DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS ACT 1976 APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO KEEP DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS What type of application is this? (Please tick box) New Renewal Applicants Name(s) ________________________________________________________ Applicants Address ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Tel No(s) Home___________________________________________________ Mobile__________________________________________________ General Information (Please continue on additional sheets if necessary) Species of dangerous wild animals concerned Number(s) of dangerous wild animals to be kept (by Species) I / We have read and understood the Council’s Dangerous Wild Animals Licence conditions and agree to comply with them at all times. To the best of my / our knowledge, the information given on this form is correct. Signature(s) Date Please return this form to:The Licensing Team Environment and Regulatory Services Derby City Council The Council House Corporation Street Derby DE1 2FS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - Receipt Number: _________________________ Officer Initials: ___________________________