Memorandum School To: From: Date: Lincoln High All Seniors High School Administration May 11, 2015 End of Year Activities for Seniors Class of 2015 FRIDAY May 22, 2015 SENIOR PROM LAKE PEARL,LUCIANO’S,WRENTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 1. Time: 6:00-11:00PM 2. Students will not be allowed to leave prior to 10:30PM 3. Students must arrive at the Prom no later than 7:00PM 4. Couple photos start at 6:00PM; dinner is served at 7:30PM 5. All dues must be paid in full in order to be allowed to attend the Prom. 6. All attendees must submit to a Breathalyzer test to be admitted to the Prom. 7. Please be advised that ALL school rules will be in effect. WEDNESDAY May 27, 2015 SENIOR ATHLETIC BANQUET 6:00PM Kirkbrae Country Club THURSDAY June 4, 2015 LAST DAY OF CLASSES FOR SENIORS FRIDAY June 5 - June10 SENIOR EXAMS Senior Exams will be held during double periods in their regularly assigned classroom. Seniors should report directly to their classroom for their exams. Seniors must stay in the classroom until the exam period is finished. Seniors only need to be present in school during their exams. If in the building during Advisory period, senior must report to Advisory. (no “wandering”) Only seniors with a 90% or higher average for their final course grade may be exempt from their final exam. ADVISORY PERIOD 9:05-9:34AM ALL SENIORS MUST REPORT TO THEIR ADVISORIES IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THEIR FIRST EXAM. 7:30-9:00AM 9:39-11:09AM Friday, June 5 Period C Exam Period E Exam Monday, June 8 Period A Exam Period G Exam Tuesday, June 9 Period F Exam Period B Exam Wednesday, June 10 Period D Exam Make up Exams TUESDAY June 9, 2015 SENIOR SUPPER / PICNIC The Senior Supper will be held on the front lawn of LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL,135 Old River Road, Lincoln, Rhode Island. 1. Time: 6:00–8:30PM 2. Beginning at 5:00PM, all students will enter the building through the North Wing entrance to submit to a Breathalyzer test to be administered in the Main Foyer. After the test, each student will be given a Senior Supper wrist band to wear before proceeding to the front lawn. All Seniors are expected to wear their wrist band during the entire evening. 3. Tickets must be purchased in advance for $5.00 each starting Monday, May 18 through Monday, June 1ST before or after school in the Connections Room (Mrs. Karen Gill and Mrs. Jo-Ann Perry). 4. Yearbooks will be distributed to Seniors during the Senior Supper. WEDNESDAY June 10, 2015 SENIOR OBLIGATION FORMS DUE TO MAIN OFFICE Seniors must return their completed Senior Obligation Forms to the Main Office by 9:30AM on or before WEDNESDAY, June 10. All Senior Class dues, library fines, and other obligations must be paid in full at this time. PRIME PARTICIPANTS MEETING This is a special graduation meeting in Exhibition Room 2 from 9:15–9:45AM for Prime Participants only. This includes: Class Officers (2015), Student Council Presidents (2015, 2016), Valedictorian, Salutatorian, new Senior Class Officers (2016), Mace Bearers and Flag Bearers. WEDNESDAY June 10, 2015 GRADUATION REHEARSAL FOR ALL SENIORS AND PRIME PARTICIPANTS 11:00AM–1:15PM in the Auditorium – MANDATORY All Seniors must attend. Prior arrangements must be made with jobs, babysitting, etc. Seniors will be receiving their caps and gowns, along with graduation announcements, tickets and other vital information in the North Gym after the rehearsal. SENIOR CLASS AWARDS NIGHT 7:00–9:00PM in the Auditorium This event celebrates the awards and achievements of many of the Senior class members. All seniors and their parents are encouraged to attend this event, since many students receive surprise awards. 1. Seniors are to park behind the school building. 2. Report to the old cafeteria at 6:30PM with caps and gowns. THURSDAY June 11, 2015 GRADUATION REHEARSAL FOR ALL SENIORS AND PRIME PARTICIPANTS 9:00–11:30AM Report to the Field House at the Community College of Rhode Island, Flanagan Campus, Lincoln. Seniors must arrange their own transportation to CCRI. Prime Participants (undergraduates) – Transportation to CCRI will be provided if needed. FRIDAY June 12, 2015 GRADUATION REHEARSAL FOR SENIOR STUDENT SPEAKERS ONLY (MANDATORY) 11:00AM–12:00 NOON This is a special graduation rehearsal in the school’s auditorium for Senior Student Speakers only. This includes: Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Student Council President and Senior Class President. GRADUATION CEREMONY 6:00–8:00PM 1. Please report to the CCRI cafeteria by 5:00PM in cap and gown. In case of rain, please report to the back of the Field House in cap and gown. 2. Commencement exercises begin promptly at 6:00PM. POST GRADUATION CELEBRATION 9:00PM–1:30AM The post graduation celebration, hosted by the parents of Lincoln High School students, will be held at The Wide World of Indoor Sports in North Smithfield, RI. This event is open to LHS graduating seniors only. Buses will bring all graduates to the WWIS from CCRI after the graduation ceremony. Students will not be allowed to drive a car to the event. Students will be bused home, door to door. There will be NO drop offs at the high school. 2