Risk Assessment Form All Visitors/ Schools / Groups Risk Assessment carried out by: Lorraine Cheesmur Site Location: Country Park – DEN BUILDING Today’s date: 13th May 2015 Date of new assessment: 13th May 2016 Activity/Situation: Den Building in designated forest area HAZARD = Any thing that and CAUSE harm RISK = The chance, high, medium or low, that somebody will be harmed by the hazard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Activity/ Situation/ Hazard Persons at risk Potential Likelihood/ Risk Risk outcome Probability Rating L/M/H Separation from party on route to Den and whilst in Forest Cars belonging to the general public being driven on cycle tracks or into the park beyond the designated car parks Getting lost on site and in forest area Loose dogs All 2 2 4 L All 4 1 4 M All 2 3 6 M All 4 2 8 M Being hit by a bike on tarmac closed road track Uneven paths/terrain on site and in Forest Steep road from tarmac track to Visitor Centre Intervention from nonstaff adults (ie general public) Lifting branches and climbing of trees Industrial debris from site’s existence as a colliery spoil tip Shared use of leisure paths by walkers and cyclists Falling objects in forest, and protruding branches. All 4 2 8 M All 2 3 6 M All 4 2 8 M All 4 2 8 M All 3 3 9 M All 2 3 6 M All 3 2 6 M All 3 2 6 M Page 1 Persons at risk L Leader A Other Adults YP Young People/Students I Instructor PV Public/Visitor Potential Outcome Minor injury Injury needing medical attention Injury – off work/school Serious injury/long term sickness Fatality Likelihood / Probability Unlikely Low possibility Possible Probable Near certainty Numerical Value 1 2 3 4 5 Numerical Value 1 2 3 4 5 Risk Rating 1–5 6 – 11 12+ Low Medium High Risk Assessment Action Plan Activity/ Situation/ Hazard Action required Target date Completed by 1. Separation from party on route to Den and whilst in Forest 2. Cars belonging to the general public being driven on cycle tracks or into the park beyond the designated car parks 3. Getting lost on site and in forest area Leader to wear high visible vest and to pair up the children. One ranger walking in front and one following behind party. Signage in place. All staff briefed to be vigilant. Welcome briefing before group activity to mention about the dangers of cars being on the cycle track and other areas to the forest. Briefing at the beginning of the party about staying in the group. Group leaders and Staff aware of group number reglular checks throughout session to ensure the whole group are present. Rules on website. Ensure appropriate signage is in place. Regular monitoring of park by rangers, and zero tolerance of dogs off the lead. Signs in place before every race/training event. Briefing at the beginning of party regarding crossing track area. Insure party leader to stop and make sure track is clear before attempting to cross any area of tarmac track. Problem areas are coned where necessary. Holes are filled in when they become hazardous. Welcome briefing before every group activity to mention about the possibility of uneven paths. Led groups will be warned of this at Welcome briefing. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. 4. Loose dogs 5. Being hit by a bike on tarmac closed road track 6. Uneven paths/terrain on site and in Forest. 7. Steep road from tarmac track to Visitor Centre 8. Intervention from non-staff adults (ie general public) All visiting children to be briefed in the welcome briefing to ensure they do not roam unaccompanied. Group leaders to be reminded of the open nature of the park and the need to be aware of the whereabouts of their group members. Betteshanger staff will wear uniforms at all times in order to be easily identified. Manager and staff on duty. Manager and staff on duty. Page 2 9. Lifting branches and climbing of trees 10. Industrial debris from site’s existence as a colliery spoil tip 11. Shared use of leisure paths by walkers and cyclists 12. Falling objects in forest, and protruding branches. In Forest area ranger to inform children in safety brief that no climbing trees, and if they require any lifting of branches to have ask for assistance from the rangers. Industrial debris is being picked on an ongoing basis. Welcome briefing to warn of the possibility of industrial debris and be vigilant and take care where they walk. Signage in the park states that walkers have the right of way on the leisure paths. Welcome briefing to warn walking students of the possibility of cyclists being on the leisure paths. Dead trees and branches to be checked and removed from site. Any protruding branches removed and then regular checks on area before planned party. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Ongoing, and before every school/college visit. Manager and staff on duty. Assessment and Action Plan prepared by: Lorraine Cheesmur Date: 13th May 2015 Next Risk Assessment due: 14th May 2016 Page 3