The University of New England & St. Francis College Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award 2014 Up to 5 scholarships will be awarded with each award being no less than $1,000! Total awarded amount is $15,000 The UNE-St. Francis Alumni Council fosters a mission to “to create a feeling of lifelong personal involvement for all alumni in their alma mater and its traditions through support and commitment to the University of New England.” Since 1986, the UNE-St. Francis Alumni Council has fostered this relationship at the student level through the Alumni Scholarship Essay Award to encourage students to become active alumni. APPLICATION QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify for the University of New England-St. Francis College Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Contest 2014 you must meet the following criteria: Be a first year or returning full time undergraduate student (freshman, sophomore, junior status in September 2013). Have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.8 at the end of the Fall 2013 semester (sophomores and juniors). ALL APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS MUST INCLUDE: 1,200 word essay, typed and double spaced; Completed application form located on page 3; and To ensure anonymity during judging, please do not include your name in the body of the essay, such as a header or footer. A title page or including the essay title in a header is acceptable. WHERE APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE: Online Go to, click “College of Arts and Sciences and Westbrook College of Health Professions” on the left hand margin, then “Alumni Council”. E-mail or Telephone Contact the Alumni Advancement Office at or 221-4228 In Person On the Portland Campus at the Alumni Advancement Office, Ginn Hall, 3rd Floor. APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications must be received by Wednesday, January 15, 2014. Applications may be submitted to the Alumni Advancement Office via e-mail to or mailed to: Attn: Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award, Alumni Advancement Office, University of New England, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103-2670 The University of New England & St. Francis College Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award 2014 ESSAY TOPIC: In May of 1964, at the invitation of St. Francis College faculty, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke in Decary Hall as part of a distinguished panel of civil rights leaders. Throughout his life Dr. King espoused an ideal vision regarding racial equality and social justice. He articulated this vision in his historic “I Have a Dream” speech delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963. What do you see as a pivotal issue facing our nation today? Provide evidence to justify your selection. ESSAY JUDGING CRITERIA: Content Presentation Research Be sure any sources you use are documented and cited in a bibliography located at the end of the essay. Grammar Composition Length ESSAY JUDGING INFORMATION: A committee of members from the University of New England and St. Francis College Alumni Council will judge the essays according to the criteria outlined. Up to 5 recipients may be chosen for a scholarship, with awards being no less than $1,000. SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT NOTIFICATION: The scholarship recipients will be notified in late March to early April. QUESTIONS: Any questions regarding the UNE-SFC Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award should be directed to Amy Haile in Alumni Advancement Office at 221-4228 or The University of New England & St. Francis College Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award 2014 Name: Year: _________ G.P.A. (if sophomore or junior, needs to be over 2.8): ____________________ Mailing Address: City: Telephone Number: State: Zip Code: E-mail Address: Major: Title of submitted essay: The Alumni Advancement Office (located at 716 Stevens Avenue on the Portland Campus) must receive all applications by Wednesday, January 15, 2014. Applications may be submitted via e-mail to or mailed to: Attn: Alumni Council Scholarship Essay Award, Alumni Advancement Office, University of New England, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103-2670 Applicant’s Signature Date