MUSC SIMULATION CENTER COURSE REQUEST FORM Instructions: Please provide the following info to use the Simulation Center for an Approved Activity and email to If your course has not been approved, please complete a New Course Development Form. This form must be completed in its entirety to reserve space at the Simulation Center. Department: Division: Course Title: Course Director: Course Description: Facilitators: Participant Type: # of Attendees: Dept. Contact: Email & Phone: Responsible Funding Center: Participant Category Participant Type ☐MUHA Staff ☐Clinical Nurse ☐Faculty ☐Hospital Staff ☐Residents ☐Medical Faculty ☐ CON ☐Students ☐Dietetic Intern ☐ COP ☐Other ☐Physician ☐ MUHA ☐ COM ☐ CHP ☐Inter-professional ☐ CDM ☐Other Approved by: (print) Signature: FOR MUSC SIMULATION CENTER USE ONLY: Received Date: ☐ Approved Sim Spec Review by: ☐ Approved w/modifications (see notes) Admin Review by: ☐ Denied DATE(S) AND TIMES REQUESTED Date 1: Click here to enter a date. Start & End Times: Click here to enter text. Date 2: Click here to enter a date. Start & End Times: Click here to enter text. Date 3: Click here to enter a date. Start & End Times: Click here to enter text. Date 4: Click here to enter a date. Start & End Times: Click here to enter text. Date 5: Click here to enter a date. Start & End Times: Click here to enter text. TOTAL No. OF ROOMS REQUESTED: Select # ROOM(S) REQUESTED FOR THIS COURSE (Check all that apply) ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ SN102 SN104 SN102/4 SN110 SN113 SN103 SN106 SN107 SN106/7 ‘Classroom’ -capacity 20 ‘Classroom’ -capacity 20 ‘Large Classroom’ -capacity 40 ‘Debrief’ - capacity 6 ‘Conference Room’ -capacity 10 ‘ER' -4 beds/capacity 15 ‘Patient Rm' -3 beds/capacity 8 ‘Patient Rm' -3 beds/capacity 8 ‘Patient Rm' -6 beds/capacity 16 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ SN108 SN114 SN116 SN118 SN121 SN122 SN123 SN124 SN125 ‘Labor & Delivery’ / Pt.-2 beds/cap. 8 ‘OR' -1 bed / capacity 8 ‘Patient' -1 bed/ capacity 6 ‘Labor & Delivery’ / Pt. - 1 bed /cap. 6 ‘Patient' -1 bed/ capacity 6 ‘Exam / Trainer' - 1 bed/ capacity 6 ‘Exam / Trainer' - 1 bed/ capacity 6 ‘Exam / Trainer' - 1 bed/ capacity 6 ‘Exam / Trainer' - 1 bed/ capacity 6 Notes: Rooms SN103, SN106/107, SN114, SN115, SN118, SN121, SN122, SN123, SN124, SN125 all have auxiliary Control/Viewing Rooms. These associated rooms are included with your room request(s). Room changes due to scheduling constraints may be made at the discretion of the Simulation Center. ROOM CONFIGURATION REQUEST – Must Choose One ☐ Room Only (standard configuration, no additional furnishing or equip’t –see room descriptions) ☐ Room in standard config. with addt’l items or substitutions as indicated in sections following: COMPUTER AND PRESENTATION EQUIPMENT REQUESTED – Select Any that Apply ☐ Laptop Computers (max 20) – Quantity: Click here to enter quantity. ☐ Access to / Screen Display of internet or other media ☐ Other: Click here to enter text. SOFTWARE/SCENARIOS USED - Must Choose One Min. ☐ No Scenarios (including ‘Healthy Patient’) System: ☐ Legacy ☐ LLEAP ☐ SimPad Only ☐ Other: Enter text here. For Simulator(s): ☐ SimMan ☐ ALS ☐ SimMan 3G ☐ SimMom ☐ SimJr ☐ SimBaby ☐ SimNewB ☐ Resusci-Anne Other: ☐ Click here to enter text. List all Scenario Names Below: 1 2 3 Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. OFFICE USE ONLY 6 7 8 Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. AUDIO/VISUAL EQUIPMENT REQUESTED – Must Choose One ☐ This course session will be video recorded w/ B-Line SimCapture OR other: Enter text here. ☐ This course session will not be video recorded. PERSONNEL REQUESTED - Select Any that Apply ☐ Simulation Specialist ☐ I.T. Support Form Rev. 9/22/14 ☐ Other: Enter text here. 2 of 5 FURNISHINGS ☐ None Requested ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 31j ☐ Extra Chairs: Click to enter quantity. Extra Tables: Click to enter quantity. # Exam Stool (6 max) # Exam Lamp – Gooseneck (3 max) # Hospital Bed (max 6; in SN106/107) # ER Stretcher (4 max) 1 Hospital Gurney 1 Ambulance Stretcher # Maternal Delivery Bed (2 max) # Other: Click here to enter text. HEADWALL O2/VACUUM/Etc. # O2 Flow Regulator (4 max) 31k ☐ # Vacuum Reg. & Canister (4 max) ☐ # Other: Click here to enter text. 31a 31b 31c 31d 31e 31f 31g 31h 31i ROLLING EQUIPMENT ☐ None Requested 32a 32b 32c 32d 32e 32f 32g 32h1 32h2 32i 32j 32k 32l ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # 1 # 1 1 1 # # # Anesthesia Cart (3 max) Crash Cart w Portable Vac (3 max) IV Poles (5 max) Alaris Pump (3 max) Kangaroo Pump BP monitor,portable (2 max) Neonatal Isolette - Wood Neonatal Incubator – Metal, Open Neonatal Incubator – Enclosed Oxygen, Portable (5 max) Storz Endoscopy Tower (2 max) Video Laryngoscope with Monitor(2 max) ☐ 1 12-Lead ECG Monitor, Portable ☐ # Other: Click here to enter text. Room Config. /Furnish’g/Roll’g Eqpt. Instructions: Enter text here. SIMULATORS (High & Med. Fidelity) ☒ None Requested 41a ☐ 1 41b ☐ # 41c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # # 41d 41e 41f 41g 41h 41i 1 1 # # SimMan 3G – Mod Sed. Pref’d Gender : Choose gender. SimMan (8 max) ☒ Unisex/No Preference OR # of Males: Quantity. # of Females: Quantity. SimBaby (2 max) SimNewB (2 max) SimMom w/Newborn (2 max) Resusci Anne (2 max) Harvey Cardiopulmonary (2 max) Megacode Kid SimJunior Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. MANIKINS (Med. and Low Fidelity) ☒ None Requested 42a ☐ 42b ☐ 42c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ALS Manikin (Med. Fidelity) (3 max) Gender : Choose gender distribution Adult Manikin (Low Fidelity) (3 max) Std configuration: 1 has all limbs, 1 w/ # amp. arm @elbow , 1 w/amp. low leg Gender : Choose gender distribution # ALS Baby (Medium Fidelity) (2 max) 1 BLS Baby (Medium Fidelity) # Other: Click here to enter text. # Other: Click here to enter text. SIMULATOR / MANIKIN ACCESSORIES Nuclear Biological Chemical Modules Simulator/Manikin Trauma Limb(s) # Other: Click here to enter text. # Other: Click here to enter text. # Simulator/Manikin Special Notes (e.g. positioning, wound types/locations, trachs): Click here to enter text. Form Rev. 9/22/14 3 of 5 COURSE-SPECIFIC SUPPLIES ☒ None Requested or Host-Provided 51a ☐ 51b ☐ 51c ☐ 51d ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # 51e 51f 51g 51h 51i 51j 51k ☐ ☐ ☐ Course host provides/sets up own items. Number of containers: Mod Sedation Kit (1 container = 2 stations) BEAM/DAM Kit (1 container = 1 station) Quantity. ( 4 Max Kits) Trauma (1 container) ECCO (2 containers = 1 station) ED Trauma (1 container) FOB (1 container = 2 stations) FLS (4 containers = 1 course / 4 stations) Golden Hour (2 containers = 1 station) MET Peds (2 containers = 1 station) OB Sim Lab (4 containers = all scenarios) MEDICAL SUPPLIES & EQPT REQUESTED ☒ None Requested Airway Kit, Advanced: (OPA’s, ETT’s, LMA’s, Laryngoscope & Blades, etc.) Airway Kit, Basic: (1 BVM, 1 Facemask, 1 Non-Rebreather, 1 Nasal Can., 1 O2 Line) 52a ☐ # 52b ☐ # 52c ☐ 1 Defibrillator /Monitor, Zoll ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 1 # # # # # # # # # # Defibrillator /Monitor, Zoll – Non-pacing Defibrillator /Monitor, LifePak 12 (2 max) Defibrillator /Monitor, LifePak 20 (2 max) EKG Leads -- ☒ Faux ☐ Functional C-Spine Backboard & Neckbrace (3 max) CVC Kit Lumbar Puncture Kit NG Tube Kit Drapes, Specify: Enter text. 52d 52e 52f 52g 52h 52i 52j Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Course/Medical Supplies Special Instructions: Enter text here. ROOM TASK TRAINER(S) & ACCESSORIES REQUESTED FOR [Enter Name] ☐ No Sim Center Trainers Requested ☐ Host Will Provide Trainers: Click here to enter text. ☐ See Selected Items Below (Check all that apply, click “#” to select quantity) AIRWAY MANAG’T TRAINERS - ADULT 61a 61b 61c 61d 61e 62a 62b 62c 62d ☐ ☐ 1 # ☐ ☐ ☐ # 1 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ AIRWAY MANAG’T TRAINERS - PEDS # Neonatal Intubation Tr. (max 3) 1 Infant Airway Mgt. Trainer 1 Pediatric Airway Mgt. Organizer 1 Pediatric Intubation Trainer # Other: Click here to enter text. Trach Trainer – Head & Shoulders Airway Trainer – FOB (max 2) Airway Trainer – NG Tube /Trach optimized (max 3) Active Servo Lung 5000 Intubation Trainer – Cross Section Form Rev. 9/22/14 URINARY CATHETER TRAINERS 69a 69b 69c ☐ ☐ ☐ 69d ☐ ☐ # # Female Catheter Trainer- Deluxe (max 2) Male Catheter Trainer- Deluxe (max 2) 1 1 # Female Catheter Trainer- Basic Male Catheter Trainer - Basic Other: Click here to enter text. TRAUMA TRAINERS 68a ☐ ☐ # # Trauma Man Thoracic Trainer (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. 4 of 5 I.V. ART., INJ.&Etc. TRAINERS - ADULT ☐ 63e ☐ ☐ # 1 1 1 # 63f 63g ☐ ☐ 1 # 63h 63i ☐ ☐ ☐ # 63a 63b 63c 63d 63j 63k 63l ☐ ☐ I.V. Arm – Adult (max 5) Arterial Stick Arm – Adult Vascular Access Trainer Central Line Trainer – ‘Chester’ Central Line U-sound Tr. (max 2) Cut-down Ankle Venous Trainer CVC Insertion Trainer (max 3) Femoral Line Trainer (max 2) Shoulder for Joint Injection 1 1 Lumbar Puncture Trainer 1 Spinal Injection (aka LP) Trainer 1 Peter PICC Line # Other: Click here to enter text. ☐ ☐ ☐ I.V. & I.O. TRAINERS - PEDIATRIC 64a 64b 64c # # # # ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ PHYS. EXAM TRAINERS/ANATOMY MODELS 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67h 67i 67j 67k ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 1 1 1 # 1 1 1 # # 1 # # Ear Exam Simulator Eye Retinopathy Trainer Knee for Aspiration Breast Exam Trainer (max 3) BSE Fiberocystic Model Rectal/Prostate Exam Trainer Testicular Exam Trainer Large Heart Model (max 2) Small Heart Model (max 2) Male and Female Anat. X-Section Model Articulated Skeleton (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. Trainer Notes: Click here to enter text. OFFICE ONLY: Click here to enter text. I.V. Arm – Pediatric (max 2) Intraosseus Leg – Pediatric (max 2) Baby STap Lumbar Trainer (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. LAPROSCOPIC TRAINERS 65a ☐ 65b ☐ 65c ☐ ☐ # # # # FLS Laproscopic Trainer (max 4) Ethicon Lap. Trainer (max 4) Large Body Lap. Trainer Other: Click here to enter text. OB/GYN TRAINERS 66a ☐ 66b ☐ 66c ☐ 66d ☐ 1 # 1 1 OB Torso/Uterine Surgery Trainer Prompt Birthing Trainer (max 2) Hysteroscopy Trainer Female Pelvic Exam Trainer, Basic Female Pelv. E.T., Adv. (Normal) (max 66e # ☐ 4) Female Pelvic E.T., Adv. Pathology Modules: 66eaA ☐ # Ovarian Cyst (max 2) 66eaB ☐ # Retroverted (max 2) 66eaC ☐ # Fibroid Cyst (max 2) ☐ # Other: Click here to enter text. Form Rev. 9/22/14 5 of 5