September 2014 Draft Minutes

Final September 10, 2014 ANC 4-C Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order 6:33 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introduction of Commissioners: Shanel Anthony, Vann-Di M. Galloway,
Michael Yates, Joseph Maloney, Joseph Vaughan, Timothy A. Jones and Rickey Williams,
Jr. present. Zachary Hartman, Jeff Standish and Janell Rawlings absent.
3. Approval of the Agenda. There were several amendments made to the Agenda:
 Commissioner Jones removed the Urban Land Institute Conference under the
presentations section.
 Commissioner Galloway postponed the Safeway President’s ANC address until the
October meeting.
 Commissioner Anthony tabled the Teatro de la Luna Grant Application.
 Commissioner Vaughan tabled the Community Association of Upper 14th Street
 Commissioner Anthony tabled the NDC BZA Application for 4308-4310 Georgia
Avenue NW.
 Commissioner Jones added 605 Taylor Street NW to Presentations.
Commissioner Maloney made the motion to approve the amended agenda Commissioner
Galloway seconded the motion.
4. Reading and approval of the August 2014 Minutes, Commissioner Galloway made the
motion to approve the minutes as amended by Commissioner Yates the motion was
seconded by Commissioner Maloney. Roll call: 5 yeas and 1 abstention.
5. Treasurers Report: Commissioner Yates recapped Fiscal Year 2014. ANC 4C started the
Fiscal year with approximately $29,200, so far $28,000 has been expended as follows:
administrative support $10,500, grants totaling $8,200 to the community, printing the
quarterly ANC newsletters total $2,700, monthly meeting refreshments totaling $1,600, ANC
4C operation totaling $4,000 for a new computer, the phone bill, printing, copying, flyer
distribution, the ANC 4C web-site, miscellaneous bank charges, with $1,200 remaining. The
fiscal year ends on September 30, 2014, the last allotment is expected in September. The
saving account balance is $18,734; the checking account balance is $4,200.
6. Metropolitan Police Report: Violent crime down 64% and property crimes down 30% in the
past 60 days, police will carry body cameras.
7. DC Fire EMS - No Representation
8. Councilmember Muriel Bowser’s Office - No Representation
9. Keith Holman, Mayor Grays Office - No Representation
1. Bridges Public Charter School: Pre-school to 7th grade, Christine Ridgeley new principal
serving 282 students, looking into expanding to Taylor Street if the economics work.
Depending on what happens to Sharpe Health School. Adding a grade level each year.
No Action.
2. Urban Land Institute Conference Commissioner Jones removed this item from the agenda.
3. Commissioner Vaughan tabled the Community Association of Upper 14th Street (CAUFS).
4. Lyman's Tavern BZA variance request for a new fence surrounding restaurants the patio.
Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the variance the motion Commissioner
Vaughan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Solar Protection Resolution: Commissioner Williams made the motion to support the Solar
Protection Resolution on Pop-ups and to move forward with solar protection, Commissioner
Maloney seconded the motion. Commissioners Yates and Jones voted no. The motion
6. The Safeway President’s Address to the ANC was postponed by Commissioner Galloway.
7. Department of General Services presentation on the improvement plans for Roosevelt High
School: The improvement plan is two-fold, first provide street accessibility to the building
and re-opening the main entrance on 13th with a new bus drop off on 13th street leading to the
main entrance and second landscaped fire retention gardens installed along side the existing
sidewalk on 13th Street to collect rain water, filter it away from the site and redirect away
from the storm drains. Commissioner Vaughan made the motion to draft a letter of support
for curb cuts for Roosevelt High School Commissioner Galloway second the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
8. 605 Taylor Street NW BZA application for a building permit for a zone variance.
Commissioner Jones made the motion to support the application for the zoning variance
Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
9. The DC Preparatory School DDOT Request for parking restrictions on 16th, 15th and Allison
Streets, for the periods of 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. for 15 minute drop-off in the morning and
pick-up in the afternoons from 4:00 6:00 pm. Commissioner Maloney made the
motion to support the NOI and the extension of the comment period Commissioner Vaughan
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
ABRA Matters:
Brightwood Café owner signed the joint settlement agreement with ANC 4A and ANC 4C
Commissioner Yates made the motion to approve the settlement agreement with the following
stipulations: the hours of operation 8:00 am to 12:00 am Sunday through Thursday; 8:00 am to
2:00 a.m. on weekends Friday through Saturday ; and the side walk café will be open until 11:00
pm at night, parking is limited signs will be posted on the website, a buffer zone will limit the
noise from the patio, security and trash clean-up provided at the end of each night. Late night
parking was not included m the settlement agreement. The owner was encouraged to seek
private parking arrangements Commissioner Galloway seconded the motion. 1 opposition from
Commissioner Vaughan. The motion passed.
1. Teatro de la Luna Grant Application was tabled by Commissioner Anthony.
New Business:
1. NDC BZA Application for 4308-4310 Georgia Avenue NW was tabled by Commissioner
2. Roosevelt High School General Services
Commissioner Galloway made the motion to adjourn the meeting he was seconded by
Commissioner Maloney the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.