Level III - Finalist Group (On-Campus Interviews)

Faculty Recruitment Reference Documents & Checklist
Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
(657) 278-3951 / Fax (657) 278-3690
UPS Policies & Unit 3 MOU
UPS 210.000 Appointment of Full-Time Faculty http://www.fullerton.edu/senate/PDF/200/UPS210-001.pdf
UPS 210.500 Procedures for Search Committee http://www.fullerton.edu/senate/PDF/200/UPS210-500.pdf
Unit 3 Article 12 Appointment (12.22 & 12.7 & Angelo Decision)
II. Authorization of Faculty Position
Department prepares and submits request to Dean.
Dean submits College-wide request to Vice President - Academic Affairs.
Vice President - Academic Affairs informs Dean of College of faculty allocations.
III. Documentation of Recruitment and Selection Process
Refer to the Diversity and Equity Programs (DEP) website for CSUF’s Full-Time Faculty Recruitment
Documentation Procedures http://diversity.fullerton.edu/Recruitment/FacultyRecruitmentProcedures.aspx and
all required forms http://diversity.fullerton.edu/Recruitment/FacultyRecruitmentForms.aspx
IV. Position Description & Recruitment Plan
Department Chair and/or Search Committee identify advertising sources.
Department prepares and submits Position Description/Announcement & Recruitment Plan.
College Dean and DEP Director review/consult/approve announcement and recruitment plan.
DEP Director sends formal approval and Job Control Number to Dean and Department Chair.
V. Recruitment/Outreach (Department/Search Committee Chair/Faculty/Support Staff)
DEP posts announcements to academic job boards and places the University-wide advertisement in print/online media (“Chronicle of Higher Education” and diversity sources). Department personnel prepare/ place
approved advertisements in disciplinary publications and web-based media.
Department Chair and/or search committee implement recruitment plan and conduct active outreach: personal
e-mails, calls, or visits to selected departments.
Faculty disseminate University outreach recruitment brochure/CD’s, print materials, Department flyer at
conferences and to discipline-based listservs, professional associations, doctoral & masters programs
relevant to the vacancy, etc.
Applicant files are organized in the department. A letter/email is sent to each applicant acknowledging receipt
of their materials, informing the applicant of any missing application materials, and requesting completion of
the on-line Applicant Data Flow Form. The link to this form https://diversity.fullerton.edu/AppDataFlow/ is on a
secured website maintained by the Diversity & Equity Programs Office.
VI. Applicant Pool Review
Achieving A Climate of Success through Diversity and Equity
P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, CA 92834-6810
The California State University: Bakersfield / Channel Islands / Chico / Dominguez Hills / Fresno / Fullerton /East Bay
/ Humboldt / Long Beach / Los Angeles / Maritime Academy / Monterey Bay / Northridge / Pomona / Sacramento / San
Bernardino / San Diego / San Francisco / San Jose / San Luis Obispo / San Marcos / Sonoma / Stanislaus
REV. 7/2010
Faculty Recruitment Reference Documents & Checklist
Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
(657) 278-3951 / Fax (657) 278-3690
Soon after the closing date or deadline and before the selection of finalists, the Search Statement or Group
Matrix is forwarded to Diversity & Equity Programs with the names of applicants, state /country of residence,
and degree status. The Department and Dean will be provided summary information about the composition of
the pool and results of advertising/recruitment activity by source.
VII. Screening Levels & Departmental Forms (Committee)
Level 1 - Minimum Qualifications - Paper Screening
Screening form is developed and used by individual committee members. This form can be an individual
applicant screening form or the Group Matrix.
Level II – Discussion of Depth & Breadth of Qualifications - Candidates & Serious Candidates
Committee meets to discuss applicant qualifications and categorize their candidacy as Applicants, Candidates
& Serious Candidate.
Note: Some Colleges require consultation with Dean prior to determining the list of Serious Candidates.
Serious Candidates are scheduled for telephone interviews.
Develop introductory script and standardized interview questions for reference checking & telephone
interviews with Serious Candidates.
Send Applicant Release and Degree Verification Form to all Serious Candidates.
Schedule reference calls (minimum of 2 persons per call) and keep notes.
Committee discusses merits of each Serious Candidate based on information gathered through phone
references and the candidates’ file.
Enter criteria-specific information into Group Matrix plus forward this document with the application files of
Serious Candidates to Dean for her/his review.
Dean consults with Department and identifies Finalists for on-campus interviews.
Level III - Finalist Group (On-Campus Interviews)
Develop introductory script and interview questions.
Develop feedback/evaluation form for students and non-tenured department faculty
VIII. Preparations for Interview Day (Support Staff)
Scheduling Dates, Travel Arrangements, Interview Expenses & Reimbursement
Information Packet, travel itinerary and CSU-1 http://www.fullerton.edu/far/forms/forms.htm are sent to
IX. Preparations for Interview Day (Committee)
Achieving A Climate of Success through Diversity and Equity
P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, CA 92834-6810
The California State University: Bakersfield / Channel Islands / Chico / Dominguez Hills / Fresno / Fullerton /East Bay
/ Humboldt / Long Beach / Los Angeles / Maritime Academy / Monterey Bay / Northridge / Pomona / Sacramento / San
Bernardino / San Diego / San Francisco / San Jose / San Luis Obispo / San Marcos / Sonoma / Stanislaus
REV. 7/2010
Faculty Recruitment Reference Documents & Checklist
Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
(657) 278-3951 / Fax (657) 278-3690
Develop Interview Day Schedule (meetings with Dean, Vice President Acad. Affairs, Search Committee, class,
etc) and establish Hosting Assignments
X. Final Recommendations/Verbal Offers
Department committee meets, considers faculty feedback, discusses which of the interviewed candidates
can/cannot be recommended for appointment based on his/her qualifications or interview, and presents
recommendations to Chair.
Department Chair (and in some cases the Search Committee Chair or committee representatives) consults
with College Dean regarding the recommendations, and proposed terms of the offer. Based upon this
consultation, the College Dean makes his/her recommendation to the Vice President Academic Affairs.
College Dean clears the verbal offer (academic rank/salary, etc.) with the Vice President – Academic Affairs.
College Dean makes verbal offer and sets deadline for candidate’s response.
XI. Process Summary, Appointment File & Contract Issuance
Group Matrix is updated by Department – adding the reasons for rejection in the last column – and sent to
Diversity & Equity Programs (DEP).
DEP completes page 2 of the Process Summary and sends copies to Faculty Affairs & Records (FAR),
Department and Dean. In order to issue a contract, FAR must have received this form directly from DEP.
Department forwards the Process Summary and Appointment File to the Vice President Academic Affairs via
Dean for signature & Faculty Affairs & Records http://www.fullerton.edu/far/polpro/process.htm
A duplicate copy of the Appointment File along with the required recruitment documentation forms are sent
concurrently to the Director, Diversity & Equity Programs.
Appointment Letter/Contract is issued by Faculty Affairs and Records.
XII. Final Actions
Notification to Pool (Letter or email signed by the Search Committee Chair or Department Chair)
Notification to Finalists (Letter or email from Department Chair)
Special Note: If finalists call or write to you or members of the search committee for clarification about nonselection, inform them that it is University policy not to provide confidential information regarding personnel
processes. Do not communicate any specifics or details pertaining to their non-selection.
Maintenance of Files (Support Staff)
All records (correspondence, applications, letters, forms, etc) are maintained for four (4) fiscal years after
appointment in secured departmental files then boxed and sent for confidential shredding. Example: Faculty is
hired for 2010-11 therefore the recruitment file is retained until the end of the 2014-15 academic year.
Achieving A Climate of Success through Diversity and Equity
P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, CA 92834-6810
The California State University: Bakersfield / Channel Islands / Chico / Dominguez Hills / Fresno / Fullerton /East Bay
/ Humboldt / Long Beach / Los Angeles / Maritime Academy / Monterey Bay / Northridge / Pomona / Sacramento / San
Bernardino / San Diego / San Francisco / San Jose / San Luis Obispo / San Marcos / Sonoma / Stanislaus
REV. 7/2010