Programme Outline and Information Pack

Information Pack for Edinburgh Orthodontic Therapist Training Programme 2016
This pack contains:
Outline of Edinburgh Orthodontic Therapist Training Programme including How to
Apply and Person Specification for Trainee and Trainer
Student Application Form
Trainer Application Form
Outline of Work Placement Form
Trainer/Supervisor Commitments Form
1. Outline of Edinburgh Orthodontic Therapist Training Programme
Programme outline and format
The Edinburgh Orthodontic Therapist Training Programme is run by NHS Education for
Scotland at Edinburgh Dental Education Centre. It lasts for approximately 12 months and
has gained full approval from the General Dental Council for training Orthodontic Therapists.
There will be 8 places available for the next programme commencing on Monday 6th June
The initial core programme (Introduction to Clinical Practice) lasts for 4 weeks, after which
students will train in their work placements for approximately 9 further months, before being
eligible to sit the Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy awarded by The Royal College of
Surgeons of Edinburgh.
During this period of work placement, students will return to Edinburgh Dental Education
Centre for a further 10 days, which will be spread over the remaining period of the training
programme, and which will include support and preparation for the Diploma examination.
Who is eligible to apply?
To be eligible to join the training programme, applicants must be registered as a Dental
Care Professional with the GDC and have appropriate professional indemnity insurance.
They must also have the written support of a suitably qualified orthodontist trainer, who is
on the Orthodontic Specialist list of the GDC. Trainers must attend a ‘trainer training’ event
to prepare them for their trainer role on the programme.
When does the programme start?
The programme starts on Monday 6th June 2016 with the ‘Introduction to Clinical Practice’
core programme which will last for 4 weeks.
How much does it cost?
The fees for the programme are £8,000 for student Orthodontic Therapists working within
the NHS in Scotland and £12,500 for any students working outwith NHS Scotland.
Programme fees are payable in advance, and must be paid at the time of acceptance of a
place no later than 6 weeks before the start of the programme. Failure to pay the fee in time
will lead to your offer of a place being withdrawn and offered to an alternative student. No
fees will be refundable after acceptance.
For information about the current examination fees for the Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy,
please visit:
How do I apply?
This information pack contains detailed person specifications for both prospective students
and their trainers, including essential and desirable criteria which will be taken into account
in the shortlisting, interview and appointment process.
Places will be allocated by competitive entry. As part of the process of being appointed to
the training programme, there will be a work placement assessment to ensure the facilities
are suitable for the clinical work placement. This will be similar to the process of assessing
a General Dental Practice for Dental Vocational Training.
You should fully complete the following application forms:
Student Application Form
Trainer Application Form
Outline of Work Placement Form
Trainer/Supervisor Commitments Form
These forms must be completed electronically, and e-mailed by noon on Thursday 31st
December 2015 to:
Applicants are required to identify two referees who can comment on their academic and
professional suitability for the training programme. The prospective trainer must be one of
the referees.
The work placements of those provisionally selected for the programme will be inspected in
January/February 2016.
Interviews will be held on Wednesday 9Th March 2016 and applicants must be accompanied
by their prospective trainer when attending for interview. Please note that no alternative
interview date will be available.
The interview process will involve an individual interview with the applicant and a joint
discussion with the applicant and their prospective trainer. Prospective trainers will also
have an opportunity to discuss the trainer role with the Programme Tutor separately.
Final offers will be made on completion of the interview process.
The ‘Trainer Training’ course will be run on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th April 2016 in the
Edinburgh Dental Education Centre.
What if I have any further questions?
Please e-mail
2. Person Specification for the Student Orthodontic Therapist
Registrable GDC DCP qualification
and Training
A minimum of one year of full-time (or part-time equivalent), post-qualification
Skills and
Good communicator
Manually dextrous
Sound basic IT skills – e-mail and the Internet
Caring approach to patients
Able to work under pressure
Evidence of high degree of integrity in all professional areas and an
understanding and adherence to all GDC Standards documentation
Aware of own limitations and when to ask for assistance in line with GDC Scope
of Practice
Excellent team player
Able to attend core programme on a full time basis
Aware of and fully committed to the requirements of the programme
Demonstrate both a desire and capability to learn
Access to computer and broadband internet
National Examining Board for Dental
Nurses (NEBDN) Certificate in
Orthodontic Dental Nursing
2 years of full-time (or part-time
equivalent) experience in a
specialist orthodontic practice or
Hospital/SDS orthodontic
Experience in the use of Word and
PowerPoint or equivalent
Open minded and able to manage
Hard working with attention to detail
3. Person Specification for the Trainer
Registered on the Specialist Orthodontist List of the GDC
Training Skills
Willingness to undertake appropriate preparation and training required to become and
remain a trainer and to apply this whilst acting as a trainer
Commitment to
the programme
Willing to re-organise own daily routine and that of practice/clinic to take account of the
presence of a student orthodontic therapist
Willing to supervise student clinical treatment, maintaining an appropriate case load,
selecting appropriate patients and supervising their management by the student
orthodontic therapist during each visit
Demonstrates a desire to train and an enthusiasm for orthodontic therapy training
Be willing to monitor the student’s progress in the clinical setting, undertake assessment
and provide regular feedback
Be prepared to work closely with the programme staff throughout the programme
Prepared to ensure that the training environment consistently meets the requirements for
work placements
Provide a designated dental chair and appropriate nursing and administrative support for
the student orthodontic therapist
Support work placement assessment visits and willingly respond to reports
Proven commitment to postgraduate education and CPD
Audit and CPD
Skills and
A capable and ethical clinician
Good communicator
Sound basic IT skills – confident with the use of e-mail and the internet and with a level
of ability capable of assisting the student in these areas
Willing to offer appropriate pastoral support to a student orthodontic therapist
Evidence of high degree of integrity in all professional areas and understands
confidentially and ethics
Dynamic and open to educational opportunities
Works as part of a team in a well-run practice or hospital department
Able to work as trainer throughout duration of training programme
Aware of and committed to the requirements of the programme
Demonstrate flexibility and the desire to learn
Registered Diploma or Membership in
Orthodontics of one of the Royal
Previous experience of training
Previous experience of undergraduate
or Dental VT supervision
Is up-to-date on current best clinical
Can demonstrate involvement in staff
appraisal, training and development
Current participation in peer review,
audit and research
Experience in the use of Word,
PowerPoint and Excel or equivalent
Skilled in digital photography
Open minded and able to manage
Demonstrate leadership qualities
Enthusiastic and positive
4. Duties and Obligations of the Student Orthodontic Therapist
The following is a list of obligations contained within a learning agreement document to be
issued to the student Orthodontic Therapist. The Trainer will need to ensure that the student
fulfils all of these obligations:
1. Attend the practice or hospital department for the agreed hours and perform such
clinical duties as appropriate for patient care and personal learning needs.
2. Be willing to act as a participant in clinical orthodontic exercises performed by other
students during the core training programme.
3. Determine personal learning needs in discussion with the Trainer.
4. Maintain and keep up to date the logbook and be prepared to submit it for inspection
when requested.
5. Take an active part both in weekly tutorials with the trainer and periodic progress
6. Attend the entire core programme and all study days organised during the training
period; normally, the only reason for not attending a study day will be sickness.
(Prior written approval from the Programme Director or Tutor must be obtained for
absence from the core programme and study days other than sickness].
7. Ensure that holidays do not lead to absence from the study days.
8. Complete a set project during the training period.
9. Adhere to all the programme rules and regulations.
5. The Role of the Trainer
The main part of the student’s training will occur within the work placement under the close
supervision of an appointed trainer. S/he must be on the GDC Orthodontic Specialist list
and must be able and willing to modify the running of the practice/department to provide a
suitable training environment. They will be responsible for the selection of appropriate
patients for training and will act, not only as a clinical trainer, but also as a mentor and role
The provision of the required level of supervision will be very demanding. Each trainer must
appreciate that they are embarking on a process which is more akin to teaching a first year
undergraduate dental student than a Vocational Dental Practitioner or Specialty Registrar.
Each patient treated by the student will need to be seen at the commencement, during and
at the end of each visit. This will be highly disruptive to the running of a practice/department
unless it is well organised and managed.
There may be some advantage for training to occur in a site with multiple Specialists who
can share responsibility by designating specific sessions for supervision. A designated ‘lead’
trainer could be responsible for coordinating the trainers within a training site. The details of
all those who may be involved in student supervision must be included with the trainer
application form.
All trainers within such a site would have to be on the Specialist Orthodontic list and would
be required to undergo trainer training to prepare them for their teaching, support and
assessment roles before a student commences their training work placement. This training
will be organised by the Tutor supported by other NES staff and will be based upon the wellestablished Dental Vocational Training and Clinical Supervision training courses already run
by NES. It will additionally contain elements defining the selection of patients for the
student, clinical log book keeping, assessment procedures, case presentations, projects and
practice visits.
Trainers and students will be expected to fulfil their educational obligations as detailed within
a learning agreement document, modelled on the standard Dental VT version which will be
issued to the student. NES will seek a report from PSD for Specialists practising
Orthodontics in the GDS.
Students will at all times remain employees of their specialist practice or NHS Health Board.
6. Work Placement Requirements
Having satisfactorily completed the 4 week core teaching programme, each student will have
had their first experience of working within a patient’s mouth and have started to acquire
initial patient management and technical skills. It is essential as they move to their work
placements that they enter a suitable and supportive training environment.
Selection of Work Placements:
The training site must be one where the highest standards of dental care are routinely
practiced by all members of staff. The facilities must be appropriately equipped, maintained,
managed and staffed. A designated chair and qualified dental nurse must be available to
the student.
Each site will be inspected, prior to student selection, and assessed against a detailed
practice/department inspection document to ensure that it meets the requirements specified.
Experienced NES practice inspectors will be used and the inspection document will be
modelled from the Scottish Dental Vocational Training practice inspection document.
Requirements will include safe practice environment, equipment and instrumentation,
support staff, practice/department organisation and the training environment.
A copy of the inspection document is available upon request and will be sent out to all
prospective work placements upon receipt of the student and trainer application forms.
It is likely to include:
Safe Practice/Clinic Environment
Compliance with all necessary legislation including Health and Safety
Infection control and decontamination demonstration
Appropriate medical emergency drug kit
Examination of drug kit and emergency oxygen supply
Date and evidence of CPR training
Equipment and Instrumentation
Identified clinical space for student orthodontic therapist
Appropriate quality and quantity of contemporary orthodontic instrumentation and
Light cure systems
Access to radiographic equipment for panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs
Access to digital photography
Appropriate storage and retrieval system for study casts
Availability of appropriate orthodontic educational resources e.g. books, videos, journals
Support Staff and Practice/Clinic Organisation
Nursing support identified for student orthodontic therapist
Appropriate administrative and secretarial support
Availability of practice literature and patient information leaflets for orthodontic treatment
Good quality of clinical records (photos, study models and radiographs)
Appointment book – sufficient time for procedures and treatment of non-medical
emergencies (guidelines to be provided)
Clinical audit/peer review undertaken
Clinical governance in place
D The Practice/Clinic as a Training Environment
Proximity of trainer – as every patient will need to be seen with the trainer
Colleagues other than the trainer prepared to be involved if required
Range of work (variety of malocclusions and treatment approaches in common use)
Use of a laboratory providing appliances to an appropriate standard
Access to internet and e-mail and computer with standard Microsoft software
Weekly Timetable
The details of working hours and annual leave will be a matter for agreement between the
student and the trainer. However, it is expected that during each week of the work
placement, students will receive no less than 27 hours of supervised clinical training. This
should be tailored to ensure a broad exposure to clinical problems and the techniques used
to manage them. The student’s performance during each session will be recorded by the
trainer and allocated gradings/marks which will be fed back to the student.
Students will record each day’s clinical activity in their clinical log books using the clinical log
book data sheets. These will be checked at regular intervals by the Tutor, and ultimately by
the Programme Director, to ensure that the students are receiving a broad and balanced
In addition, work placement trainers will be expected to provide a one-hour tutorial, within
protected time, to offer support and to monitor student progress, including reviewing the
student’s Portfolio of Progress and Achievement.
The remaining portion of each week, comprising approximately 6 or 7 hours will be
designated for self-directed learning. Students will be expected to undertake background
reading, prepare their case presentations and complete their projects. Support for these
activities will be available during the additional days of training.
Monitoring of Training during Work Placement
1. Each clinical session from the outset to the conclusion of the training programme will be
scored with feedback provided at the end of the session. Log book data sheet entries
must be completed for all patients and filed within the clinical log book.
2. Assessments within the work placements will use the Direct Observation of Procedural
Skills (DOPS) system, modified for use within the Orthodontic Therapist Training
3. Student performance and progress will be reviewed at scheduled monthly meetings
between the student and the Tutor. This will also provide a forum for the student to raise
any issues they may have about their training.
4. Formal reviews will be carried out by the student and the trainer during months 3, 5 and
8 of the work placement, with a written record of progress to be agreed and a copy kept
in the student’s Portfolio of Progress and Achievement. An additional copy will be
forwarded to the Tutor, who will meet with the student and trainer, where appropriate, to
facilitate in the management of any local difficulties.
5. The Portfolio of Progress and Achievement will comprise the clinical log book, the
project, the two case presentations and all assessments and progress reports. It will be
regularly reviewed by the work placement trainer and Tutor during the work placement
and extended training programme and will be presented for review as part of the final
examination process.
7. Student Orthodontic Therapist Application Form
Please see separate document on NES website at:
8. Trainer Application Form
Please see separate document on NES website at:
9. Outline of Work Placement Form
Please see separate document on NES website at:
10. Trainer/Supervisor(s) Commitments Form
Please see separate document on NES website at:
11. The Programme Director and Tutor
Graham Orr is Director of Postgraduate GDP Education for the
East and North East regions, based in Dundee and Aberdeen;
and the national workstream lead for DCP Education. He
qualified in Newcastle and was a GDP for 25 years alongside a
series of posts in dental education in the North East of England
before moving to NES in 2008.
Margaret Davie is the Programme Tutor and works part-time for
NHS Education for Scotland. A qualified hygienist since 1991,
Margaret has worked within hospital and salaried services and
within Orthodontics since 1996. She qualified as an Orthodontic
Therapist in 2008 and is currently employed part-time as a
Hygienist/Orthodontic Therapist by NHS Lothian.