NOT open to students with credit for MolGen

New Course Announcement!
Biochem 6701- Advanced Biochemistry:
Molecular Biology
To be offered Fall 2014
Tues-Thurs 9:35-10:55 am, 3 cr hr
Course director: Jane Jackman
Featuring various OSBP faculty as course
This graduate-level course will provide a broad survey of the
processes that underlie the central dogma of biology (replication,
transcription and translation), with an emphasis on biochemical
mechanisms and techniques. Students will demonstrate knowledge
of the basic mechanisms and enzymes that function in diverse
species (from Bacteria to Eukarya) and will understand how these
systems can be regulated as organisms seek to survive
environmental and developmental challenges.
Course material will be based on the required textbook Molecular
Biology: Principles of Genome Function (2 Ed.) by Craig, CohenFix, Green, Greider, Storz and Wohlberger. Grading will be based
on performance on weekly quizzes, a comprehensive final exam and
class participation. For more information, please contact Jane
Jackman (
NOT open to students with credit for MolGen/Biochem 5701 or
Micro 6080
Dr. Jane E. Jackman
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
740 Biological Sciences Bldg
484 W. 12th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-247-8097
Fax: 614-292-6773
Lab phone: 614-292-2343