned for the near
future. Will have 2 drilling rigs working in the Ferrier and O’Chiese areas for the year.
Willesden Green area building a new drill site at 15-06-041-6W5.
TransCanada – Preparing for hydrotest on our Edson line from our Clearwater c/s
down to the east of Sundre. Increased vehicle traffic and the public needs to be clear of
the right-of-way while testing takes place May 15 to 22, 2013.
Committee Reports
Communications: Most activity centered on promoting March info night. Also
sent regular newspaper submissions. Committee met and discussed various things
to update, improve West Central’s communications. Recommend WCS start a
Twitter account and Facebook page. These are both free and will only cost the
group for Krista’s time to manage. Both have easy ways to see if effective at
reaching out. Consensus to go ahead with both.
Committee also discussed current webpage through Synergy Alberta. It has
limitations, as it is only one page and just gets longer and longer as we add stuff.
Krista’s opinion is this groups’ needs have grown beyond and a stand-alone
website, that we can customize and where we can do our own updates would be
beneficial. Initial research shows several options (GoDaddy, Vista Print, Intuit) that
would cost approximately $200 for the year. Currently pay $100 through Synergy
Alberta. Chiara offered to provide info on BearSmart website as it is also very
affordable per year.
Group likes the idea and asked the committee to research and bring a
recommendation back to the June meeting for approval.
ACTION ITEM: Committee will gather information for June meeting. Krista will create
Twitter accounts and Facebook page.
Agenda: need to choose a topic before September meeting preferably as
otherwise time is short to pull it together. Will discuss in June.
BMP: Noise still being reviewed. SPOG Fracturing BMP completed. Suggestion WCS
review it and consider adopting/editing it for this group as well.
ACTION ITEM: Krista will email SPOG BMP to everyone, and provide copies at June
meeting for discussion.
West Country management: A brand new initiative called Sasquatch has
launched to educate users of the West Country. It’s a collaborative effort among
many stakeholders. Message will be about respecting our backyard. Signs will go
up soon. Handouts coming as well.
Discussion items
Theft: Lee from TransCanada mentioned they are losing a lot of wire. Wondered if
it was a widespread problem. General discussion shows it is a large problem and
most companies coping with theft ranging from wire to solar panels and even
security cameras installed to combat theft. It does pose a safety issue if operators
arrive at a site while thieves are present. Some discussion about possible solutions,
including a registry to stop thieves from being able to sell illegally obtained copper
wire. Will leave on agenda for future discussions. Maybe put something on website
when it’s revamped?
WCSS: Krista was approached by WCSS Area H Spill Co-op to see if they can have
a display at all information nights. Everyone in favour.
ACTION ITEM: Krista will invite them to future information nights.
ESRD: FireSmart and BearSmart working with communities in Crimson Lake,
Nordegg, and Burnt Stick Lake areas. Focus is industry and homeowners and
landscape management. Not about making homes etc fireproof, but a way to
protect homes, make wildfires easier to manage. Also protects firefighters.
BearSmart reduces problem interactions with bears. ESRD is selling bearproof
garbage bins at a reduced rate.
Next meeting(s)
 June 4th, 3:30 pm at Leslieville Hall. *Note: hall not available!
 Future Meeting Topics – Go over URF info night feedback
- Topic for Fall Info Night