Biology B: Evolution Unit Plan MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 -Go over DNA TEST -Genetic Engineering Present -finish Gen Eng Presentation -Breeding, Variation, 4 parts of natural selection - Variation Lab -Darwin: voyage, influences -Graphing analysis -HW Quiz 15.1 and 15.2 -Evidence of Evol lecture (fossils) HW: NONE HW Notes 15.1 “Darwin’s Theory” HW:Finish Variation Lab HW: Notes 15.2 “Evidence of Evolution” HW: NONE Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 -Finish Fossils/Geologic Time -Eternal Arms Race video - Genetic drift, 3 types of selection -Selection worksheet -Genetic drift lab HW: Notes 15.3 “Shaping Evol Theory” HW: Finish DNA Extraction Lab Sheet -HW Quiz 15.3 - Speciation, Patterns of Evolution -Speciation worksheet HW: Finish Speciation worksheet HW: Finish genetic drift lab Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL -Cladogram lecture Feb 19 -Cladogram activity HW: Key terms from studyguide HW: prepare for test! HW: NONE Feb 20 -Evolution TEST!!!! HW: None Section 14.1 Fossil Evidence of Change I can……. -Describe how early Earth is different from the Earth we know today. -List the 6 types of fossils, explain how each is formed, and give an example of each. -Compare and contrast relative and radiometric dating. -Identify the 4 majors eras in the geological time scale and explain in general what happened in each. 15.1 Darwin’s Theory -Understand how these things shaped the formation of Darwin’s theory: HMS Beagle, Galapagos Islands, Lyell, artificial breeding, Malthus Vocabulary -Fossil -Relative dating -Radiometric dating -Geologic time scale -Era -Plate tectonics -Artificial selection -Natural selection -Evolution -List the 4 principles of natural selection and tell how they would explain how a species changes over time. -Explain why “On The Origin of Species” was a milestone in scientific discovery. 15.2 Evidence of Evolution -Describe how fossils provide evidence of evolution. -Explain how each of the 3 kinds of comparative anatomy provide evidence of evolution. -Use embryology, biochemistry, and geographical distribution of species to determine evidence of a common ancestor. -Explain how fitness is determined by adaptations. -Give examples of adaptations in plants and animals, such as mimicry and camouflage. 15.3 Shaping Evolutionary Theory -Explain how genetic drift, including founder effect and bottleneck, influences changes in the traits of a species. -Compare and contrast among the 3 types of selection: stabilizing, directional, and disruptive. -Differentiate between the two types of speciation: allopatric and sympatric -Describe the 5 patterns of evolution and how they will impact the resulting populations. 17.2 Modern Classification -Explain what phylogeny is and how a cladogram shows phylogenetic relationships. -Derived trait -Ancestral trait -Homologous structures -Vestigial structures -Analogous structures -Embryo -Biogeography -Adaptation -Fitness -Camouflage -Mimicry -Genetic drift -Founder effect -Bottleneck -Stabilizing selection -Directional selection -Disruptive selection -Allopatric speciation -Sympatric speciation -Adaptive radiation -Coevolution -Convergent evolution -Gradualism -Punctuated equilibrium -Phylogeny -Cladistics -Cladogram