English Long Term Plan

English Long Term Plan
Term 1
Class Level:
Fifth and Sixth Class
 Aims; The overall aims of the English curriculum are;
To promote positive attitudes and develop an appreciation of language-spoken
read and written
Create, foster and maintain the child’s interest in expression and communication
Develop the child’s ability to engage appropriately in listener-speaker
Develop confidence and competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing
Develop cognitive ability and to clarify thinking through oral language, writing and
Enable the child to read and write independently
Enhance emotional, imaginative and aesthetic development through oral, reading
and writing.
 Content; The child should be enabled to;
Strand: Oral Language
Strand Unit: Developing cognitive abilities through oral language
 Discuss issues of major concern
 Use the basic key questions and checking questions as a means of extending knowledge.
 Argue points of view from the perspective of agreement and disagreement through
informal discussion and in the context of formal debates.
 Explore and express conflicts of opinion through improvisational drama.
 Justify and defend particular opinions or attitudes and try to persuade others to
support a particular point of view.
Strand Unit: Competence and confidence in using language
 Acquire the ability to give detailed instructions and directions.
 Converse freely and confidently on a range of topics.
 Practice and use improvisational drama to acquire a facility in performing more
elaborate social functions.
 Understand the functions and know the names of the parts of speech.
 Become familiar with compound and complex sentences.
 Explore the possibilities of language and sentence structure in expressing increasingly
complex thoughts.
Strand Unit: Receptiveness to language
 Listen to online broadcasts and discuss what has been learned.
 Listen to authors reading and discussing their own work.
Interpret mood, attitude, emotion and atmosphere in video extracts, advertisements
and photographs.
 Take part in games in which unseen objects are identified from descriptions given by
other pupils.
Strand Unit: Emotional and Imaginative Development through language
 Discuss with others his/ her reactions to every day experiences and to local, national
and international events.
 Discuss ideas, concepts and images encountered in literature.
 Discuss personal reading and writing.
 Express individual responses to poems and literature, and discuss different
Alphabet Stew
Crossword Poem
Listening Comprehension
Prim –Ed listening
skills bookexercise 1-3
Oral Language
 Back to school
discussion and rule
making in groups,
talk about 6th class
and responsibilities.
 Debate on the
 Oral drama on the
 Oral reporting of
 Oral language
games (word
 Story snake:
retelling chapters
in novel in own
 Discussion of novelprediction,
describing cover,
Hints on pronunciation
Three Limericks
Listening Comprehension
Listening comprehension:
Prim-ed skills book- exercise
Oral Language Development
 Responding orally to
class novel: Oral
discussion and drama
activity based on
chapters 3-7 of the
 Pre-reading and postreading questions to
develop comprehension
strategies of
prediction, monitoring,
visualisation and
Taking my Pen for a Walk
Listening Comprehension
Listening comprehension: Prim-ed
skills book- exercise 7-8
Oral Language Development
Debate based on
characters in novelwere they flawed in
any sense?
Oral language games
(word tennis)
Oral response to class novelchapters 8-12. *(debate, drama
and character assessment)
Oral language games (word
Story snake: retelling chapters
in novel in own words.
Class discussion on new theme:
World War One. (questioning,
debate, drama activity)
Pre reading and post reading
questions based on class novel
and ancillary reading materials.
Oral discussion of class poems
being studied.
Daily oral language development
via local, national and
international news reporting.
characters in
chapters 1-3.
(responding orally
to text)
Dramatic reenactment of
chapter one using
oral language.
Daily oral language
development via
local, national and
international news
Vocabulary Development:
Introducing key
vocabulary and
Dictionary Work:
 Word web for
words, e.g. said,
went, ran.
 Find a word that
has similar
 Find a word with
opposite meaning
 Vocabulary
sentences and
‘fun with words’
Christmas poems x 2
Listening comprehension:
Story snake: retelling
chapters in novel in
own words.
Discussion on staying
safe at Halloween,
traditions, and
Halloween stories.
Oral discussion and
response to unit of
work on Halloween.
Daily oral language
development via local,
national and
international news
Monitoring Comprehension/
Vocabulary Development:
Introducing key vocabulary
and Dictionary Work:
 Choose a suitable
word to replace each
highlighted word in
the text.
 Use dictionary to
find meanings of
 Make a list of all the
words you can make
from ‘bewilderment’
 Vocabulary
sentences and ‘fun
with words’ games.
Monitoring Comprehension/
Vocabulary Development:
Introducing key vocabulary and
Dictionary Work:
Matching words to definition
Find words in the story that
Replace highlighted words
Vocabulary development via
language games.
Prim –Ed listening
skills bookexercise 1-3
Oral language
Oral language
games (word
Story snake:
retelling chapters
in novel in own
Discussion of novelprediction,
describing cover,
characters in
chapters 12-15
(end of novel).
(responding orally
to text)
Dramatic reenactment of last
Daily oral language
development via
local, national and
international news
Discussion about
fundraising events,
traditions of
Christmas stories
Vocabulary Development:
Introducing key
vocabulary and
Dictionary Work:
Explain idioms in
your own words.
Word hunt.
development ( fun
with wordsChristmas themed
words games e.g.
hangman, finding
smaller words in
bigger words)
Strand: Reading
Strand Unit: Developing cognitive abilities through language
 Listen to, read, learn and recite and respond to a challenging range of poetry.
 Use comprehension skills such as analysing, confirming, evaluating, synthesising and
 Retrieve and interpret information presented in a variety of ways.
 Support arguments and opinions with evidence from text.
 Read and interpret different kinds of functional text.
 Find information relevant to purpose in non-fiction texts , data and through ICT.
 Distinguish between fact and opinion and bias and objectivity, in text and in the media.
Strand Unit: Competence and confidence in using language
 Read widely as an independent reader from a more challenging range of reading
materials, including stories, poems, myths, legends, and novels.
 Engage with books in group or in whole class settings.
 Learn about structure and appreciate the function of the component parts of a
 Read to satisfy personal interests.
Strand Unit: Receptiveness to language
 Achieve proficiency in word identification by refining the different word identification
 Improve his/her ability to recognise and understand words by using root words,
prefixes, suffixes and syllabication.
 Engage with an increasing range of narrative, expository, and representational text.
 Become self-reliant, confident, independent readers.
Strand Unit: Emotional and Imaginative Development through language
 Hear the teacher model a response to poems, fiction and plays.
 Respond to poetry and fiction through discussion, writing, drama and visual art.
 Relate personal experiences to the ideas and emotions conveyed in the text.
 Appreciate issues in fiction.
 Examine similarities and differences in various types of text.
Guided Reading 5th
Reading comprehensions
from Exercise your
English 5 – unit 1, 2, 3 ,4
(one per week)
Guided Reading 6th
Reading comprehensions
from Exercise your
English, – unit 1,2,3, 4
(one per week)
Guided Reading 5th
Reading comprehensions
From Exercise your
English – unit 5,6,7
Guided Reading 5th
Reading comprehensions
from Exercise your
English unit 8,9,10,11
Guided Reading 6th
Reading comprehensions
from Exercise your
English, 5, 6,7
Guided Reading 6th
Reading comprehensions
from Exercise your
English – unit 148,9,10,11
Independent Reading:
Class Library books for
DEAR time
Independent Reading:
Class Library books for
DEAR time
Whole class reading of
novel: Class novels
ability based grouping:
see group chart –
differentiated through
passages read and
amount read.
Whole class reading of
ability based grouping:
see group chart
differentiated through
passages read and amount
Prim-ed comprehension
box: 1 story per week.
Level of reader for each
chld differentiated –
colour coded
Prim-ed comprehension
box: 1 story per week.
Level of reader for each
chld differentiated –
colour coded
Independent Reading:
Class Library books for
DEAR time
Whole class reading of
ability based grouping:
see group chart
differentiated through
passages read and amount
Prim-ed comprehension
box: 1 story per week.
Level of reader for each
chld differentiated –
colour coded
Weekly spellings and
sentences, with a test
on Friday. Words to be
according to class. Child
J is on different
Weekly spellings and
sentences, with a test on
Friday. Words to be
differentiated according
to class. Child J is on
different spellings.
Guided Reading 5th
Reading comprehensions
from– Exercise your
English unit 12,13
Guided Reading 6th
Class novel and
Christmas based
Independent Reading:
Class Library books for
DEAR time
Whole class reading of
novel: ability based
grouping: see group
chart – differentiated
through passages read
and amount read.
Prim-ed comprehension
box: 1 story per week.
Level of reader for each
chld differentiated –
colour coded.
Weekly spellings and
sentences, with a test on
Friday. Words to be
differentiated according
to class. Child J is on
different spellings.
Weekly spellings and
sentences, with a test
on Friday. Words to be
according to class. Child
J is on different
Strand: Writing
Strand Unit: Developing cognitive abilities through language
 write in a variety of genres
 Examine the characteristics that differentiate written and oral language.
 Write for a particular purpose and with a particular audience in mind.
 Reflect on and analyse ideas through writing.
 Refine ideas and their expression through drafting and re-drafting.
 Express and communicate new learning.
 Sketch an ordered summary of ideas and draft a writing assignment based on it.
 Argue the case in writing for a particular point of view.
Strand Unit: Competence and confidence in using language
 Write regularly on chosen topics.
 Write for a sustained length of time.
 Engage in the writing of one piece over a period.
 Experience varied and consistent oral language activity as part of the pre-writing
 Write independently through a process of drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
 Observe the conventions of grammar, punctuation and spelling in writing.
 Explore the possibility of syntax and sentence structure in reading and writing.
 Choose a register of language appropriate to subject and audience.
 Help others with editing their work.
 Take part in co-operative writing activities and projects.
 Develop a legible, fluent, personal style of handwriting.
Strand Unit: Receptiveness to language
 observe the teacher as he/she models writing stories
 seek help from the teacher in order to achieve accuracy and an appropriate standard
 experience how a story structure is organised by reading and listening to fiction
 write regularly for different audiences
 choose topics to write about
Strand Unit: Emotional and Imaginative Development through language
 express feelings in writing
 write about experiences
 draw and write stories and poems
 express in writing likes and dislikes about events and characters in stories and poems
Handwriting practice
Twice weekly
Handwriting practice
Twice weekly
Handwriting practice
Twice weekly
Genre: Report Writing: (genre
Writing reports on a variety of
Genre: Report Writing:
Genre: Report Writing:
Responding to text: written
questions on the novel.
Write a short account of the
characters life.
Write five questions you
would like to ask the boss.
Speech writing
Report writing activity:
report about Dublin.
Design a quiz about your
Write the next paragraph in
the comprehension story.
Scariest ghost story
Write a dialogue
between the leaders of
Write a diary entry
based on a soldier in
Write a letter based on
a soldier in WW1
Write news headlines
based on WW1
Persuasive writing
activity based on WW1
Diary entry based on novel.
Writing dialogue between
Sentence starters
Write the next chapter in the
Write three Q’s you would ask
the main character.
Make a list of the adjectives in
the chapter
Write a series of true or false
statements based on the novel
for your partner.
Author study
Write a letter to one
of the leaders of WW1
Write three questions
you would like to ask
the war refugees.
Creative Writing:
Once weekly based on current
Comprehension: Prim-Ed
comprehension box-one story
Monitoring comprehension
Creative Writing:
Once weekly based on
current theme
Comprehension: Prim-Ed
box- one weekly
Monitoring comprehension
Determining importance
Creative Writing:
Once weekly based on
current theme
Comprehension: Prim-Ed
box- one weekly
Determining importance
Making connections
Capital letters
Naming parts of speech
Handwriting practice
Twice weekly
Genre: Report Writing: (genre
Writing reports on a variety of
Written questions responding
to text.
Write your own blog entry
Write an acrostic poem
True or false activities
Imagine you are the boy at this
stage in the novel- write about
how you would feel.
Write a Christmas story
Write about the different
Christmas traditions around the
Write a Christmas poem
Creative Writing:
Once weekly based on current
Comprehension: Prim-Ed
comprehension box-one story
Monitoring comprehension
Direct and indirect speech
Extending sentences
 Approaches and Methodologies
Oral language
• Modelling language; asking and answering questions, using appropriate language, use
parallel talk as they work, use expansion (repeat to them what they have said with extended
• Talk and discussion; talking, asking and answering questions about a variety of topics, use
national and international news discussion, our news on a weekly basis, use of language
experience charts to allow for opportunities for discussion about topics they children know
about and enjoy
• Play and games; a wide range of oral language games as outlined above will be used to
allow for development and consolidation of each child’s oral language skills.
• Story; children will create vocal sounds to accompany a variety of well known stories in
order to develop their listening skills, turn taking skills, as well as develop and use a wide
vocal range.
• Language experience; creation of language experience charts with the children, based on
topics they know about and enjoy. It is planned that a language experience chart will be
created with the children once a fortnight.
• Shared reading; with the teacher, in small groups as well as with learning support teacher
on a weekly basis for X,Y,Z.
• Guided reading; the children will follow their class’s novel , with a 1-2 pages of reading
assigned nightly which will be modelled by the teacher before they go home, and listened to
the following day.
• Independent reading; of chosen leveled readers and library books during DEAR time
• Library usage; the children will be provided with opportunities to visit, read in and take
books from the class library.
• Shared writing; language experience charts, and I will use shared writing as a means to
teach the children about the creative writing task before they attempt it independently.
• Guided writing; planning and review before redraft and publishing on a variety of topics,
handwriting practice.
• Presentation to audience; the children will publish their writing in a variety of class books,
and on our wall of excellence.
 Resources
Storybooks as outlined, , pictures, flashcards, posters, children workbooks and copies,
language experience posters, card, glue, scissors, worksheets, , English in Practice, class
novel, handwriting book, ancillary resources including power-points and videos
 Differentiation
Teaching style
I will vary the level and
complexity of the content to
reflect the diversity of the
children’s previous achievement.
A variety of methodologies will
be used.
KWL charts will be used to ascertain
the children’s previous knowledge.
Levelled reading groups, with readers
matched to the child’s ability.
As outlined in methodologies section
to allow all children access to the
A variety of tasks are set relating Sixth class will have more challenging
to the same learning activity.
tasks based on the topic.
The teacher varies the nature of
. Peer modelling, one to one teacher
the support in accordance with the support- jf, tm
children’s individual needs
The children are provided with
Pictures will be provided for Jf to
resources specific to their own
allow him constant access to the
level of learning need
The children have opportunities
Cloze exercises, picture and sentence
to provide different outcomes
templates, picture sequencing based
while working on the same task.
on the same topic according to the
child’s ability.
 Assessment
Method of assessment
Self assessment
How I plan to use this for the assessment of English:
 KWL grids
 Thumbs up/thumbs down
The children have frequent opportunities to talk about their
work in either one-to-one, small groups or whole-class
settings, and with me.
The children will be asked every month to choose their best
piece of work that will be included in an assessment portfolio
of their entire years work in every subject
I plan on using a variety of questioning levels to ascertain the
children previous knowledge, as well as what they have
learned in the lesson.
As the children discuss, interact and work during the English
classes, I will circulate the classroom taking brief notes as I
circulate. I plan to choose 1-2 skills per strand per week to
observe and assess the children on, depending on the lesson
I will set tasks in the English class. These will allow for
review of previous skills taught, as well as assessing what
needs to be taught before the lesson continues. They will also
ascertain what the children have learned in this lesson; if they
understood the concept, if they mastered the concept etc. The
children will also be tested on what they have learned in their
English class on a regular basis.
Information observed, completed and collected about the
child’s learning in English will be compiled in their personal
profile in the teacher’s assessment folder.
Teacher observation
Teacher designed tasks and
Pupil Profiles