The Separation of Plant Pigments Using Paper Chromatography and the Measurement of Light Absorption Using Spectrophotometry Callie Mills Florida Southern College BIO 1500 003L Dr. Herrick 11.27.14 1 Introduction In 1952, an experiment that dealt with the study of steroids in mammals was conducted, using the process of paper chromatography (Bush, 1952), but how can paper chromatography be used in relation to plants and their pigments? This laboratory report involves two labs and their connection to each other; Laboratory 10: “The Separation of Plant Pigments” and Laboratory 11: “Spectrophotometry.” Both involve pigments and their distinct colors, lab 10 requiring exclusively spinach extract, and lab 11 requiring spinach extract and other kinds of pigments. The study of pigments and their absorption of different forms of light is very important to Biology. Understanding why leaves appear green to the human eye, or why they change color in Autumn, or developing the ability to identify a specific compound by the light it absorbs at different wavelengths can allow for a better understanding of biology in general. In these experiments, paper chromatography and spectrophotometry can do just that. Paper chromatography, often done in a tank with glass rods and larger pieces of paper and can be done over a period of twelve hours (Toennies and Kolb, 1951), serves the purpose of separating different pigments in a solution. Partition Chromatography demonstrates the properties of substances that may be used for structure determination. (Chance, 1954) In the case of this experiment, paper chromatography is done on a much smaller scale. The solvent is absorbed up the paper from the origin through capillary action, and the pigments dissolve and move with the solvent, forming lines and sections. The finished product is termed a “chromatogram” (Biology Faculty, 2014). Spectrophotometry involves the use of “quanta,” also called “photons,” and their ability to travel and be absorbed by different materials. Wavelengths are generally measured by angstroms or nanometers, and shorter wavelengths hold greater energies. (Biology Faculty, 2 2014) Choice of wavelength and elimination of interference can greatly improve the validity of the results. In laboratory 10, we hypothesize that there would be five pigment bands, and that the order would be: Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B, Xanthophyll, and Carotene. In laboratory 11, we hypothesized that the highest wavelength, at 640 nm, would have the most absorbance. Since shorter wavelengths have more energy, longer wavelengths can be more easily absorbed due to low energy levels. Materials and Methods In laboratory 10, the materials needed were mostly everyday items and quite easy to find. Chromatography paper was held up with aluminum foil in a 500 mL beaker containing petroleum ether and acetone. Much care was taken to avoid accidents, the entirety of the experiment was done under the fume hood, due to the strong fumes of the ether/acetone solution and its flammability. Gloves were also needed, chromatography paper tends to absorb the oils from skin, invalidating the results. A thin line of spinach extract was introduced to the strip of filter chromatography paper, approximately one inch long and six inches wide. An identifying mark was made to mark the start, or the “origin,” (Biology Faculty, 2014) of the pigments. The 9:1 petroleum ether/acetone solution was carefully added under a fume hood, to a depth of .5 inches. The paper was oriented so that it would not make contact with the sides of the beaker, and a lid of foil was made to prevent rapid evaporation. It was left for approximately seven minutes, with frequent checks. Identifying marks were made at each band of pigment, where it started and ended. The bands were cut and added to their corresponding vials. The Rf values for each band was calculated and the pigments were identified. In laboratory 11, the 3 spectrophotometer was used. A small cuvette was filled with a specific pigment, the spectrophotometer was set to the correct wavelength, beginning at 380 nm and increasing by 20 each trial, a blank was set between each trial, and the absorbance and percent transmittance was measured for each wavelength and each pigment. Results The results of laboratory 10 matched our hypothesis quite closely. As the bands traveled further up the chromatography paper (See Table A), they became exponentially lighter and yellower in color. In total, the solvent moved 46 mm from the origin, and 80 mm from the bottom of the paper. Table A. Band Number Distance (mm) Band Color 1 8 olive green 2 17 bright green 3 30 white 4 44 yellow 5 46 yellow-orange The Rf values, the ratio of the distance traveled by a compound to the solvent carrying it (Biology Faculty, 2014), was calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the solvent by the distance traveled by the compound from the origin. The values are expressed in Table B. 4 Table B. .575 =Rf yellow to yellow-orange band .2135 =Rf bright green to blue-green band .1 =Rf yellow-green to olive green band .55 =Rf yellow band .375 =Rf other pigment(s) After analyzing the bands, how far they traveled, and their colors, it was determined that the order in which they appeared was as follows, from bottom to top: xanthophyll; chlorophyll b; other; chlorophyll a; carotene. The identification of the pigments to their colors can be found in Table C. Table C. carotene =yellow to yellow-orange band chlorophyll b =bright green to blue-green band xanthophyll =yellow-green to olive green band chlorophyll a =yellow band other =other pigment(s) 5 The visible spectrum of light that is seen by the human eye and their color components in relation to their wavelengths is as expressed below (Biology Faculty, 2014): 380-435 nm…….violet 435-480 nm…… blue 480-580 nm…… green 580-595 nm…… yellow 595-610 nm…… orange 610-750 nm…… red Table D. Pigment Color/Band # Spinach Extract Pigment Color/Band # Orange Wavelength (nm) Absorbance (O.D.) % Transmittance Absorbance (O.D.) % Transmittance 380 0.851 14.1 0.524 29.9 400 1.143 7.2 0.666 21.6 420 1.254 5.6 0.765 17.5 440 1.167 6.8 0.756 17.6 460 0.979 10.5 0.670 21.4 480 0.776 16.7 0.586 26.0 500 0.612 24.4 0.519 30.3 520 0.641 24.3 0.537 29.0 540 0.502 31.5 0.396 40.2 560 0.323 47.6 0.126 75.8 580 0.390 40.7 0.020 95.5 600 0.586 25.9 0.001 99.7 620 1.130 7.3 0.004 100.9 640 1.059 8.7 0.003 100.7 6 After measuring the light absorption in the different pigments, it was determined that higher wavelengths were more likely to be absorbed. The percent transmittance rose steadily and reached its height at 500 nm for all of the data collected, then steadily fell again. Graphs of this data can be found in figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Excel, 2014) at the end of this report. The data collected is shown in Tables D and E. Table E. Pigment Color light green Pigment Color blue Wavelength (nm) Absorbance (O.D.) % Transmittance Absorbance (O.D.) % Transmittance 380 0.382 41.5 0.179 66.3 400 0.490 32.3 0.232 58.6 420 0.510 30.9 0.210 61.7 440 0.409 39.0 0.125 74.9 460 0.291 51.2 0.109 77.7 480 0.156 69.9 0.091 81.1 500 0.046 89.8 0.091 81.1 520 0.047 89.8 0.107 78.1 540 0.087 81.8 0.138 72.7 560 0.194 63.9 0.215 61.0 580 0.386 41.1 0.389 40.9 600 0.606 24.8 0.609 24.6 620 1.188 6.5 1.192 6.4 640 1.161 6.9 1.115 7.7 7 Discussion The hypothesis for laboratory 10 states that there would be five bands or sections of pigments, ordered Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B, Xanthophyll, and then Carotene. Laboratory 11’s hypothesis said that the 640 nm wavelength would have more absorbance. Since shorter wavelengths have more energy, longer wavelengths can be more easily absorbed due to low energy levels. For both experiments, the hypotheses were not entirely supported. According to the data expressed in laboratory 11, the light that is absorbed is based entirely on the type of pigment, and therefore differs greatly. There is no common wavelength that represents the maximum absorbance or the maximum percent transmittance for all trials. For 75% of the four pigments tested in the spectrophotometer, the percent of transmittance is highest around the mid-range wavelengths. For the spinach extract, absorbance was highest at 1.254 O.D., with the highest percent transmittance at 40.7%. The lowest was 0.323 O.D and 5.6%. For the orange pigment, the high was 0.765 O.D. and 100.9% and the low was 0.001 O.D. and 17.5%. The blue pigment had a high of 1.192 O.D. and 81.1%, and a low of 0.091 O.D. and 6.4%. The light green pigment had a high of 1.188 O.D. and 89.8%, with a low of 0.046 O.D. and 6.5%. From this, we can determine that the spinach extract had the highest transmittance at 580 nm, reflecting mostly green light. The orange pigment had it’s highest transmittance at 620 nm, reflecting mostly orange and red hues. The blue pigment transmitted at 480-500 nm, making blue and green hues more visible, and the light green pigment transmitted the highest at 500 nm, reflecting green light. If a leaf appears green to the human eye, if is reflecting light at 380-480 nm and 580-750 nm (Biology Faculty, 2014). Every color that is not reflected is absorbed. Organic compounds that absorb light are separated into three groups; polymethines, porphyrines, 8 and polyenes. The first absorption band, which absorbs a particular component of light, is a result of the transmission of a 𝛱-electron from a higher to lower energy level (Hans, 1949). Possible sources of error in these experiments include human error, for example, the lack of wiping down the spectrophotometer cuvettes between each trial and each blank setting, or placing a line of spinach juice that was too thin, therefore making the bands less decipherable than they could have been. Some future studies include some interesting experiments that have been reopened, such as light absorption in different types of phytoplankton (Morel, Bricaud, 1981), or light absorption in F-Centres (Huang, Rhys, 1950). Light absorption can be used in the future to help create more efficient solar panels, for a more environmentally friendly energy plan. 9 Figure 1 10 Figure 2 Figure 3 11 Figure 4 Figure 5 12 Figure 6 13 Figures 7 & 8; The chromatography paper immediately after being removed from the petroleum ether/acetone solution. 14 Literature Cited Bush, I. E. "Methods of Paper Chromatography of Steroids Applicable to the Study of Steroids in Mammalian Blood and Tissues." Biocem J 3.50 (1952): 370-78. NCBI. PMC. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. Toennies, Gerrit, and Joseph J. Kolb. "Techniques and Reagents for Paper Chromatography." Analytical Chemistry 23.6 (1951): 823. ACS Publictaions. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. Chance, Britton. "Spectrophotometry of Intracellular Respiratory Pigments." Science 120.3124 (1954): 767-75. Science Mag. AAAS. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. Biology Faculty, Florida Southern College. “BIO 1500 Biological Essentials Laboratory Manual” Florida Southern College. (2014): 117-24. 27 Nov. 2014 "Create a Chart." Office Online. Microsoft Excel, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. <>. Kuhn, Hans. "A Quantum‐ Mechanical Theory of Light Absorption of Organic Dyes and Similar Compounds." The Journal of Chemical Physics 17.12 (1949): n. pag. AIP Scitation. 22 Dec. 2004. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. 15 Huang, Kun, and Avril Rhys. "Theory of Light Absorption and Non-Radiative Transitions in F-Centres." Proceedings A 204.1078 (1950): n. pag. The Royal Society Publihing. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. Morel, Andre, and Annick Bricaud. "Theoretical Results concerning Light Absorption in a Discrete Medium, and Application to Specific Absorption of Phytoplankton." Deep Sea Research 28.11 (1980): 1375-393. Science Direct. 8 Apr. 2003. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. 16