Newspaper Article Activity HRE2O Mrs. G. Bethune Name __________________ Name __________________ Date _______________ In pairs, look through newspapers to find articles that illustrate the 7 traits of humans (according to the Catholic Catechism). Choose at least 5 articles that represent 5 different traits. Write a brief explanation about how the article illustrates each trait. Display your articles and explanations on poster paper. Criteria Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Thinking/Inquiry limited use of critical thinking skills to locate articles with limited relationship to the traits satisfactory use of critical thinking skills to locate articles with some relationship to the traits good use of critical thinking skills to locate appropriate articles relating to the traits excellent use of critical thinking skills to locate clearly related articles Application makes limited connections and understanding of the traits of humans makes satisfactory connections and understanding of the traits of humans makes relevant connections and understanding of the traits of humans makes excellent connections and understanding of the traits of humans Comment: