SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL SERVICES 667 Westfield Road Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076 908-889-0100 Fax: 908-889-1812 DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES Linda Edwards SUPERVISOR OF EDUCATION Diane Peneno RETURN TO SCHOOL NOTE FOR INFLUENZA (FLU) LIKE ILLNESS __________________________Gr.____ was sent home from school on _________with a fever of _____. One of the best ways to determine the difference between the common cold and influenza is the presence of a fever. Along with fever, symptoms of influenza include sore throat, headache, cough, nasal congestion, muscle aches, general fatigue and weakness. Because of the highly contagious nature of influenza (flu), medical protocol calls for students to stay at home until they are fever-free (<100 degree F temperature) for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Intestinal symptoms are generally not indicative of the flu, but if a fever is present, the student should also remain at home. Many multi symptoms cold medications contain fever-reducing ingredients, so please read the label carefully before giving the medication. Consult your health care professional regarding age appropriate dosing. Parents of students who attend Scotch Plains-Fanwood schools are asked that in the event that their son or daughter will need to remain home from school due to influenza (flu) like illness, this form be completed and brought to the school nurse upon the student’s return. Sincerely, Linda Edwards Director of Special Services Parent Section: My child has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of any medication that has fever-reducing ingredients. 1. Last documented temperature at home over 100 degrees F. __________________________________ Date 2. Last dose of medication with fever reducing ingredients. Time __________________________________ Date Time Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________________________ School Nurse Section: Student may return to school on: __________________________________ Student may not return to school due to: ____________________________________________________ Signature of School Nurse: _______________________________________