GSFNC Sun Protection Policy - Golden Square Football Netball Club

Golden Square Football Netball Club
Sun Protection Policy
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Despite being an almost
entirely preventable disease it continues to affect at least one in every two Australians
during their lifetime. Of all new cancers diagnosed in Australia each year, 80% are skin
People who work outdoors for all or part of the day have a higher than average risk of
skin cancer. This is because ultraviolet radiation in sunlight or ‘solar UVR’ is a known
All skin types can be damaged by exposure to solar UVR. Damage is permanent and
irreversible and increases with each exposure.
Golden Square Football Netball Club (GSFNC) will provide an environment which provides
education and tools to assist players, supporters and volunteers to minimize the risks
associated with exposure to solar UVR.
This policy aims to provide ongoing education and support to reduce exposure to solar
UVR by implementing appropriate sun protection control measures.
Our Commitment
GSFNC will conduct a risk assessment to identify any volunteers, players or
spectators who have a high risk of exposure to solar UVR and situations where
exposure to solar UVR occurs.
GSFNC will attempt reduce exposure to solar UVR by supplying sun protection
GSFNC will inform players and supporters when it is necessary to use sun
protection control measures while outdoors.
GSFNC will ensure injury reporting procedures are followed when an incident or
sunburn or excessive exposure to solar UVR occurs at the ground.
The Committee will (in conjunction with GSCOM and Council):
 Provide shaded areas or temporary shade where possible
 Modify reflective surfaces where possible
 Provide indoor areas and shaded outdoor areas
 Encourage volunteers to rotate between indoor/shaded and outdoor tasks where
UV exposure is extreme
 Provide and ensure use of appropriate sun protective PPE in line with SunSmart
guidelines including sun protective hats and sunscreen.
Members, Players, volunteers will:
 Co-operate with all measures introduced by the Club to minimize the risks
associated with exposure to solar UVR
 Comply with instructions and advice in regards to use of sun protection control
 Participate in sun protection education programs
 Act as positive role models
 Be responsible for their own sun protective practices at football.
Racial and Religious Discrimination
No person in his/her capacity as a spectator or participant in the Club in the course of
carrying out his/her duties or functions as or incidental to being a participant in the
Club shall engage in conduct that discriminates, directly or indirectly against another
person on the basis of that persons race, religion, colour, descent or national or
ethnic origin.
No person in his/her capacity as a spectator or participant in the Club in the course of
carrying out his/her duties or functions as or incidentatl to being a participant in the
Club shall victimize another person.
A person will victimize another person (the victim) if:
a) The person subjects or threatens to subject the victim to any detriment because
the victim (or a person associated with the victim) intends to or has lodged a
complaint in contravention of this Policy; or
b) The person assists, requests, induces, encourages or authorizes another person to
subject the victim to any detriment because the victim (or a person associated
with the victim) intends to or has lodged a complaint in contravention of this
Authorised Persons
The Club will appoint a Committee Member as a Protections Officer to ensure that any
breach of this Policy is responded to in an equitable and prompt manner.
Complaints Process
Confidentiality must be maintained throughout the complaints process. All parties to a
complaint, the President (or Delegate), the Clubs Complaints Officer, any witnesses and
the Conciliator must all agree, in writing, to the maintenance of confidentiality. No
person involved in the complaints process shall publicly comment on any aspect of the
complaints process without the prior written agreement of all parties.
Clubs Liability
The Club may be vicariously liable for conduct engaged in by a participant, which if found
to have contravened this Policy, if the Club is unable to establish that it took reasonable
precautions to prevent the participant from engaging in that conduct.
Policy Review
To ensure this policy continues to be relevant for club operation and that it reflects
community expectations, the policy will be reviewed annually.