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Voigtlands breeding objective is to breed Simmentaler cattle that have the genetic &
physical ability to meet market specifications and breeding objectives of the client.
Keeping in mind that a balance is required where the female portion of the progeny
are required to be highly fertile and efficient.
The major strategies to achieve this objective are listed as follows:
The Voigtland herd should be a role model for profitable commercial beef herds in
Namibia . With emphasis on fertility, the cow herd production will be measured on
per animal production to produce efficient low maintenance cattle.
Cattle to be run under strict commercial stress conditions with no supplement
feeding for production.
Produce cattle of moderate birthweight with optimum growth, carcase quality and
muscularity that meet market specifications
Performance test to accurately predict growth, carcase and fertility traits
Maintain inherent structural soundness and docility
Endeavour to reduce the risk of product failure to the Bull buying client.
Strive to make the bull sale a beginning of a relationship , not the end of one.
A Profit Focus
In designing a breeding program, the important thing for a studbreeder is to fully
understand what drives profit in the commercial beef enterprises operated by the bull
buying client. We keep up on a high level of understanding of the efficiency of our
beef enterprise and the factors that most influence profit in the beef production
system. Best returns in the beef industry are made by those who can produce more
beef at a lower cost of production per kg of beef. In breeding operations, around 70%
of the total dry matter consumed goes towards the maintenance of the cow herd. So
it is vital therefore that the cow herd is highly fertile, easy-care and run at low cost.
The cow herd must be designed and selected to be reproductively efficient with-in
their environment.
In a high production system this involves an emphasis on moderate mature cow
weight and no tolerance for dystocia, moderate to low birthweight EBV’s. A further
important profit driver is beef production/ha. This is highly influenced by stocking
rate, our dry arid conditions in Namibia already put high level of selection pressure
on lifestock production.
Cow herd
Our breeding philosophy on Voigtland is focussed primarily on the cow herd. All
breeders present in our registered herd have successfully passed a number of very
important hurdles to survive.
Selection focuses on commercial traits of adaptability, growth and muscularity,
based on high level of fertility and efficiency within the cow herd results in bulls that
offer more profit for you. Highly fertile, long-life grassfed bulls that are ready to work
and bred to meet your particular breeding objectives & target markets are offered for
With fertility being the trait of highest commercial value to beef herds , the result of
decades of careful trait selection for improved milk, muscle and growth rate, without
substantial increases in birth weight and with no compromise to temperament,
structural soundness & fertility. With selection for fertility being our highest priority,
we continue to screen out animals that do not perform . Every cow that exists in the
Voigtland herd does so because she had a live calf at 21/2 yrs of age and has
continued to raise a live calf through to weaning every year with no exceptions and
no favourites.
The quality inherent in a Voigtland Simmentaler Bull is a result of being a product of
this exceptional cow herd. Our history of over 100 years selection and animal
recording on Group Breedplan give clients confidence that Voigtland Simmentalers
offer reliable and predictable performance that will meet their breeding objectives. All
sale bulls are examined by an independent veterinarian for structural and breeding