Supplementary Material: Emergent global patterns of ecosystem structure and function from a mechanistic General Ecosystem Model Running head: A mechanistic general model of global ecosystems Harfoot, M. B. J.1,2*,†, Newbold T.1,2*, Tittensor, D. P.1,2,3*, Emmott, S.2, Hutton, J.1, Lyutsarev, V. 2, Smith, M. J.2, Scharlemann, J. P. W.1,4, Purves, D. W.2 1 United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, CB3 0DL, UK 2 Microsoft Research Computational Science Laboratory, Cambridge, CB1 2FB, UK 3 Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2, Canada 4 School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QG, UK * These authors contributed equally to this work † Email: 1 Table S2. Model parameters and their values Model Parameter Description Units Value Source ψ Conversion factor from kg C g (kgC)-1 9.86 Derived using data from [1] - 3.63 × 10-1 [2] - 0.01 [2] [(kgC)m-2yr-1]-1 7.15 [2] yr-1 °C-1 4.03 × 10-2 [2] component Terrestrial to plant wet matter in grams plant model πππ₯ πππ‘ππ’ππ‘ Maximum allowable value of fractional allocation of primary production to structural tissue πππ πππ‘ππ’ππ‘ Minimum allowable value of fractional allocation of primary production to structural tissue πππ π‘ππ’ππ‘ Coefficient relating fractional allocation to structural tissue to NPP me 2 Slope of the linear relationship between temperature and the mortality of evergreen leaves md Slope of the linear yr-1 °C-1 2.06 × 10-2 [2] yr-1 °C-1 4.31 × 10-2 [2] yr-1 1.01 [2] yr-1 -1.20 [2] relationship between temperature and the mortality of deciduous leaves mf Slope of the linear relationship between temperature and the mortality of fine roots ce Intercept of the linear relationship between temperature and the mortality of evergreen leaves cd Intercept of the linear relationship between 3 temperature and the mortality of deciduous leaves cf Intercept of the linear yr-1 -1.48 [2] - 1.27 [2] - -1.83 [2] - 8.45 × 10-1 [2] - 2.37 × 10-1 [2] relationship between temperature and the mortality of fine roots ππππ£ππ Relates fractional allocation of productivity to evergreen plant matter ππππ£ππ Relates fractional allocation of productivity to evergreen plant matter ππππ£ππ Relates fractional allocation of productivity to evergreen plant matter cp Intercept for the linear exponent term describing the 4 Miami model relationship between net primary production and temperature mp Slope of the linear exponent °C-1 1.01× 10-2 [2] mm-1 1.18 × 10-3 [2] (kgC) m-2 yr-1 9.62 × 10-1 [2] g (gC)-1 10.0 [3] - 0.5 Own calculations - Functional group specific (see [4,5] term relating net primary production to temperature ρ Relates net primary production to total annual precipitation ππππππ₯ Maximum possible net primary production Marine ξ Scalar to convert net marine primary primary productivity in productivity carbon to total algal biomass Heterotroph τf, functional group is active eating ππβπππ 5 Proportion of time for which Proportional herbivore assimilation efficiency πΌ0βπππ Effective rate per unit body Table S2) ha day-1 gram-1 1 × 10-11 Own calculations - 0.1 (terrestrial functional Own calculations mass at which a herbivore searches its environment πβπππ,π bherb Fraction of the total herbivore stock that is available to any groups); 1.0 (marine one herbivore cohort functional groups) Exponent of the power-law - 0.7 Own calculations g 1.0 Own calculations days 0.7 Own calculations function relating the handling time of autotroph matter to herbivore mass βπππ ππππ Reference mass for herbivore handling time (see next parameter for usage) β0βπππ Time that it would take a herbivore of body mass equal to the reference mass, 6 βπππ ππππ , to handle one gram of autotroph biomass ππππ ππ Proportional carnivore - assimilation efficiency ππππ πΌ0 The effective rate per unit Functional group specific (see [4,5] Table S2) ha day-1 gram-1 1 × 10-6 Own calculations - 0.7 Own calculations - 0.7 Own calculations body mass at which a predator searches its environment π ππππ Exponent of the power-law relationship between the handling time of prey and the ratio of prey to predator body mass πππ‘ πππππ−ππππ¦ Standard deviation of the normal distribution describing realized attack rates around the optimal predator-prey 7 body mass ratio πππ‘ ππππ,π The minimum optimal prey- - predator body mass ratio 1.0 x10-5 (baleen whale Own calculations functional groups); 0.01 (all other functional groups) πππ‘ ππ πππ‘ ππ πππππ‘ The mean optimal prey- 0.01 (baleen whale functional predator body mass ratio, groups); 0.1 (all other from which actual cohort functional groups, both optima are drawn marine and terrestrial) The standard deviation of - 3 × 10-3 (baleen whale optimal predator-prey mass functional groups); 0.02 (all ratios among cohorts other functional groups); The standard deviations of the 3 ππππ−ππππ¦ realized attack rates around the optimal predator-prey body mass ratio for which to calculate predator specific 8 - [6–8] Own calculations cumulative prey densities. ππππ β0 Time that it would take a days 0.5 Own calculations - 1.6 [9] °C 6.61 [9] predator of body mass equal ππππ to the reference mass, ππππ , to handle a prey individual of body mass equal to one gram Activity ππ‘ππ,π‘πππππ π‘ππππ Slope of the relationship between monthly temperature variability and the upper critical temperature limit relative to annual mean temperature, for terrestrial ectothermic functional groups ππ‘ππ,π‘πππππ π‘ππππ Intercept of the relationship between monthly temperature variability and the upper critical temperature limit 9 relative to annual mean temperature, for terrestrial ectothermic functional groups ππ‘π π Slope of the relationship - 1.53 [9] °C 1.51 [9] between monthly temperature variability and the optimal temperature relative to annual mean temperature, for terrestrial ectothermic functional groups ππ‘π π Intercept of the relationship between monthly temperature variability and the optimal temperature relative to annual mean temperature, for terrestrial ectothermic functional groups 10 Metabolism πΉππ πΌ0,π π΅ππ πΌ0,π Mass- and temperature- metab,FMR eV g −b 9.08 × 1011 (endothermic independent metabolic rate functional groups); 1.49 × constants for field metabolic 1011 (ectothermic functional rates groups) Mass- and temperature- metab,BMR [10] eV g −b 4.19 × 1010 [11] eV 0.69 [11] - 0.7 (endothermic functional [10] independent metabolic rate constants for basal metabolic rates πΈπ΄ Aggregate activation Energy of metabolic reactions πππππ‘ππ,πΉππ Body mass exponents for field metabolic rates groups); 0.88 (ectothermic functional groups) π πππ‘ππ,π΅ππ Body mass exponents for - 0.69 [11] g kJ-1 3.7 × 10-2 Own calculation using [12] basal metabolic rates ES 11 Scalar to convert energy in kJ to energy in grams body mass Reproduction π½ πππππ Threshold ratio of total body - 1.5 Own calculations g 0.05 Own calculations g 0.05 Own calculations mass to adult body mass above which reproductive events are assumed to occur ππ½ When evolution occurs, standard deviation of the normal distribution describing an offspring cohort’s juvenile mass around its parent cohort's juvenile mass ππ΄ When evolution occurs, standard deviation of the normal distribution describing an offspring cohort’s adult mass around its parent cohort's adult mass 12 π Proportion of current body - 0.5 Own calculations 1× 10-3 Own calculations 3 × 10-3 Own calculations day-1 1 Own calculations - 0.6 Own calculations mass assigned to reproduction during semelparous reproduction Non- μbg Instantaneous fractional rate day-1 of background mortality predation mortality ππ π Instantaneous fractional rate day-1 of senescence mortality for an individual at the point of maturity ππππ₯ Maximum possible fractional rate of starvation mortality per day ππ π‘ The inflection point of the logistic function describing the ratio of the realized 13 starvation mortality rate to the maximum starvation mortality rate ππ π‘ The scaling parameter for the - 0.05 Own calculations g 1 N/A km month-1 2.78 x10-2 [13] - 0.48 [13] logistic function describing the ratio of the realized starvation mortality rate to the maximum starvation mortality rate Dispersal πππ π ππππ Diffusive dispersal reference mass ππππ π Diffusive dispersal speed of an individual of mass equal to the reference mass ππππ π Exponent for the power law describing the scaling of dispersal distance with 14 current individual body mass relative to the reference diffusive dispersal mass πππ ππππ ππ£π π½ππππ ππ‘π¦ Mass-proportional density g km-2 5.0 x104 Own calculations - 0.8 Own calculations - 50 Own calculations dependent threshold below which reproduction-related responsive dispersal is attempted πππ ππππ ππ£π π½ππππ¦πππ π Ratio of adult body mass to mature mass below which starvation-related responsive dispersal is attempted Other model processes π Scales the minimum body mass specified for a functional group to establish a minimum adult mass for a cohort in that functional 15 group πΆπ΄ππ’ππ‘−π½π’π£ For seeding initial cohorts, g 2.24 (terrestrial); 2.5 (marine) Own calculations - 0.13 (terrestrial); 0.2 (marine) Own calculations g 0.5 Own calculations - 1 Own calculations the intercept term for the linear relationship between the expected log adult to juvenile mass ratio and adult mass π·π΄ππ’ππ‘−π½π’π£ For seeding initial cohorts, the slope of the linear relationship between the expected log adult to juvenile mass ratio and adult mass ππ΄ππ’ππ‘−π½π’π£ Standard deviation of the log normal distribution of Adult to Juvenile body mass ratios π½ ππ₯π‘ππππ‘ Abundance threshold below which a cohort is assumed to 16 be destined for extinction and is removed from the model π cohort 3.3 × 103 Own calculations g km-2 3 × 105 Own calculations, based on [14] - 0.6 Own calculations based on [14] Pi - 3.14 [15] Boltzmann constant eV K-1 8.62 × 10-5 [16] Reference number of cohorts for which biomass relationship was established π Scalar for the relationship describing initial cohort biomass density as a function of initial cohort body mass π Base of the exponential relationship describing initial cohort biomass density as a function of initial cohort body mass (the exponent) Mathematical π constants ππ΅ 17 References 1. 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