Enduring Skill(s): Taking Informed Action GRADE __6__ Performance level (lowest leading to proficiency): Performance Level (leading to proficiency): ________1____________ Fails to restate and explain the situation and fails to identify the problem or issue. Many grammatical mistakes or spelling errors. ________2____________ Attempts to restate and explain the situation and identify the problem or situation. Several grammatical mistakes or spelling errors. Criteria: Collaboration 1. Fails to take collaborative action by discussing the issue and different points of view to address a problem or the possible solutions to write about. 2. Fails to help partner correct or improve Open Response. 1. Attempts to take collaborative action to address a problem by discussing with others; the issue, different points of view, and possible solutions to write about. 2. Attempts to help partner correct or improve Open Response. Criteria: Take action: Make and support a decision/solve a problem. Fails to use a range of supportive evidence, prior knowledge, or accomplished skills to make and support a decision in the Open Response. Fails to explain challenges, problems, issues, or concerns faced by those who are being affected by the problem at the local, regional, or global level. Attempts to use a range of supportive evidence, prior knowledge, or accomplished skills to make and support a decision in the Open Response. Open Response Expectations: Criteria: Identify the problem Answer: "What would I do?" and explain why. Criteria: Reflect: Part C of Open Response Attempts to explain challenges, problems, issues, or concerns faced by those who are being affected by the problem at the local, regional, or global level. Performance Level (at proficiency): Target __________3____________ Analyzes, restates, and explains the situation by identifying the problem based on available resources and prior knowledge. Few grammatical mistakes or spelling errors. 1. With others, student collaborates and discusses ways to address the problem. Student then individually determines their own problem and/or solution to write about including supportive ideas. 2. Student helps partner correct and improve Open Response. Uses and applies a range of supportive evidence, prior knowledge, or accomplished skills to make and support a decision in the Open Response. Reflects, analyzes, or explains clearly, the different problems at the local, regional, or global levels. Identifies the causes, challenges and opportunities faced by those who are experiencing or fixing the problem. Performance Level (beyond proficiency): _________4___________ Draws on multiple disciplinary resources to analyze how a specific problem can manifest itself at local, regional and global levels over time. No grammatical mistakes or spelling errors. 1. Individually and with others, students will intentionally and effectively address all aspects of the issue appropriately with a consistently strong focus and convincing positions. 2. Corrects and improves partner's Open Response. Apply a range of democratic procedures and strategies to make decisions and take action in their classrooms, schools, community and globally. Included in the Open Response. Reflects and analyzes different complex problems in multiple contexts at the local, regional, and global levels. Identifies the causes, challenges and opportunities faced by those who are trying to fix the problem.