Important Steps, Inc.- Session Note Instructions-- NYC DOE-CPSE: 08-01-11 1. A Session Note must be completed for each session. 2. Complete all areas as follows: • Child’s Name, DOB, and NYCID#: Make sure this information is consistent with the information in the NYCDOE system (do not use nicknames). • Provider’s Name: The individual providing the related services. • Discipline: The appropriate discipline of the interventionist (e.g., PT, ST, OT). Frequency and Duration: As per IEP and Assignment from Important Steps, Inc. • Location of Service: Where the session took place, (e.g., home, school, or office) • Date and Time: The date and time during which the session took place. Please circle “am/pm”. • Service Type: The service type as listed on the IEP, (i.e. Speech Therapy (ST)) • Date Note Written: The date the session note was completed (should be the same as the date of service). Make-up for: Indicate the date of missed session within the school year conducting make up for (i.e. Fall) Session Cancelled/Absent: a) Check this off when the session is cancelled/not held/child is absent; b) Indicate the reason the reason for cancelation. (Note: no need for the following: CPT codes, activities, etc. Therapist signature is required. Caregiver signature is optional.) ICD-9 Code: The relevant ICD-9 code as indicated on the child’s evaluation for your discipline. This is prewritten for your convenience at the time of your assignment. Please contact main office for more info. CPT Codes: The relevant CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes as indicated by the clinician’s professional association. IMPORTANT: CPT Codes MUST match its description & ICD-9 codes. See list of suggested codes below as per each discipline scope of practice. Check the time interval consistent w/each CPT code and list as many as you have conducted during the mandated session interval. If conducted same CPT code several times indicate # of same CPT codes. Example: if mandate is Basic (A) – (i.e. 30 min & up) and same CPT codes was conducted 2 times (15 min each) please put: 1) CPT# 97530 X 2 • IEP Outcome(s) Addressed: The target outcome(s) from the IEP, which was/were the focus of that session’s intervention. These outcomes are taken directly from child’s current IEP (Note: this is the only section that can be pre-typed). • Activity During Session and Child’s Response: Brief description of the clinician’s activities (at least 3) and child’s/family response to each activity during the session. These activities/descriptions MUST match CPT codes above. • Parent/Caregiver Training/Carryover: 1. Indicate the one or more activities agreed upon by the interventionist and the parent/caregiver that will be used during daily routines in the coming week(s). Indicate: WHERE/WHEN/WHAT “homework” activities caregivers can do w/child during child’s daily routine. For example, if the objective is for the child to roll, the interventionist could write: “At bath or change time, the parent will use a towel or diaper to gently lift one side of the child to assist in beginning to roll.” Parent will record progress in parent/therapist notebook/calendar, etc. 2. Activities for parents are expected to span a minimum of one week. However, a therapist may see the child/family more than once per week; or activities may be recommended for multiple weeks. Indicate in this section if you are continuing to work on an activity from the above Session Note. 3. Parent/Caregiver Signature and Relationship to Child: The parent/caregiver who was present during the session signs contemporaneously w/related service provider and indicates his/her relationship to the child (i.e. mother, babysitter, day care teacher, etc). 4. Provider’s Signature, Credentials & License# : The clinician’s signature & full credentials (Ex: MA.CCC-SLP, #00921) . For CFs Supervisor’s signature &full credentials are required for each note. 5. Indirect Time: Indicate time (from-to) spend after the mandated direct service has concluded (i.e. paperwork, etc) 6. Keep the Session notes w/original signature in child’s file at the provider site. The Session notes may be reviewed or requested by the parents; therapist’s QA supervisor; NYC DOE’s various departments such as the L o c a l D i s t r i c t and Program Monitoring and Quality Improvement; NYS DOE and OMIG. 7. Monthly Multidisciplinary Meeting: Please complete one at least per month. 8. Indicate NPI# on the bottom of each page as required for billing submission to NYCDOE. Instructions for Completing CPT/ICD-9 Codes on Session Notes-2011-12_ above Use the chart below to indicate the child’s type of delay (ICD-9 codes) (from evaluations) and the type of therapy you have provided (CPT codes). Related Service: Occupational Therapy (OT) CPT Code Description ICD-9 Code Unit Definition Restrictions 97110 Therapeutic Exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes Session limit 4 units 97112 Neuromuscular Reeducation of movement, balance, coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture, and/or proprioception for sitting and/or standing 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes Session limit 4 units 97124 Massage Therapy including effleurage, pertrissage, tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion) 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 min Session limit 4 units 97150 Group Therapeutic (2 or more individuals) 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder Encounter I unit per recipient 97530 Kinetic therapy-Therapeutic activities, direct (1X1) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve functional performance) 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 min Session limit 4 units 97533 Sensory Integration to enhance sensory processing and promote adaptive responses to environmental demands direct (1X1) patient contact by the provider. 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 min Session limit 4 units 97755 Assistive Technology assessment 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes With written report In the event you require more codes please refer to: Related Service: Speech Therapy- ST CPT Code Description ICD-9 Code Unit Definition Restrictions 315.3 – Developmental Speechlanguage disorder; 315.32-Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder 315.31-Expressive language disorder 315.39 Other 92507 Treatment of speech, language, voice, communication, &/or auditory processing disorder: individual Developmental articulation disorder, Phonological disorder Excludes: Lisping and lalling (307.9) Encounter 315.3 – Developmental Speechlanguage disorder; 315.32-Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder 315.31-Expressive language disorder 315.39 Other 92508 Speech Therapy Group, 2 or more individuals Developmental articulation disorder, Phonological disorder Excludes: Lisping and lalling (307.9) Group Encounter In the event you require more codes please refer to: 4 procedures per day Related Service: Physical Therapy- PT CPT Code Description ICD-9 Code Unit Definition Restrictions 97110 Therapeutic Exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes Session limit 4 units 97112 Neuromuscular Reeducation of movement, balance, coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture, and/or proprioception for sitting and/or standing 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes Session limit 4 units 97116 Gait training including stair climbing 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder Encounter Session limit 4 units 97124 Massage Therapy including effleurage, pertrissage, tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion) 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 min Session limit 4 units 97530 Kinetic therapy-Therapeutic activities, direct (1X1) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve functional performance) 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 min Session limit 4 units 97755 Assistive Technology assessment 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder 15 minutes With written report In the event you require more codes please refer to: